Womens Running


Friyay! (dailies) (Read 20 times)


    Yesterday's team event was fun (it might have involved beer/wine from 10am ).The decision to go to floorball practice wasn't that good, tho; on 3hrs of sleep and couple of beers. I left early.


    Next weekend's trail race weather stalking: 8 - 14*F. Hehe.


    We have floorball game tomorrow against the weakest opposition there is and theoretically should destroy them (previous game result vs them was 22:5, but the way we've been playing lately gives me zero confidence it will happen. Plus we'll be w/o some key players (flu), so others will have to, as the NHL analysts love to say, elevate their game Big grin


    Almost weekend!!


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris

      TGIF!!!  Rest day for me.  10K tomorrow. I hope I don't bonk.


      Elina--good luck tormorrow!


      Lisa--beautiful wedding pics!!


      Ugh...I think I am the only one in the building today.  all day....


      Check y'all later!


      Cupcake Connoisseur

        6.2 for me!


        Awesome run - except for around mile 4 when I had to sprint home because my stomach was upset. Wink Stupid eggs for dinner last night. Anyway, other than that it was good! Feel good this morning - I didn't take Nyquil last night so I am not a groggy mess. Thats the last run until Sunday. Not too worried about the rain at this point. It should be out of the area around 7am. BUT..not sure how fast I will be with 26 mph wind gusts. LOL. This is going to be an adventure! Going to have to decide what I want to wear..it will be 51 but with the winds the real feel is around 40. I also need to be NICE to myself about my goal time. Nothing I can do about 26mph wind gusts...I know me and I know I will be upset if I don't stay at my goal pace. Sigh. Just have to take it as it comes (hehe, thats what she said)!


        Weekend should be fun! Heading to my parents tomorrow to celebrate the 3 birthdays (my brothers, moms, and mine). We are having my favorite CAKE! Sunday is the race, and then Monday is my birthday! HCF asked me what nice place I wanted to go to for dinner - I said pizza. 


        Busy day ahead...



        Kathryn – I am doing a 15K on Sunday. Wanted to race it but its not looking real good! Super sweet of you to head to Dallas to help your friend. Aw. Good luck to her!


        Lisa – Went through some of the pictures – gorgeous! Her friend is a really good photographer!! Props to you and DD on doing a lot yourselves. Much more creative than me haha. And you are right – the bridesmaids dresses work well!! I am having my girls in plum and there are so many different shades of plum..I am just worried. I have to think about it. Ugh. I love that color blue your DD choose.


        Run4kupcakes – SEE! That is what I mean LOL. I am not worried about my friends and their choosing, but I am a little worried about what HCF’s sisters would choose. Is that mean? Its just being honest. LOL. My bridesmaids are ALL different body types. I need to go to a bridal shop and just look at the offerings for bridesmaid dresses. Probably this weekend. Nice workout yesterday! My parents were up near DC yesterday and said it was snowing on their way home – at 5pm. LOL. I am sure traffic was great.


        Kilmisters – Oh man. Good luck getting through today. I am sure you are exhausted!! COLD weather next weekend for race day! Hey, its better than being hot. Good luck on the game tomorrow!!



        HAPPY FRIYAY!!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        Cupcake Connoisseur

          Good luck tomorrow Susan!!



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


          Former Bad Ass

            On the plane to Houston. Never ran last night so I will try tonight or tomorrow at the hotel. We will see



            Mighty Mouse

              Storm is still coming, hopefully it won’t be too bad for all of you. 


              Thursday I did 50 minutes running on the TM, then 10 minutes of fast walking.

              Today I did 50 minutes running on the TM with a few intervals and watched even more flaky ghost stories on the telly. 

              Happy runs, All! 

              Where is the "any" key?   




                HCK - sorry the snow for the 2nd time in a week!  Strangely, my area is not being impacted by this latest round.  Can't say I'm disappointed.  But, never fear, we WILL be getting all the cold air.


                Lisa - I LOVE the pics and that looks really cool to have everyone in the same color with their own style.  Question for you as I seem to recall you being a bit of sweat producer but also manage to stay outside for numerous hours trotting through the woods.  How do you stay warm while wet?  Trying to figure out a longer-ish run next weekend when it is supposed to be below 10*.  I can do 10-12 in that no problem but would like to do in the 15-16 mi range and not sure how that will go.


                Kat - you really are a great friend!  Glad it's not cancer - yikes.  Borneo??  Cool.  Maybe you'll get a chance to visit some day?  Nice 4!  60s sound heavenly!


                Lizzie - well, HR I'm sure has zero knowledge of sleepy.  It's all up to the manager.  And he's a softy.  Oh, sure, that makes sense people not wanting to go out in the cold so they stock up on bread and water.  I make sure I have gas in the car (not gas in my body - to be clear - HA) because it's miserable to pump gas in that weather but otherwise my car is the warmest place.  I crank the heat and love it!  Nice run this morning and glad the rain seems like it should hold off.  But, whew that's windy!  Kinda like Fargo!  Have a great time celebrating all the birthdays - even Rugers!!  And GOOD LUCK on Sunday!!


                Carol - yikes that's cold!  There's a half scheduled for next Sat here and it's supposed to be sub 10*.  I ran it last year - was contemplating this year until I saw the forecast!  Your workout yesterday sounded FUN.  Man, THAT's what I am looking forward to when I don't have this pesky job to keep me from more time at the gym!!


                Cathy - yikes that is a LOT of money for a card door repair!  But, yeah, kinda need it to get in and out of the vehicle.  Glad DHs exercise improved his mood.  Anything fun planned for the weekend?


                Karen - what a freakin hassle with the tire debacle!  LOL on sleepy and GF annoying you, too.  Thanks for understanding.  GOOD LUCK to you and your baby runners on Sunday!!


                Damaris - safe flight and GOOD LUCK on Sunday!!  Hope your lungs cooperate.


                Judy - you silly squirrel liker you   Stay safe from the snow.


                Sue - hope you have a speedy day and GOOD LUCK tomorrow!


                Elina - hey, I'm all about the day drinking!  That way it doesn't interfere with sleep LOL.  Good luck in your game tomorrow!  Brrr - pretty chilly for your race.  But, I forget, how far?  Oh, and to chime in on the other comments about headphones.  Always always a no from me.  I'm a purest 


                TRX/Bells this morning.  Now working from the airport.  Well, after fighting with my Outlook from home - luckily the repair tool fixed it.  Then all I had to do was reset my views and rules.  Brought stuff to hit up the Y tomorrow.  I'd like to run on the dreadmill and then hit up Body Blast and spin.  8th grade bball game isn't until 1pm so I'm excited to have the whole morning!  No interest in running in negative 10 degrees.  I feel like I actually had something to share today but have now forgot.  Best do some work anyway.  Have a great Friday and happy weekend!!


                Running with the Turtles

                  Happy Friyay!  Rest day today, will do some strength later.  DH will be taking the kids and some friends to roller skating so I will have the house to myself!  Woo-hoo!  I do have to make some cinnamon sugar mini-muffins for our team running party tomorrow morning.  We have a winter storm warning for tonight-tomorrow morning, 4-8 inches of snow.  We're supposed to have a team run tomorrow morning before the party, but it's supposed to be 19 with a 25 mph wind (feels like -1).  I doubt DD will want to run in that!  


                  Elina, you are a party animal.    Good luck with your game!  Yesterday DD was trying to say elevate but she kept saying levitate instead.  So levitate your game!  


                  Sue, good luck with your 10K!


                  Lizzie, great run!  Hopefully you will be running with the wind part of the way during the race!    Hopefully the rain will hold off!  Well, now that you have the fancy watch with HR, you should be able to see your effort even if the pace doesn't reflect it.  You will do great!!  Yay for your birthday and pizza!  Have an awesome time celebrating!  It can be hard to trust your bridesmaids with the dress selection... you could always ask for final approval.  In the interests of uniformity, of course.  


                  Damaris, have a great trip and good luck!


                  Sandy, you don't want to run in -10?    Unfortunately, DH still wants a minivan, so we just have to fix it.  I'm not paying upwards of $20K for another one!  I guess it makes sense, he likes to be able to cart around the kids and their friends or his parents when we go places.  Have an awesome weekend!


                  Kupcakes, we may actually get some snow.  Weird not having snow in WI!


                  Lisa, gorgeous photos!  Your DD had a beautiful wedding.


                  Kat, that is great that you can be there for your friend.  Glad that the prescription issue is finally done.


                  Carol, good luck to you and Laura this weekend!  Hope you are not an ice cube when you are done.  




                    Liz, those conditions sound like real character test. I agree w using your new watch to monitor HR and adjust pace based on those readings Smile Be careful w that cake before the race!! Big grin Or is it an advanced form of carbload? Smile


                    Sandy, -10 degrees? Where are you traveling, to Alaska!? Beer early in the morning was also a good way to cope w those (very few) colleagues from my department I don't really want to communicate w - if there is any choice, of course. Be careful w working from airport, DH once sat next to a guy who (as it turned out when he got up to walk away and the logo on the back of his jacket was visible) worked for arch-rival company Big grin Thankfully DH had that on-screen protector thing where you cannot see the screen unless you're the one behind the keyboard.


                    Cathy, cinnamon sugar mini-muffins??? Can I order, uhm, gazillion of those for tomorrow's post-game snacking? Big grin Smile Levitate the game, huh Smile


                    Good luck to all the racers this weekend, it looks like there's a lot of you! Waiting for race reports Smile


                    4.6 easy miles before tomorrow's game, long-ish 9-10mi run planned on Sunday.


                     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


                    Run to live; live to run

                      6.7 today


                      no run yesterday. Walked a few miles with bff yesterday

                      busy with work stuff.

                      Waves to all



                        6.7 today


                        no run yesterday. Walked a few miles with bff yesterday

                        busy with work stuff.

