Womens Running


Happy Spring TUESDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)

Anonymous Guest

    Oh, I forgot the other contributor to my grumpy mood the other day. Apparently I am one of the one in ten women with "extremely dense" breast tissue, according to my mammo last week. So they are recommending I go back in for a boobie ultrasound. I am procrastinating on making that call to schedule but will do so this afternoon.

    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

    Check out my website and youtube channel



      Oh my Karen that sucks about the boobs.  I'll try and write a RR with some detail...not anything like Tessa's.  I do know it's a rail trail, out and back for all lengths...they just change the turnaround based on what ever aid station is half way.


      Tessa I've not read that series...I'll have to look for it at the library.


      I'll be at the Colony AS...it's farther out than mine so will be the 50 and 100 milers.  There's a shelter there but I'm not making the mistake I made at Hawk and will change as soon as I'm done.  They needed volunteers and since I was just going to go back to my hotel I figured what the hay....so I said I would.


      Lisa, glad you are excited...not sure if I am or not yet.  I did put in some consistent training finally so I'm hopeful there will be some good come of it.  There's some more stuff I want to do (strength and yoga) after this to see how helpful they will be.  My autoimmune makes me tired way too easy.


      Cupcake Connoisseur

        Busy day!


        Off to body pump soon!!



        Laura – Wow, congrats to DS! That is an amazing accomplishment! Smary pants Smile I think I have seen Seven Seconds come by my suggested shows. I will have to check that one out, too. UGH on the work issue. Its ALWAYS good to keep your options open and never hurts to apply places. Hang in there. Hopefully you have a good run after work!


        Diane – Nice treadmill miles last night. Woohoo for big time taper mode coming soon. I am so excited for you!! Very true – we are all badasses in our own way Smile My body doesn’t really function at 4am either..half the time I am about 2 miles in and just realizing what I am doing. LOL.


        Sandy – AHHH no niggles! They are not allowed Sad I hope it starts to feel better! I had to laugh at loud at your practice issue with the balls last night. Man, you can’t catch a break with these girls Wink I hope that they come together and have 2 great games tonight! Smile All this talk about running partner makes me want one! Haha. I think it would be hard to find one that is willing to get up at Lizzie time. Smile Sorry about your work frustrations!! At least you are working from home? Good luck tonight!!!


        Cathy – I hope your foot is perfect throughout your entire vacation so you can get back to training Smile OMG 7:07 pace?! THAT’S CRAZY. Is he superhuman? Geez! Aqua Wave Riders – I have a pair of those Smile The Aqua shoes would go with the blue shirts! Aqua would look okay with green as well I think. Have you had your eye on any Fall races if you do get back to training soon?I had to put in my PF insert today since I am wearing boots. It works pretty well!


        Judy – Yay for DC coming home!!! Hope you have a good run Smile


        Tessa – You made a good point to Sandy. I didn’t even think about that. Nice run this morning! Hope you can make it in for a treadmill run today! You have been so busy lately.


        Kilmisters – When will you find out if you got picked? You could always give your bib away Smile Oh no on the cat fight! Sometimes those are needed to work out issues though Smile Hope you feel better! Good luck at practice!


        Kathryn – LOL..out against your will – NICE JOB getting out there even thought you didn’t want too!


        Karen – Nice miles and still on track for the strength training? GO YOU. Its hard to keep that going. I was high fiving myself this morning for continuing with 2x a day foam rolling! Don’t forget the gloves!!!! I think the conference you are going to is SO. AWESOME. Smile I feel like you are a professional running coach now. Smile Wait. When you say extremely dense breast tissue..does that mean you have to redo it?? I had to make my annual pap apt today. Those don’t bother me too much..but I don’t get boobie squish yet.


        Lisa – Nice run today! Any rib pain?? What is Ashtanga yoga??? Hmm..yes..an ultra may be in my future one day. Trails scare me.



        Have a good night!!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

          Karen-I'm another one in ten woman.  Every six months for me.


          Lizzie-Ashtanga Short Form: This class follows the same basic principles of the Ashtanga Yoga system in a modified/shorter duration. It emphasizes the breath (Ujjayi pranayama), focused gazing (Drishti), and dynamic movements (Vinyasa flow) that connect the poses (Asana). It's fairly fast paced in that you move from one pose to another with each breath in and each breath out. This class though will be a little shorter... Thank God!


          Diane-You're smart, strong and tough. Enjoy the race and the camaraderie of all the others there.




            Karen, I cannot decide between August and September half-marathon... But I will let you know. Thanks!


            Felt slightly out of shape in training, but, hey - going there is the first step towards changing that. A little fall during warm-up run (it is supericy out there, mixture of snow/rain had been falling from the sky whole day); cut my elbow quite badly. Can't catch a break lately w these small yet extremely annoying ''injuries''. Dead tired after crappy sleep last night, so heading to bed. This day seemed like eternity. (And it's only Tuesday!)


             ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


            ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris



              Karen, I would suggest you pack a flashlight or headlamp and reflective vest in your suitcase for this weekend. I presume you had both for Cody's Crew? Even down here it doesn't start getting light until close to 7 AM, and sunrise is going to be a good deal later in Portland since it's both further north and further west. If the run's at 6 AM, it's going to be full dark.


              Ugh on the boob US. (Jokes about "sonic boobs" are probably not appreciated.)


              Elina, I hope at least it is not below freezing there so the rain doesn't freeze into sheets of ice.


              Kat, cherry coloured hair? Interesting.


              I made it to the gym at lunch -- 4.26 miles. Still very busy at work. Likely to remain so.


              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Spring? Ha-ha-ha. Um, nope. Got a nice inch of sleet/snow right now and according to the always accurate Weather channel 10-16 inches of snow coming overnight & tomorrow. Most of the colleges have already closed for tomorrow, hoping the city schools follow before I go to bed. 5 miles on the treadmill, since the sidewalks were a mix of wet and icy.


                LCRuns, congrats to DS!


                Seloc, sounds like a rough volleyball practice.

                  Elina-Love this....


                  Felt slightly out of shape in training, but, hey - going there is the first step towards changing that. 



                  Anonymous Guest

                    Strength workout #6 of 18 done! If I keep up with the every other day, I'll finish right before Boston. Then after Boston I'll decide whether I want to go through it again, buy the next 6-week plan, try the Strength Training for Runners book again (I fell off the wagon big time with that one) or something else.


                    Boob ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon. I fly home Monday night on the redeye, pick up Riley from the kennel Tuesday morning, than will probably nap until it's time for that.


                    Update on my dad - they got home this afternoon. His a-fib was acting up when they got up there and that's why they hospitalized him for a few days. They did a ton of tests trying to figure out what is going on with his lungs and they still don't know. They told him a lot of things that it's not. They changed some of his medications and right now he's feeling better, but still out of breath if he walks more than from the living room to the kitchen, for example. Has to go back up in a couple months.


                    Lisa, high five my fellow dense boob friend!


                    HCK, stay warm and dry up there!


                    Too funny, on the organizer fb group, a Houston guy posted a screenshot of Portland weather for the weekend basically saying yikes, it's going to be cold and wet, don't forget layers and warm clothes. Someone from New York replied that with the Nor'easter forecast they've got, 35/45 looks fabulous.

                    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                    Check out my website and youtube channel


                    Former Bad Ass

                      I was too busy today, grrrr.  So, hello to all!  Ran 8 with 5 X 800m on the TM as it was still 91F when I got home tonight after Pilates.


                      Will check again tomorrow.  Should be calmer.

