Womens Running


We are TOUGH THURSDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 20 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Sandy – Woohoo!!! Nice job this morning. You stuck with the plan  Smile I can’t get myself to run anything less than 5…haha. Oh MAN that is COLLLDDD. The wind makes things so much worse. You have a face mask or baklava, right? Do you carry hand warmers? Hand warmers make such a big difference. I won’t blame you either if you turn around on your LR! I have never run in THAT kinda cold. Thanks for the tips on the run! Interesting on the vest…I may try that. I have one that is kinda puffy..never thought about running in it. I may stick with the jacket because it is somewhat water proof. I was worried about my hands though. I feel like they will be even more cold with WET gloves! I will try it though. Guess I can always take them off. NO WFH for me tomorrow. I wish. MAMMEL won’t let me do too many of those in a row. I would rather save it for the 22+ run I have scheduled next week.  Smile Lucky you get to do it every week. Ugh. Secretly hate you.  Smile Ponder that weather stalking… Smile I used to rearrange mine for the weather..and still do sometimes. But I know I will suffer through the awful conditions anyway. PLUS that feeling of running in not-so-perfect weather is pretty freaking awesome. Or..you can bribe yourself. LOL. For example..I have a AWFUL rainy cold run tomorrow…if I get through..I have a big bowl of spaghetti for dinner.  Smile LOL.  Is your LR all you have going on this weekend?


    Diane – Haha..doing a LR on a treadmill is not my thing. I am not Docket. Though..if I had to I am sure I would. I don’t know how I get up early either..I go to bed super early on those days though. I always feel like crap after a long run as the day goes on – doesn’t matter if I drink enough or eat enough. SO..I would rather feel like crap on a workday than a weekend. Wink If I ran long on the weekends I wouldn’t have to get up so early. To each their own I guess. WOOHOO nice job getting the miles in before work!


    Susan – Hope the chiro helps your back!


    Cathy – Have fun this afternoon at the play! So cute Smile OOO after school yoga sounds fun, too! Why didn’t they do anything cool like that when we were kids?! Haha. DD will be in 5th grade next year though, right!? She can sign up soon!  Smile I love your photo!!! How do you race without your hair in a pony?! You look really determined  Smile Are those Saucony shoes??? They look like a model I have…but can’t remember the name of them right now. Like Tessa said, don’t be leaving DD behind on the way home  Smile


    Kathryn – Sorry about the glasses Smile Antelope..how exciting!!! Any update on the other job??


    Tessa – LOL – I wouldn’t dress up as a deer either! I like the Santa and the elves theme  Smile You guys are going to have a big FE!!! How exciting!


    Kilmisters – I am going to have to channel my inner Elina on the run tomorrow  Smile I think you were due for a rest day. Do you have any games this weekend?



    VERY busy day! Ready to go pick up my Rougs from daycare Smile He isn't going to be happy because he needs a bath. Lounging most of the evening because I have to go to bed at grandma hour. 


    OH thanks for all the tips on the run! I was mostly worried about the gloves being wet and my hands being super cold. I am going to bring warmers just incase. Not sure if I will do a vest or my jacket..hmm..it will be a last minute decision.


    Have a great night everyone!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



      Lizzie you could look into getting some cycling gloves...I believe they make some that are water resistant or even water proof.  If you don't care what you look like then ski mittens would be good too...very warm and waterproof.


      Former Bad Ass

        Afternoon!  Ran only 6.06 miles last so I had to do my 10 this morning, of course.  It was 60F and lovely out there.  It went well.  Broke a bit of the concrete floor at lunch and now working until I go to Pilates tonight.


        Today has not gone any better.  My mom had to get a brain scan to check her surgery area (not sure if you remember that she had brain surgery at the same time as Richard due to a brain aneurysm). They found liquid in her brain, which Richard says it's normal since he has it too but she needs to at least go to the neurosurgeon and see what he says.  Bugsy went to the vet to get the blood test and now we wait around a week.


        Lizzie, hope you enjoyed the rest day.


        Susan, good luck at the chiro.


        Sandy, oh yeah.  I went to the massage therapist this morning and he stretched the psoas.  His stretch is putting his giant fist on it and pushing it.  It feels much better.  I was misaligned and that hip was higher than the other.


