Womens Running


Monday (dailies) (Read 10 times)




     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Thunderstorms here last night, a damn light/sound show from 3am-4:30am, so coffee is badly needed this morning. I've been scared of loud thunder (and fireworks, basically any loud kabooms closer than 100km radius) since early childhood and it hasn't really changed much, so at one point sitting in bathroom (the only room without windows and gas exhausts) seemed like an appealing option.


      Continuing the Z1/Z2 training w new coach, and while I do realize it's good for long-term, it takes some patience. Lots of it. Let's see.


      Also, friend is running her first ultra this weekend... 86km!! For a first ultra, haha, sheesh. Her (road) marathon PB is ~ 3:30, and she's constantly in top10-15 in ~20km trail races here (outrunning most guys too), afterwards calling the race ''a fun experience'' not ''I won't be able to use stairs for a while". Which makes sense, she's been training in karate/cliff climbing since forever - so strength/cardio is not an issue - but still... I'm worried about her a little.


       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris



        Elina I bet she does great. And that's annoying. Lol.


        T-storms and sideways rain last night. We needed the rain but could have done without the wind.


        Rest day today. I'm bringing the car to Costco to have the tires rotated and to check one of them because it's pulling the same crap that HCK tire did awhile back. It keeps losing air. It's only a year old tire so hopefully it doesn't need replacing.


        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



        Former Bad Ass

          We got everything in Indianapolis: thunder, wind, lightning, tornadoes, hail. The hail was big. One tornado touched down and destroyed houses and apartments. And then 8K in my town lost power. All while it was sunny and nice by my house and we had power. We got lucky.

          The hail:


          No description available.


          Anonymous Guest

            Good morning! I did something I rarely do this morning - after letting the dogs out and feeding them, I went back to bed for another hour. It was awesome. But that means today is a running rest day, because hot. I think I am going to not sign up for the Wyoming marathon I was thinking about doing in August and just focus on the November one. I am realizing with my lower volume (and probably my advancing age a bit as well), I do not recover as quickly from marathons. It was 8 weeks between Boston and Anchorage and that was just not enough. I will probably do the Wyoming one next year, it's not that far of a drive from our place in Colorado, plus the camping/hiking/fishing/mountain biking in that area looks amazing.


            Elina, oh man, I am sorry for your crappy night. I think your friend will be okay as long as she realizes how much easier she needs to go out than a typical race for her.


            Lori, ugh on the tire. We desperately need rain, but I do hate the violent storms that come with it in the summer.


            Damaris, lucky for your location! I saw a video of a tornado hitting a housing development near Indianapolis (I had to look it up on google maps, looks like it was just south of Indy) and it was brutal.

            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

            Check out my website and youtube channel


            Mighty Mouse

              Elina, I'm sure thunder is really scary. I think about you a lot and pray that the situation over there calms down and stops.


              Damaris, that hail size is awful! I'm so sorry for those who lost everything. 


              SB run yesterday 60 minutes. Today 35 minutes running and 25 minutes walking on TM.

              Where is the "any" key?   



                Reporting back after a  fun and inspiring (but long) weekend at Western States.  Basically no sleep from 6:20 am on Saturday until 8 pm on Sunday.  Tried to nap after getting home on Sunday but was too wired.  According to my Garmin's body battery, I was flatlining most of the day on Sunday.  


                Some highlights from the weekend:

                • Mild weather, with a high of 81.  The usual heat will resume this week, with highs of over 100 next weekend.
                • Relatedly, one of the highest finish rates ever, at 86.5%, with little carnage at my aid station.
                • I enjoyed being a regular volunteer and did not miss the stress of being in charge since I retired from being aid station captain.
                • Relatedly, WS race management trekked out to my aid station to present me with a "Friend of the Trail" plaque to thank me for 11 years of being captain at the ALT aid station (but they did not include a race entry, darn it   Wink
                • Having a front row seat to see Courtney Dauwalter setting a huge course record... priceless.

                Kilmisters, I feel the way about big winds as you do about thunder.  Hate it.


                Lori, good luck with the tires.


                Damaris, scary weather.  Hope you continue to be lucky.


                Karen, sounds smart to postpone Wyoming marathon.


                Judy, nice workouts!


                I went for a walk with DH this morning.  Might try a joggity jog later.  Still a little wary about the left knee, it isn't sore but it also doesn't seem 100% yet.  Need to check in at work this afternoon too, blah.


                A couple pics.  Courtney looked like she was out for a fun run.  Hardly slowed down as she came through the aid station.  Grabbed some ice waved, thanked everyone, and took off.



                Earlier in the evening, with a new aid station sign that of the volunteers provided.



                My messy van and the WS award.  I might have been asleep in this pic, it doesn't look like my eyes are open.


                5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



                  Margaret, what an awesome award for and awesome lady.


                  Apparently my tire had a nail and it was patched.


                  *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                   **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    40 minutes eassy on the treadmill after work. We're getting the storms Docket & BerthaSlayer had yesterday, but luckily not as bad.


                    Kilmisters, I imagine with what's going on near you, thunder can be unnerving.


                    BerthaSlayer, ugh on the tire. Hope you have betterr luck than me getting it fixed.


                    Docket, yikes, that is some huge hail. Ours was either nickel or dime sized in areas where it fell.


                    AnonymousGuest, sometimes you just need the sleep. Do the dogs let you sleep once they are up?


                    judyrus, nice workouts.


                    GatsbyBird, do volunteers get any extra tickets in the lottery?



                      GatsbyBird, do volunteers get any extra tickets in the lottery?


                      No extra tickets for the general lottery, but each aid station receives a guaranteed race entry to give away however they see fit.  Not free, but it's still a good perk compared to the dismal odds in the general lottery.  My running club has a lottery for all volunteers at our aid station who have qualified for WS.  If you don't get picked for the race entry, your tickets roll over to the next year (assuming you continue to volunteer and qualify for WS) similar to the general lottery.  As captain, I got an extra ticket.  It's a great way to get volunteers.

                      5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR