Womens Running


Back to the Grind Mondailies (Read 12 times)

    It's a Monday. 3.5 miles this morning with Scamp. An armadillo ran right in front of us and omg Scamp wanted it!! Nope, not today buddy.


    Yesterday we put our garden in.  Fingers crossed.


    My work bestie's last day was Friday. Today it is very quiet.


    Kat--your puppy is so cute and tiny!!


    Have a great day y'all!


      Back to the grind indeed... How is it 4pm already!?


       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      WINE o'clock somewhere!

        Monday indeed, and this one is a good one.  Smile



        Javi and I got home about 10pm last night after a 2:45 min one way drive. There was fine, back was a bitch being dark on back roads with people out there who shouldn't be driving.  (Going 45 in a 65mph zone.)  I have his area all set up, he hates it.  Tries to get out of the pen.  But, at 1.5# he isn't successful.  My dogs don't seem to care, but he isn't loose with them yet.  Cat, she doesn't know what the hell to think.  He is SUPER wobbly here, I am attributing it to stress and being overwhelmed as he was much better at the foster home    Since his motor function is shot, I think being overwhelmed is just too much for him.  He had some weird cough/breathing episode at the foster twice, not sure what it is about.  Concerned, but until I hear it I just can't tell.


        One thing...  HOLY CRAP, is he ever T.I.N.Y.  You just can't imagine how small until you hold him.  Wowza.


        I think today will be a vet visit, his stools are a bit soft.  Otherwise, it will be a rest and relax day.  I stayed up way too late last night, like 1am. I don't ever stay up that late.  Needless to say, I am tired.


        Podiatrist check on Wed, then back to training.


        Try to have a good Monday ladies.



        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

        Beast of Burden - August 2024

        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning! WTF is this shit of 70F today and 78F tomorrow? This is not our Spring weather, shooo, shooo!


          I have an RD, might lift or something tonight.


          Sue, nice run.


          Elina, it's 4pm for you but for us we still have a day of work bahumbug.


          Awww, so cute, Kat!



            Damaris, if it makes you feel better - it just started SNOWING here. Really happy there's just 5km in my plans today, hehe.


             ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


            ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris

              Good morning/afternoon/evening!  I'm taking a mid-morning break to celebrate a win in a case that has been a thorn in my side since 2021.  Just got word that the appeal court decided in our favor.  I'm so glad that it's over.  A little early to celebrate with a beer (at least on a workday) so I'll just go refill my coffee and have a brownie.


              Glad that I have a SRD today because it's ridiculously windy.  Again.


              Kat, such a cutie!  He'll adjust soon, I'm sure.  You're such a good doggie mom.


              CrazySue, sorry your work BFF is gone.  


              Hi Damaris and Kilmisters!

              5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

              Anonymous Guest

                If Boston is hot this year, I'm going to be doing a lot of walking. I ran 12.6 this morning, was planning on 13-14, but so hot.


                I now need to get off my butt and go get some groceries, but I am drained from the run in the heat.


                I think I mentioned last week an issue and resulting panic with the permit for our trips we're doing in Big Bend end of this month. Pretty sure a guy that has a lot of connections saw our little trip (he doesn't like the person that is helping us with marketing) and tried to get it rejected. He made a couple comments on a fb post about it, and then suddenly, literally that same day, there were issues with the application that we were previously told was what we needed for the trip. I spent hours last week on it, with lots of back and forth with the permit coordinator for the park (she was awesome, and seemed to agree that what we now needed to do was overkill, but she helped me work through it and then expedited her review - normally 60 days, she did it in one). Today we got the final signed permit from the park! Score one for the little guys (me and DH and the woman helping us).


                Enjoy your Monday ladies (especially if it involves a tiny adorable puppy)! I'm off to do chores.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel


                Former Bad Ass

                  Damaris, if it makes you feel better - it just started SNOWING here. Really happy there's just 5km in my plans today, hehe.


                  I'd love some snow. We've had basically nothing all Winter. And barely any Winter weather. Sad



                  Former Bad Ass

                    If Boston is hot this year, I'm going to be doing a lot of walking. I ran 12.6 this morning, was planning on 13-14, but so hot.


                    I now need to get off my butt and go get some groceries, but I am drained from the run in the heat.


                    I think I mentioned last week an issue and resulting panic with the permit for our trips we're doing in Big Bend end of this month. Pretty sure a guy that has a lot of connections saw our little trip (he doesn't like the person that is helping us with marketing) and tried to get it rejected. He made a couple comments on a fb post about it, and then suddenly, literally that same day, there were issues with the application that we were previously told was what we needed for the trip. I spent hours last week on it, with lots of back and forth with the permit coordinator for the park (she was awesome, and seemed to agree that what we now needed to do was overkill, but she helped me work through it and then expedited her review - normally 60 days, she did it in one). Today we got the final signed permit from the park! Score one for the little guys (me and DH and the woman helping us).


                    Enjoy your Monday ladies (especially if it involves a tiny adorable puppy)! I'm off to do chores.


                    Yay, glad to hear and FFS, how do people have time to be assholes and do damage like that?




                      Kat, Javi is adorable.


                      Rest day today


                      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        Running rest day. Still sore. Probably the combo of the race & then sitting in the car for 3 hours.Did an upperr body workout & stretched.


                        CrazySue, that's tough that your work bff is gone.


                        Kilmisters, when I saw your post when I was reading at work, it was probably 10am or so. Not even close to the end of the work day for me. At least it was super quiet at work.


                        KatS, he looks tiny. And I bet if you give him a bath or he goes out in rain, he will look even tinier. That hair probably makes him look bigger.


                        Docket, at this point, I'll take the 70 degrees if I can at least have cool mornings.I'm so done with needing to defrost the car.


                        GatsbyBird, yay that the case is over! Coffee and a brownie sounds like a good work day treat.


                        AnonymousGuest, some people just suck.


                        BerthaSlayer, enjoy the rest day. Are you driving to your race or flying?



                          HCK...Hubby and I are driving up Friday and returning Sunday.  It's about a 4ish hour drive I think


                          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                          WINE o'clock somewhere!

                            Kathi, funny you mentioned it.  This was from the foster mother.


                            Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                            Beast of Burden - August 2024

                            Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                            Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                            WINE o'clock somewhere!

                              Elina, you're probably asleep by now.  Hope your evening was good.


                              Sue, nice on the garden, I miss it.  Too hot her for me, I forget to water.


                              Damaris, it's 5pm and 91 out.  UGH.  Enjoy your RD.


                              Margaret, congrats on the case, both win and getting rid of the damn thing!!!  Getting close to beer time for you!!


                              Karen, glad you got your trip stuff figured out.  Screw that bah humbug.


                              Lori, enjoy your RD too.  Looking forward to hearing about your race!


                              Kathi, I'm sure the stretching helped.


                              Not much else.  Took Javi into the clinic, no wormies.  Boy, his poo could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon...  He is super playful, but a bit bitey.  I know it is because he isn't getting enough stimulation.  He desperately wants to play with my older guys.  At this point, they don't know what to make of him and want nothing to do with him.


                              Sitting around relaxing on the couch.  Sent an email about the contract details on the new job, waiting to hear from my soon to be boss so we can clarify a few things.


                              Have a good evening all.



                              Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                              Beast of Burden - August 2024

                              Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                              Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024