Womens Running


Exciting Monday (dailies) (Read 17 times)


    What could possibly make Monday exciting, you might ask? NHL play-offs being so close!! The league is handling the Return To Play protocol really well, so the seemingly unthinkable (full NHL play-offs w Stanley Cup awarded in October) might actually be possible. Listening to play-off series previews while running, announcing to DH that on Aug2 10pm-1am control over big screen is mine (Philadelphia vs Boston!!) is amazing. Smile


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Liz, nice weekend running! Re: people being inconsiderate, totally agree. At least it's (probably) not as bad as in UK where the pubs are open, soccer Premier League is back (thus gathering crowds in those pubs) and knowing English drinking ''reputation'' you can imagine how ''considerate'' the people are there in the evenings. I just really hope all the talk about second wave when temps get cooler and this whole thing gets mixed w ordinary flu… That it won't be that bad. I am introvert, yet socializing on Saturday (the band show + city festival) was like breath of fresh air. Yup, the rib chafe had to do w hydration vest, you can almost see the shape of bottles LOL I felt something is off at around km13, but it didn't feel that bad, honestly. My first words after coming out of shower, tho, were ''I think I might have big problems for upcoming days'' and ''why did I have to choose tight-fit tshirt for this evening!?!?'' Big grin


      8 easy km yesterday. My legs were DEAD for first 2-3km or so. Then the heat go to me LOL The run was much needed to move the tired muscles, but it was NOT enjoyable by any means. This week is going to be a cutback, then me and my running buddy have 30k trail race next weekend w considerable elevation gain, yay!


       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris

      LC Runs

        I have to say my Monday is not too exciting LOL


        3.1 this morning, got a late start so kept is short and sweet.


        I signed up for a virtual race series - 4 races, 1 each month:  5k in July; 10K in August; 15K in September and Half in Oct (or you could do a 5k each month).  Did the July 5k yesterday - ended up with a 27:54 which was decent.  It was not a great run, super humid since it stormed all morning (I didn't go until 11 am), watch didn't start, music stopped half way through.  Ugh, But it is done LOL.  You get a cool medal that includes 4 pins so each time you do a race you add a pin to the medal.


        I am so out of the loop here!  We went out of town Fri/Sat so no running.  Oh, I did a good 30 minute leg weight routine yesterday after the run and I am feeling it this morning!


        Elina - hope you get your hockey!  I feel like nothing is going to happen this year for anything but I will cross my fingers!


        Okay, best log in to work, I have a feeling I missed a few things friday - like do you ever feel you take one day off and your work world falls apart.  Ughghghgh!

          Monday's shouldn't be exciting in my opinion. LOL


          Elina-is the TS shirt cotton blend? that is likely the issue with the sweating going on plus full hydration vest. I still opt for the tank under bra when it is so humid out. No chafing. That would be super hard mentally! Not much to get head out of what everything feels like. Could try the game of "street sign therapy".. I heard this on a podcast. Pick a sign and do some free form thought association to it... "slow down" "do not enter" .. what in your life do they make you think of. That sort of thing. Totally random and any sign can work since you make up your own rules. Gives you something to think about other than the boring straight run. LOL


          Laura-sounds like a fun virtual series for you. whatever it takes to motivate is what I say.


          Karen-enjoy that lack of humidity!!!


          HCK-good job on the 5!


          Liz-LOL you do not want to be me. And I would for sure go with them being the crash and burn people, or he people that that didn't run anything else this week or the people who will later go home and die of exhaustion. Whatever works to not feel bad about your own run. LOL I wouldn't say it to them but you can think it. It's called self-ego-preservation. Totally made that up so don't quote me. LOL


          Lori-go with whatever works for you.. tm.. slowing down..shorter runs.. more rest days. It's all good and #NotTheOlympics.


          Damaris-I don't count any of these for Maniac runs but I like going long so do them anyway. Thank goodness there are lots of ways to enjoy what we do and lots of reasons for why we do what we do. Bummer on the migraine, hope it's gone now!


