Womens Running


It’s the Maine Event Weekend (Read 22 times)

Anonymous Guest

    Good morning! I hope much fun and laughter is happening in Maine

    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

    Check out my website and youtube channel

    Anonymous Guest

      All my baby runners are out of town for the long weekend or busy with family stuff, so I decided I’d take another rest day. DH was up early to go ride though, so I was up and noticed it was cloudy (it was already 80 degrees, but cloudy) so I put on my running clothes and went out for a few miles. 5.7 was enough, and of course there was full sun by then. A quick jump in the pool and I feel brand new.

      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

      Check out my website and youtube channel


      WINE o'clock somewhere!

        Seven of us in a mini van heading to the coast, much fun indeed.

        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

        Beast of Burden - August 2024

        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



        Former Bad Ass

          Woohoo!  Hoping you ladies are having fun!


          I have 6 and weights.  I got home too late last night so I only ran 5 then.



          Former Bad Ass

            Thanks to Karen, I ordered all our GUs for cheap!



              Good luck and have fun everyone!


              Woke up at noon, then napped till 3pm. Yes. 3pm. Excuses being 1) it was a tough week 2) K let me. While first is not a good one (every week is), second one is rare.


              It's insanely hot out there. Going out for 2-3mi to earn that beer Smile


              Edit: funny how 10+mi runs are usually uneventful, but this (only) 3mi run involved seeing a deer and meeting a little piece of crap dog that decided to attack my leg and leave a mark. Meh. I am taking ''no big deal, just a little pissed off'' about the dog part, can't say the same about DH.


               ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


              ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris



                Good luck to the Maine event peeps.  FB looks as of they are having fun.


                Got the TM moved to the little house last night so did my 10 miles there this morning.  It is hot AF.  Going later to drop off to Goodwill and have some Texas Roadhouse.


                Karen what I wouldn't do for a pool.  Course I don't want to take care of on so there's that.


                Elina nice sleep!  Rare indeed you get a break from little ones.


                Hope Lizzie is having fun.


                Damaris nice 5.



                  Diane, pools are a lot of work unless you have a service to keep them clean. But I agree the thought of coming back from a run and jumping in the pool is tempting.


                  Elina, I would be ticked at the dog and especially at the owner.


                  Karen, sounds like you did enough mileage -- you did do a marathon last week!


                  Damaris, where did you order the GUs from? Not planning to order some, just curious.


                  We are getting ready to leave for the race. Horrible conditions -- we are out of diet Coke! Must stop.


                  And great news -- the two kittens who went back to be fixed and adopted on Wednesday were adopted together on Friday afternoon. I didn't think they would be in the center for long, however I'm really glad Jacques and Jericho went together.


                  Cool, cloudy, not windy. Hope we have an uneventful event!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    www.runningwarehouse.com  As Karen said, they have a sale of them, so I took advantage and replenish.  Plus my Marathon maniac discount with them gave me a total of 50% off them.


                    Good luck to our Maine ladies!


                    I have 7 miles and weights.  Our AC is dripping water, and it started at midnight last night, sigh.


                    Anonymous Guest

                      Taking the day off from running today. I decided I'd let myself rest as much as I felt like this past week, and that includes today. Probably a little bit of swimming (very little as I'm still so bad at it) and maybe even some time on the bike trainer at some point today. But for now, I drink coffee and hang out with the dog. Tomorrow I start back training hard, including OTF and strength training and building up lots and lots of miles.


                      The Maine people should all be out running by now - hope they are having a wonderful time!


                      Elina, wow, nice job on the sleep.


                      Damaris, I have a large box of Gu headed my way as well. I always buy the 24 packs, but noticed there was no difference in price per unit between the 8 and 24, so branched out into 8 packs of a couple other flavors I haven't had in awhile. I did get a 24 pack of the birthday cake.


                      Diane, nice job on the 10! I am having trouble motivating in this heat. I see in m fb memories that it was just as hot last year, but I don't remember it being that hard to get out the door then. The pool is nice - I don't know how you do SE TX without one. Really not much work, especially for me as DH keeps on top of it. Just check the chemistry and add what's needed once/week and brush the sides once/week and that's about it. Well worth about 1/2 hour a week of his time!


