Womens Running


Weather stalking continues // Thursday (dailies) (Read 14 times)




    60% possibility of showers, followed by light rain next Saturday in Eespo. I might have to consider wearing compression top. Oh, and strong wind gusts, because why not.


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Kat, glad to hear GF and little one are doing great!!


      Damaris, I must have missed the context, but had to laugh re: you casually referring to the woman as "the bitch at work".


      JR, enjoy your trip!!


      Another meh day, filled w ''I am not ready!!'' thoughts re: trail marathon



       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Former Bad Ass

        Yeap, I've mentioned here here several times. She was a thorn in the Miami office. She sued the office for discrimination, sexual and racial. She was a mediocre attorney who always commented on how awesome and amazing she was at this job (she isn't). People hated her in court, even the judges. Not sure where she is going but doubt she will last as long as she did with the government. Before coming to us, she only lasted 1 year at each law firm job for the last 10 years. That should tell you everything you need to know. She and the other thorn there spied on the other attorneys, went through our files, figure out a way to complain about everything and made shit up. She could never go against me because I don't give a fuck and would always respond. She mostly went after the men in the office alleging the office discriminates against women notwithstanding the fact that four of the 6 attorneys were women and the other three had no issues.


        I did call a couple of my attorney friends there to give them the awesome news. I think they are still celebrating.


        I have weights and 11 or the 14. Not sure how much time I'll have today. I also want my allergy shot but unless I run at some point this morning, I won't go.


          Good morning!!!  4.8 w Cissy this morning. Had to detour bc of strong headwinds on Front Beach (thanks for the heads up, Chuck!) and we still had to go four wheelin to avoid the water over the road along the harbor. That's all we got from Laura, thank goodness. I haven't checked the news yet to see how the rest of the south fared. My sister who lives near Karen said it is sunny and dry there. No wind.


          Elina--I am in the meh mode also. Don't feel like doing any work.


          Check y'all later!

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            5 miles. I did a lower body strength training workout yesterday, OMG, my legs were killing me this morning.


            Kilmisters, if your weather is anything like here, the forecast will change 10x before the race.


            Docket, good luck to whatever lucky employer gets her next.


            CrazySue, I'm with you, I don't feel like doing any work.

              4 this morning for me. Did the AMR August Pyramid of 3 X 1, 2, 3, 4 minute push intervals and 1 min recovery in between. Mostly because I was short on time. LOL


              Damaris-yeah for the wicked witch being gone. I'm sorry but she sounds like an HR nightmare. trust me they sometimes get past everyone during the recruiting part but can't maintain the good front for long. Documentation is key then. Yeah and one year stints for a decade is not a good sign.


              Kat-babies have a way of getting to us. I mean Mother Nature knows what she is doing with that so that we protect the young. They are also such a sign of new hope and literally rebirth that it's natural to celebrate such newness and life ahead! So excited for babies now with a world that, despite what naysayers might say, is the most at peace, united and inclusive as it has ever been. Young generation for the most part is so wide open with each other and connected. Differences are just interesting things to be explored not feared. At least that's what I get from Kaite and her friends. yes, you can call me PollyAnna. Poor Petunia! LOL Good thing there wasn't wine in it or it would have been a true tragedy.


              Tessa- you did sleep in the womb room! LOL I am with you on wall paper dislike. Sometimes the easiest option is to replace it with more wallpaper but eventually it has to go.


              HCK-my former house was like that with the wallpaper chair rail and different ones above/below. Ugh.


              Karen-woot on the long run! Hope slow cooker was fast for you last night. this saturday is the AMR relay thing. I have one hour to run at 10am and one hour to run at 4pm. Not sure how I'll split the 4 hours total. I'd like those hours to be "faster" so will do them on the dirt roads. Maybe 3 hours in morning and 1 in afternoon? or 2 hours each time? Open to suggestions of what might work best.


              Jenn-have a great weekend!


              Elina-do it! ignore the news headlines. Hope today is less grumpy. 40% chance of no rain! Wind at your back! sounds good!


              Sue-nice work on the PU challenge. I couldn't do one on toes.


              Margaret-the open course concept is kind of neat and a good option. .85 mile loop would be dumb. the round robin is 2 miles and that's going to be bad enough. If not for it being 5 miles from A's house I would have likely passed but supporting Running Fit events and will liekly have many "regulars" there to see. Gives me a good chance to try out self - supporting at a race too.




              Former Bad Ass


                 Damaris-yeah for the wicked witch being gone. I'm sorry but she sounds like an HR nightmare. trust me they sometimes get past everyone during the recruiting part but can't maintain the good front for long. Documentation is key then. Yeah and one year stints for a decade is not a good sign.



                Sadly, this is the government and even with documentation, they couldn't do anything. Also, I think the government folded and settled with her even though my boss was in the right (and us too). She wrecked several people's careers with the government by accusing them of stuff. She does not care who she steps over.


                Just because you are told no or told to do something because you're not doing it does not mean it's because you are black or a woman. It's because she was mediocre.


                Anonymous Guest

                  I had 7 miles on the schedule this morning, with 5 at marathon pace in the middle. But after each mile, I had a 90 second walking recovery. I kinda liked it, it got me better at figuring out what MP feels like, but in the heat of SE TX, I didn't have to string together 5 of them. My group has a 40-minute tempo run today, and we added a tempo group run this evening, so I'll drive over for that. Hoping no one shows. I will just be running easy (if at all) since I have that 10 miler with 3x2.5 mile tempo again tomorrow. If the weather is as stifling as this morning, those tempo miles may be slower than today's MP miles.


                  As Susan mentioned, Hurricane Laura missed us completely. Not even high winds overnight. A bunch of facebook memories this morning about Harvey three years ago, so very thankful this one missed us (even though this one was a fast mover and the damage would have been way different). Happy to have power and a normal quiet day.


                  Lisa, I'd do 3 and 1. Get that longer run done, then go back out on maybe tired legs. I say maybe because MOST people would have tired legs the afternoon after 3 hours, but you are our little energizer bunny that goes and goes and goes.

                  Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                  Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                  Check out my website and youtube channel


                  Mighty Mouse

                    JRosewalker, welcome to the thread. I'm a 77 year old widow retired from a public library. My 49 year old son lives, hikes and runs out in Colorado. I'm in NE OH. I've been running (not racing) for 28 years and have enjoyed every minute of it.


                    I've been trying to catch up with posting/reading. I got a few chuckles about the darkly painted rooms. When I was a child, Mom had the living room painted a very dark rose color. It sucked up all the light from the lamps. There was never enough light in that room. One thing about darker walls and white doorways and woodwork, etc. was that it was common in mansions and especially antebellum homes of the wealthy. Peach or blue, yellow or green were great colors accented with the white so I can see how the navy walls with white accents would be really great!


                    Tuesday was a hot 45 minute run out the trail but it still felt good.
                    Wednesday was inside 25 minutes of very fast dvd work. We had a lot of rain at least, and we really need it.
                    Thursday I did the same type of workout at home. Our weather has been just a little iffy. Thundery in the next 36 hours possibly. We've had a very dry August.


                    I've been planning what to do about running in winter. Icy park is risky for falls, and I feel the gym is too risky for covid at my age. The cold wouldn't deter me, but the ice would at least sometimes. I think I will use the little TM room in my building. I don't mind disinfecting stuff I use, and I can run in there with a mask if I need to do so.

                    Where is the "any" key?   