          Margaret-good that you didn't wipe out with the glasses situation. We just ditched ours for the last 15 miles really since it was so dark and then raining. And yes, many comments about ghost pepper cheese were made yesterday.


          Sue-cookies!?! Bread?! Yum!!! I don't blame you on being afraid on shoulder of road. I am. I do like the gravel roads with minimal traffic and slower speeds (for the most part).


          Cathy-good to be careful with that positive. nice 10k!


          Kat-how is work going? And yeah for you signing up for Bear Lake. That is pretty sure to happen since it's limited to 100 and on private property and they can easily stagger start times in a 24 hour event for those who aren't really competitive or even plan on going 24 hours. At least that's what he should do... give later start options. I don't remember there being a chip. Just his mom with a clipboard. Yup.. it's that kind of an event. The volunteers were very sweet and impressed with everyone out there. I remember them even being able to track preferences so they kind of got to know each runner a bit. We will see how it is different this year though.


          Rest day today. the 50k yesterday was fun although extremely hot, humid and then stormy but we figured it out and A did a nice job making up bacon, grilled cheese and pepper jack/bacon quesadillas for our two aid station stops in his garage. Mosquitos were awful but may have kept swelling in hands down (LOL that's what I was saying anyway since Micheles hands were swelling). Saturday, A and I went for 20 mile gravel road bike ride. That was fun, much better than stressing over a paved road ride and speeding cars. Learning how to use those geas. Funny moment when I asked him if the people who ride/race in mountains have more gears. As I was in lowest/highest (whatever) possible when going up a "big" hill. He laughed of course and said that "no they just are better riders".  Rest day today. :-)




          Mighty Mouse

            Sunday Buddy and I did a very hot sticky 75 minutes running out the trail. There were 2 does and 2 baby fawns (little spotted ones). Later in the run we found that they had gone down the river path and ended up in the woods watching us right at the edge. They are very curious animals.


            Today was 45 minutes out the trail, clammy air. Lots of small parts of trees that were blown off by last night’s storm. I saw one deer. The run was slow going at first but speed and endurance improved quickly. We've had unusually hot  and humid weather lately and for more days in a row. Usually this only happens in August. Mosquitoes have been a problem also.


            I'm off to do my weights and some yoga.

            Where is the "any" key?   




            Running with the Turtles

              Happy Monday... Running RD today, did upper/lower body strength and walked 4.5 miles this morning.  It was a really nice morning so I had to take advantage!    Went kayaking with younger DD yesterday morning, that was nice.  I have not kayaked for several years.  It was very peaceful.  I had to drop off younger DD at XDH's house after that.  He was not home, said he was doing a quick plumbing job.  Later, older DD told me that the "job" was for his GF, apparently he went there Saturday night (left older DD at the house with her friend that was sleeping over) and his GF opened a bottle of wine with a hammer... because she didn't have an opener.    Apparently some glass was stuck in the garbage disposal and that was the plumbing job that he had to do on Sunday morning.  Eventful weekend, there was some drama with TF and my talkative RB... RB had posted on Facebook that he went to a bar for a fish fry on Friday night and according to TF, "flaunted" the fact that no one was wearing masks.  TF was concerned about me running with RB and getting COVID and called RB irresponsible.  He was actually quite mad about it, and he's normally very even tempered.  So I had to tell RB that I may not be able to run with him for awhile.  Probably smart even if TF was not upset about it...


              Elina, glad for you that the NHL was be returning to play soon!  Ouch on the rib chafe.  Nice job on the 30K!  It sounds like it was exhausting.  And sunny.  Nice that you could fully rehydrate.  


              Laura, the virtual race series sounds cool!  Nice job on a warm 5K!  The medal sounds awesome.  Hope all is well with work!


              Lisa, yeah, Mondays should not be exciting...  Nice job on the 50K!  The quesadillas sound good.    I much prefer riding on the bike trail over any roads!


              Judy, nice job on the trails!


              Karen, glad you made it safely.  Your weather looks awesome!


              Liz, we should get a break in our weather this week, lower humidity too!  It's smart to stick to your own pace in the humidity.  No reason to kill yourself.    Yeah, I generally avoid going out because of inconsiderate people.  There are still plenty of people here that do not wear masks and do not understand why you wear a mask!  DD has a friend that wants to wear a mask when going to stores and her mom will not let her.    TF couldn't believe how fast I ran on Saturday.    He has said several times that I could run faster so he probably feels vindicated.  


              Lori, awesome long TM run!


              Damaris, nice job on the 10 after not feeling well!


              Margaret, sounds like a tricky 15+ miles!  Glad that there were no accidents.



              Anonymous Guest

                I love Pagosa Springs. Two days of driving, got here late yesterday afternoon. It was in the 40s when I went out with the dogs first thing this morning, and in the 50s for my run. I ran 8.


                Tomorrow morning we leave for Arches National Park in Utah for a couple days. It should be about a four hour drive. I kind of wish we were staying here longer now, but we have to be in Wyoming by the weekend, and don't want to drive more than 4-5 hours per day. So two days at Arches, a day north of Salt Lake City, then we'll be at a ski resort in WY (not far from Jackson Hole) by Friday. Then Yellowstone, a state park right next to Canyonlands (the state parks allow dogs on the trail, national parks don't - plus hoping it will be less crowded), then back here for a week. Or two.


                I'm supposed to have a zoom call tonight with the other Houston area running group organizers to talk about what's next. We had said two weeks of virtual, so now what? I'm guessing more virtual - things seem to be leveling off for us covid case wise, but at a pretty high level, so it makes sense to keep doing what we're doing for a few more minutes (we've been mandatory masks, no gatherings, etc. for a month now, and while everyone wears masks, I think people are still getting together, maybe just less so).


                I need to catch up on all the coaching stuff I was supposed to do yesterday. Will try to get back later.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel


                Former Bad Ass

                  Afternoon! Finally finished my lunch. Went overboard with it but worth it.


                  I have 7-8 miles tonight. Already did some kickboxing at lunch which is why I ordered too much from Olive Garden.





                    Heyyooo - nothing exciting over here!  Just work work and more work.  At least I am no longer on-call.  Getting a break for lunch during my marathon testing call.  So kind of them.  Only had time for 2.5 this morning.  Need to either get up earlier, take Lily for a shorter walk or see if she will allow me to run and then walk her with neighbor friend.  It's hard to squeeze in all the things.  Yesterday was 5 - needed water, whew.  Was plenty dehydrated when I started so it was rough.  Probably still dehydrated from 15mi bike in the steamy weather on Saturday.


                    Karen - 40*s??  Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!!  Glad you made it and are enjoying the town.  A busy week coming up for you with lots of exploring!  Enjoy!


                    Cathy - super speedy 10K over the weekend.  Nice to have company.  Laughing at your drama - sounds like the boys are jealous of each other LOL.  OMG, XDH GF sounds like a dingbat.  Humidity dropped here yesterday morning and it's lovely.  Will be plenty hot and steamy again for the weekend.  I don't mind the up and down at all.


                    Lisa - wowzers on another 50K!  Nice A could be your aid station.  Those quesadillas sound like they really hit the spot.


                    Laura - sounds like a fun little couple of days away!  And cool virtual series.


                    Sue - biking on narrow roads with no shoulder are stressful!  Around here there are specific roads designated with a bike lane.  The other weekend, I accidently got on a road that was NOT and was kinda stuck.  Hauled ass for a couple miles to get OFF that one!  Sounds like a productive day in the kitchen!!


                    Margaret - yikes on the tricky 15.5 run!  OMG that is CRAZY how cold it is there in summer.  It was so humid here on Saturday evening, my glasses fogged up just walking outside LOL


                    Damaris - nice running even when you are sick!


                    Elina - oh man, soooo jealous of your day!  Long run with a friend followed by beer is the BEST.  I LOVE point to point routes, too!  I don't mind the sun but, sure sounds like it got a bit warm.  Way to go!!  And, woohoo for NHL!!