                        Waves to all


                        I tried to channel your Excel skills this morning, btw, when boss wanted a fast solution to highlight the lowest value in a row, then apply that to, like, gazillion (ok, exaggeration, about 1000) rows. Easy thing to do, but not when the entry sentence is ''ok I have a minute till meeting begins so I need it now!!!!'' Big grin


                         ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                        ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


                        Cupcake Connoisseur

                          Ready for the weekend to begin!!!!! I gotta run by Burlington on my way home. I am trying to find some frames for engagement pictures we got my mom for her birthday. We ordered some ourselves to hang on the wall...I am so in love with them!



                          Karen - Good luck to you and your baby runners! I can't wait to hear how it went!!!


                          Docket – Good luck!!!! I hope all the bad runs lately were because this one is going to be the BEST EVER.


                          Judy – What channel are these ghost stories on?! I hope the storm isnt that bad!


                          Sandy – Woohoo on the workout today. OMG on the workout tomorrow! LOL. You might be shaking when that is done! Smile Have a great time this weekend. Good luck with the tooth fix! Oddly enough, I was thinking about your new car this morning! Smile  How are you liking it?? Okay, I am trying to remember when I crashed in Fargo…I think it was mile 10. So, I am good. Haha. I know how much you hate the cold..but I am really excited to use my balaclava on Monday when we are in the negatives. Wink


                          Cathy – House to yourself? WOOHHOO! Smile  Cinnamon sugar mini muffins sounds REALLY good. Yum. Is the team run and the party related to DD’s cross country? Good idea with the final approval. I think you need to get the fancy watch, too Smile


                          Kilmisters – The cake is definitely advanced form of carb loading Smile  Character test…I like the sound of that!!! Smile  Good luck on the game and all those miles!


                          Marjorie – Nice miles today! Enjoy your weekend!



                          Have a great weekend everyone! Good luck to all who are racing!!!



                          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                            In the chair waiting for the crown to be made. Happy to have made it up here (Elina - the plains of No Dak where there is nothing to break the wind - the literal wind ). Kinda unnerving when the pilot says he has an alternate flight path (abt a 3 hr drive away) in the event we can’t land because of the snow. Couldn’t see the ground until almost touchdown - happy to be here! Friends is on the tv - I forget how funny that show was!


                            Cathy - those mini muffins sound delightful!  I saw you guys were getting a bunch of snow. I’d be with DD - wldnt want to run in that weather. But if it’s a short jaunt with friends it might be a fun adventure. Enjoy the house to yourself tonight!!


                            Elina - no worries - I sat in the corner by myself at the airport as far away from people as I cld be. And I agree - some people are easier to deal with slightly buzzed.


                            Marjorie - nice run!


                            Lizzie - oh you enjoy that balacalava. You can have it all!  You will rock that race. Is it a loop or out/back?  Surely it isn’t a point to point right into the wind. I’d say tuck behind some big person and draft haha. I do like my Jeep!  The payment not so much but I try not to think abt it. Oh yeah - it’s -2* right now with blowing snow 🤮. Don’t you wish you were here??


                            My BIL is really a good dentist - I am very fortunate. I always want to laugh, though, seeing him in his work persona. Putting the needle in he is talking softly telling me what’s going on and making sure I’m okay. I know him much otherwise haha


                            I feel like a have a super sized tongue and fat lip. Hopefully we will be done here by 3.


                            Have a a great weekend and good luck racers!!  Looking forward to RRs!!

                            Anonymous Guest

                              Dinner last night was fun. We had 18 people! The restaurant was really nice, and I think if I can grow this thing just a little more we could book their banquet room and have a guest speaker and everything. Maybe next year. DH decided last minute to go and was surprised at how many people there were. Direct quote: All these people run with you on Saturdays? That's a lot of people.


                              Anyway, for a Houston running coach, this weekend is like Christmas. I ran an easy 4 this morning, will take tomorrow off before the half on Sunday. I'm probably not going to go all out in the race but just enjoy it.


                              Liz, find yourself a big guy (or even a small guy) to hide behind for the upwind parts of the race.


                              Susan, good luck on the 10K this weekend.


                              Sandy, glad the dental stuff is going well. Wow, that's a lot of workout planned for tomorrow, you are going to be beat.


                              Cathy, 4-8 inches of snow would shut us down for a week - for you it's eh, DD might not want to run, but no thoughts of it will be canceled, must stock up on everything, etc. Too funny.


                              Elina, hope the game goes well and the others levitate their game (haha).


                              Have a bit of a headache, I think because I didn't sleep well last night.

                              Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                              Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                              Check out my website and youtube channel

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                ACK! I was planning on a relaxing evening of doing nothing but a short run on the treadmill. DH is going to to dinner and a comedy show.  He was talking about how he was going to dinner at 6:15 and the neighbor or his wife were driving.  Me, so she is going? DH, yea. Me, wait, were you planning on me going? DH, yes.  Me, um, oh.


                                I had no clue, he had only mentioned the guys. So I have an hour to get into the mood to extrovert. And I ate a huge lunch because the director bought me lunch for preparing a presentation for senior management the other day.
