Womens Running


OMG Its HERE - FRYAY!! (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Congrats to dad!


      Lisa's emotions at below...


       wait.. what?

       that's what I thought!

       what exactly is all that?


       too many numbers!

       stop looking and maybe it will be alright

       nope I'm dead

       you're so smart

       if I smile enough she won't think to ask for my data




      Not too bothered by temporary GarminConnect issues; I have Excel (shocking, right Big grin), which has plan, runs completed; also 7 day rolling mileage w ''X days before marathon'' on x-asis to compare vs 2019 preparation for Michigan. Nothing too fancy, but I like monitoring the process/progress. Smth like this:


      Update: dad ran his marathon #97, small race w approx 60 runners.



        And there are no small races.. just races where one places higher.

         Oh yeah! Finished in top 60! Woohoo!



          We made it to FriYAY!  Great job everyone!  I'm still busy at work.  There's a lot of figuring out what's what and who's who in my new position. But a lot of interesting stuff too, so that's good.  My GPS watch is not a Garmin so I'm not too concerned about Garminageddon.  Today was a SRD.  I have 2 hours on the schedule for tomorrow.


          Lizzie, good call on skipping the marathon training right now.  No point in putting that on your plate too, with all the other things you have going on and no real-life races happening in the foreseeable future.


          Lisa, my birds are a bit like toddlers... who never grow up.


          BTW, there's a free bird show on any Zoom call with me.  They insist on being included.


          CrazySue, enjoy your rainy weekend.


          Lori, I laughed the other day about you mowing the lawn.  Sorry.


          Karen, Arches NP looked great!  If you're distancing and being anti-social at the van gathering, that doesn't sound particularly  Can you skip it and just go to another cool NP?


          Damaris, ugh on hubby barfing up his omelette.  Hopefully it was just poor digestion.


          LC, good luck with the driving with DS and the decluttering this weekend.  I'm starting to see signs for garage sales again.  The signs usually say to wear a mask if you come.


          Turtles, good for you for signing up for swim lessons!  A very important thing.


          Tessa, nice of you to help the dogs get home.


          Kilmisters, that's an impressive Excel spreadsheet.  Well done to your dad on #97!


          Okay, going to finish my Friday beer and get dinner started.  Good night, all!

          5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


            Quick reply from me to ask Margaret - do you really only have one beer a week?  On Fridays?  Not judging.  At.  All!!  More, uber impressed 


            Just another horrible day of a 10 hour long conference call over here! Really trying hard to not get super annoyed with friends and family that are not working yet still getting paid all through this pandemic.  One in particular: calls me at 11am on a Tuesday "What are you doing?"  Me: "WTF do you think I am doing at 11 am on a Tues?? I AM WORKING!!!"  Oh, is that too harsh??  I've only had 12 days in a row of 10-12 hour days so I can't compare to Liz but it gets old.  Real fast.


            But!  I randomly called my sister this eve (we NEVER talk on the phone - just always text) and it was the best EVER.  I knew she was home alone and we chatted for close to two hours!!   Made my WEEK!!


            Oh, workouts.  Hmmmm - not on Strava since Garmin is still down I think?  Haven't checked today, actually. Got out for a very short bike today but not until noon. Was super tired this morning so was kinda planning on a rest day but needed to get some aggression out.


            Ellna - those spreadsheets made my head spin LOL


            I think my brain has shut down for the week so am failing at all the personals.  Have a good one!!

              Quick reply from me to ask Margaret - do you really only have one beer a week?  On Fridays?  Not judging.  At.  All!!  More, uber impressed 





              Ha, Friday and Saturday are my usual beer nights, but I'll have one on other days for special occasions.  Decided to establish some parameters or else I'd be having WAY too many.  When my DH is home, I'm sure I'll be having more, since that counts as a special occasion.  Nice that you were able to chat live with your sis!

              5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