                    Liz - awesome group run - do NOT worry about pace.  You do what works for YOU!  Annoying about the annoying people.  I have not been out in public in a long time haha.  Last week I even had groceries delivered.  Mostly because the thought of dealing with people after dealing with dumb work people was not appealing.  People around here are very considerate when on the trails/sidewalks so that's nice.  We've had a mask mandate since the beginning.  Not really interested in going to the bar/restaurants - my patio works just fine!!  How are those fancy new tires?


                    Trying a new fitness class in the morning - I'm excited.  It's only about 1/4 mi away.  I've been trying like crazy to get info but their website has been down since I moved here and then COVID.  I happened to be running by one day last week so stopped and got the scoop.  Hopefully it's a good one!  Only 6 people max in a class and it's outside so I'm totally okay with that.  Anyway - cheers to a Monday.  Hope it's a fast one...


                    WINE o'clock somewhere!

                      Elina, yay for the return of the NHL!  I know how much you love it.


                      Laura, fun on the race series.  I feel out of the loop too.  I have such a hard time when I work trying to keep up.  Hope work didn't fall apart!!


                      Lisa, yes, excited for Bear Lake.  The limit is actually only 60 people and is full.  Too funny on A's comment about other being better riders!!  Made me laugh.


                      Judy, you have the loveliest runs seeing so many beautiful critters.


                      Cathy, XDH/GF sound like a match made in heaven...  I have been creative with a wine bottle, but a hammer??  UH.  Bummer about RB being so irresponsible.


                      Karen, 40?  That is far far too chilly for this TX transplant.  Your trip sounds lovely and relaxing, other than the driving.  Enjoy.


                      Damaris, glad your large lunch was good.  Enjoy your miles tonight.


                      Sandy, phew not being on call any longer.  When do the marathon calls end?  I would go batty.


                      Work was tolerable for being on 4 days.  I know, all you ladies work 5's, but 11 hour shifts without a lunch break are tough.  We were steady, but not swamped.  None of the days seemed hard, just LONG.


                      I deferred my entry to Javelina this morning.  They sent an email out yesterday with MAJOR changes to it.  Even if it wasn't a big party race, the changes just don't look enjoyable even for a regular race.  So, Bear Lake 2 weeks earlier and I HOPE Dinosaur end of Nov.  Rocky Feb.


                      Boss called me this morning.  There was a mix up on a cremation.  My understanding was the pet wasn't labelled correctly.  Well, I assume no ashes were returned as requested.  HUGE bummer for the family, BUT, and this is unbelievable...  owners are SUING the doctor personally through the state board who ended up euthanizing the pet.  I hope I don't get dragged in because I was the first to see the pet and transferred the case over to him.


                      Didn't get up till almost 11am, oops.  Off to the grocery store to get milk today, and that is it.


                      Sorry I didn't keep up over the past few days.  Be well all.



                      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                      Beast of Burden - August 2024

                      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                      Cupcake Connoisseur

                        Running rest day for me! I did 45 minutes of upper body strength work this morning. Killer workout and felt awesome.


                        Today has been pretty awful. Rushed out of here to go get my tires changed and had some major emergencies. Elevator entrapment, fire alarm sounding, 2 HVAC escalation calls – all before 9:30! It has been steady going ever since. The one day I wasn’t at home! Ready to be done with work for the day and RELAX!.


                        HCDH is downstairs applying to jobs and he has been all day. How long have I been bugging him about this? Hehe, something must be motivating him. Well, plus, his building that he manages came out and said they are not going to be opening until January 2021. There is a really good chance he is going to be furloughed so he is trying to prepare! I am crossing my fingers that they still keep him on and maybe place him at a different building temporarily. It would be even better if he found another job with another company that actually pays him what he deserves and appreciates him.




                        Kilmisters – Everytime I hear an update about the NHL I think of how excited you must be 😊. OUCH on the chafe. What do you put on it? Yay for cutback week!


                        Laura – Nice run this morning. Awesome on the race sign up! I love the idea of the medal. Great idea. You did great on the 5K yesterday!


                        Lisa – Enjoy your much deserved rest day. You had a very active weekend! So, A can help in future races with the aid stations? 😊 Loved the pictures you posted. Looked like fun.


                        Judy – Nice running for you over the weekend and today! Do you see many fox? I have been seeing so many lately! Two were mating in one of the cul-de-sacs here yesterday. LOL.


                        Cathy – Enjoy your running rest day! Nice strength workout and walk this morning. I have never kayaked but really would like to try. I feel like I need to try in a pool or something first – maybe at Karen’s house 😉. Glad you had fun with DD! OMG on XDH! I will keep my comments to myself but I am sure you can guess them 😊. Yeah, I guess its smart to not run with RB. Maybe TF is sensitive about it because he is quarantining right now? Well, plus you’re his gal 😉. I want a break in the weather! Non in sight for us..well, maybe in November.


                        Karen – Nice run this morning! 40’S?! 50’S?! OMG. I am on the way! Have a great time! I am honestly surprised that our run group is still meeting in person.


                        Docket – LOL, love me some Olive Garden! It will be great fuel for your run later 😊


                        Sandy – I was thinking about you over the weekend! I am sure you are glad that’s over with and will be even HAPPIER when those darn testing calls are done! It’s hard to fit in all the things with the way work has been lately. Awesome on the bike ride this weekend! You know, HCDH and I went to a few places to look for bikes just to see – and everywhere is sold out or back ordered. Hopefully the bike from when I was younger will still work after some sprucing up. New tires are GREAT! I am sure I will defiantly tell the difference in the rain. The cost is still a hard pill to swallow, haha. Have a great time in the class tomorrow!! I am assuming you had to reserve a spot? Is it a boot camp style? My gym opened up classes that you have to reserve in advance – they are wonky times though. Trying to wait it out to see if they add more to the mix or change the times to earlier. They don’t start until 10:00am.


                        Kathryn – Bummer about Javelina! Hopefully the others go off without a hitch. Oh no on the suing! Hopefully you are not involved. I wouldn’t think so?



                        Back to the madness!! Have a great afternoon!



                        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Actually, I might not get to run today as I'm starting a meeting at 5pm. Oh, well. The food will fuel my LR tomorrow, lol.



                            Liz - oh man, isn't that Murphy's Law you not being home when the issues all blow up.  Elevator entrapment??  Oh my - that makes my hands sweat haha.  Yeah, tires are spendy.  That's crazy that bicycles are sold out but, totally makes sense!  Sooo many people jumping on the COVID fitness bandwagon.  I bet your old bike will work just fine with a little tune up!!  I mean, I bought my first bike in 1991 and had it for 20 years!!  Yes, I know, you weren't even in kindergarten at that time LOL.  As for this new fitness place - it's a little different?  It's more personal training but also has group training?  She had to email the details as there was no schedule online.  Tues at 5:30am have 3 people (4 with me) and she charges based on number of people.  So, I think it's going to cost me $20/time (tomorrow is free to try out).  I guess you put a chunk of money down and then subtract each time you come?  So, yeah, kinda different but it's in a "studio" - meaning I see a room with weights and such.  I do not really know the format but will find out tomorrow.  When I ran by there it was a couple older and not so in shape ladies so I just hope it's a good workout.  We will see!  The community center I used to go to at my old place is doing sign up but you can also walk in register if there are openings.  No early mornings there (not like I would go since it's a 20min drive).  Core Power is back open with limited classes and you have to sign up.  Not so sure about that.  For one, it's summer so I don't love hot yoga in the summer.  We'll see!


                            Damaris - ugh, I DESPISE 5pm calls.


                            Shutting down for the eve.  Have a good night!

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              30 minute walk this morning and upper body strength training after work. It's hot here, Im sweating from standing outside and watering the garden.


                              In stupid people, my high school class has decided that they need to have a happy hour/get together at a freaking bar in 3 weeks. It's supposed to be on the outdoor patio, but still. Oh, and my high school is in the county with the most cases in MD. Not a chance I'd go.


                              Turtles, how on earth does one try to open a wine bottle with a hammer? I'm guessing trying to pry it off? That seems like a desparate college kid thing, not grown woman thing.