                      Tessa, no diet coke?!?!? I hope you survived. Were there no Costcos between Detroit and Maine to stop and buy a few cases? I guess you guys were in Canada for a part of it, are there Costcos in Canada? Awesome on the kittens being adopted together.

                      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                      Check out my website and youtube channel

                      LC Runs

                        Happy Sunday!


                        5.1 hot and humid miles for me today, 70 degrees at 8 am.  At least there was a little bit of a breeze.  I am just glad the snow is gone LOL.


                        Heading to BF's dad's lake house this afternoon, perfect day to tool around on a boat.


                        Hope all of you Maine runners are having fun, loved the picture yesterday!!


                        Damaris - hope you had a good run yesterday!


                        Elina - never apologize for a nap!!  Ugh on the dog nip, I hate when people leave their dogs loose and unattended.


                        Diane - awesome TM run!!


                        Tessa - glad you are having  fun!  Great news about the kittens!


                        Karen - sounds like a perfect rest day...we had a pool when I was married and it was great in the summer.  I will say that in Michigan it was a lot of work since you had to open and close it every year and it only got used for about 4 months a year, But, definitely a must in a climate that  is hot and humid year round!!


                        Cupcake Connoisseur

                          Hi ladies!


                          I have been sticking to my guns and resting this weekend. I got antsy today so I did hit up the local gym this morning and did 45 minutes on the stairmaster. I did 45 minutes with intervals. WHEW. Whooped my BUTT!! Did a few arm weight machines..but really wasn't in the mood. I am going to start adding in the miles tomorrow. Would like to get in 6..but with dewpoints in the 70's..I may only make it 1. LOL. I meant to pack my running water bottle with me but forgot! We will see how it goes.


                          Rain rain rain rain. We haven't seen any sunshine since we got here..and probably won't for a while. We are bummed...we did some shopping yesterday at the outlets but once it started pouring yesterday afternoon it wasn't that fun. Though, we did go by the Nike outlet and I bought 3 new pairs of shorts! WOOT WOOT. We may go home early if its still yucky by Tuesday. SUCKS. I hate that I took time off to be stuck inside Sad Probably just hanging out in the condo today Sad


                          I feel bad for HCBF because I have been grumpy. I know I know..nothing I can do about the weather...I think its some marathon blues, too. I need some sunnnshhhiinnneeee.



                          Kilmisters - I wish I could sleep as long as you do! A dog got your leg?! I love dogs, but if one got me or tried..I would pepper spray it. haha.


                          Diane - Nice 10 yesterday!


                          Tessa - Great news on the kittens! Good luck out there today! Don’t forget the Diet Coke Smile


                          Docket - Wow, that is a great deal on the GU’s! Good luck on the run later! I am going to attempt the nasty dew point run in the morning..I may only make it 1 mile. LOL. I hope your AC doesn’t go out!


                          Karen - You have had a great rest week Smile Is your plan all together for the 100 miler? What weekly mileage are you starting at?


                          Pineland crew - HOPE YOU ARE KILLING IT OUT THERE!!!



                          Happy Sunday.



                          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                          Cupcake Connoisseur

                            Hi Laura! Have a great time on the boat!! Sounds like fun Smile Nice miles!



                            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Hope everyone is enjoying Maine!


                              6.5 miles this morning. It was hot & humid out. I did intervals and nearly quit  on the last set, I was feeling miserable. The last 2 miles home were awful.


                              We had an above ground pool for a while, it came with the house. It was a ton of work to get the stupid thing ready. It was nice to come back from a run and jump in briefly to cool off. I would just put on a pair of bathing suit bottoms & leave my sports bra & tank on . Looked close enough to a bathing suit. It also got old because we had neighbors who would stand on their deck and look longingly at the pool, exclaim "oh, that looks so nice" to wait for an invite. Get your own pool & spend $100s on chemicals and time cleaning it.


                                It's hot AF here (by our standards) and I am getting rather tired of it. Haven't had a work-home run for weeks, no fun getting out there in those temps, so I usually take the bags, drive home and wait till 8pm. Meh. 1km on TM today - leaving weekly mileage at 49 is not ok Smile Starting Karen's training plan tomorrow!


                                Jealous that you can enjoy your Sunday 7+hrs longer Smile Have a nice one!


                                 ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                                ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris
