Womens Running


Friday Fun (Read 9 times)

Anonymous Guest

    Thinking about a short little run this afternoon. Would be my first since the marathon almost two weeks ago. On the other hand, I am enjoying the break.......


    DH is complaining that he can't get anything done since "we're never home." Dude has been home since we got back from CO beginning of October, except for last weekend. We're going to be gone next weekend, and that's it. I don't understand. And then in the next sentence, he comes up with all these places he wants to go. Well, okay, but then don't bitch about not being here. Sigh.

    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

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    Former Bad Ass

      LOL, men.


      I ran 5 after being on my feet most of the day. Leg wasn't happy at Costco and Lowes. But did OK during the run.


      Half Crazy K 2.0

        4 on the treadmill before work and upperr body strength after.


        AnonymousGuest, men, sigh. DH offers to do projects for his lodge and then gripes that he doesn't have time for his stuff. I stay out of it, my helping in the shop or on home projects usually does not turn out well.


        Docket, smart to get to Costo on a weekday. Is tomorrow the official federal holiday? I was thoroughly confused when the mail came today.


        Former Bad Ass

          The holiday is on the 11th but it's celebrated today. Costco was full like a weekend day, so I assume a lot of people were also off.