        Judy, enjoy the volunteer work.


        Diane, hiya!


        Cathy, what kind of monthly challenge have you decided on?  Maybe I'll join.


        Kat, what distance is that race?  Sounds exciting!


        Tessa, nice run.


        Elina, hope you enjoyed your rest day.


          Almost to the weekend!


          4.5 miles this morning along Buffalo Bayou with end being the coffee shop. LOL Sad to see all the plastic bags up in trees along the bayou knowing that they got there when floating in water!


          Lizzie-having to run shouldn't be scaring you girl! I've never gotten shoe tongue sores.  Sounds like a personal problem to me. LOL I would double glove. Just keep them covered.


          Sue-With back acting like it is, I would not advise starting any big painting projects. Call it crazy wisdom but heed it.


          Diane-We will see how the run and day is going... maybe I'll keep you company on a loop. No promises at this point though.


          Sandy-two cups for me! LOL I also have them double cup them with sleeves. Learned the hard way that my hands get burnt carrying them the 2 blocks back. Glad you liked the workout! Smart girl on the flexibility based on weather conditions.


          Judy-nice run!


          Cathy-I'm not here enough and I like going out for the coffee. Nice way to end my run. Drama stuff is good when acting is involved.  Not real life drama.


          Kathryn-Share that info girl on Antelope Canyon. I do have Trail Toes to put on but should probably use it before hand. LOL Good suggestion on the gloves for the rocks! I wouldn't have though of that!


          Tessa-Brazos is flat as a 32AA bra. No bra bending going on there. the ten foot "hill" is more of a joke than anything else. Fastest 100 miler course apparently. I'm not looking forward to a flat marathon but the company will elevate my mood even if the course does not. :-) We have time to come up with ideas but if Karen is doing the 100 she should be the Axe Murderer slowly / quickly killing off her victims doing the shorter distances. Or maybe she's the one victim that escapes but running the longest. Of course now she has to do the 100. But if she was carrying an axe that could cause others to run even faster and then she wouldn't win.


          Elina - only problem with only remembering "ok accepted" is .. what were the darn terms?? Your literary choices would ensure quick sleep for me.


          Damaris-took out aggression on concrete floor? Okayyyyy..... Hugs on mom's results. Hope all is well!




          Running with the Turtles

            Damaris, I was looking at a glute challenge or an arm challenge for this month... either one seem good to you?





              Diane, received them, thanks. So so far it's you and Kat doing the 50m, Lisa doing the marathon, Karen possibly doing the 100m, and we are trying to talk Ginny into the half? Anyone else? I am wondering if I could get RN there for the 100m. That's a generous time cutoff. I did my first 50m like that -- Labor of Love had a 100m as well as the 50m and I think it had a 33 hour cutoff for all distances.


              Liz, how much do hand warmers weigh and how long do they last? *vision of Liz running along pulling a little red wagon loaded with hand warmers*


              Damaris, sorry to hear about your mum. I'm sure breaking concrete is therapeutic.


              Elina, hockey stats, sounds riveting. Not. Though my current book is titled "Quakeland: On the Road to America's Next Devastating Earthquake" and would probably leave quite a few people snoring.


              Cathy, annoying that she cannot do xc this year, but it won't be long. Drama club? Fun.


              6.43 on the TM. Intervals, 4 minutes easy/1 hard, repeat, got up to 7.1 on the hard intervals.  RN texted that she will run this evening. I don't have that option. Choir practice tonight. This may be interesting. Our strongest soprano, somewhat of a diva, was also the preschool administrative assistant. SIL, who's out of town, texted that she (the soprano) had been terminated from the preschool on Monday, my guess would be for constant tardiness. One of those people whose start time gets pushed later and later because the person is incessantly late for work, and no matter what time the scheduled start becomes, the person cannot seem to get to work on time. The family's heavily involved in various church programs and I don't know if they will want to keep attending now she's been fired -- the person I am most sorry for is her 13-year-old who has a lot of issues and loves the handbell choir and the youth group. We'll see if they show up for rehearsals tonight.

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                4.5 miles with 8 x 1 minute intervals. I'm registered for a trail half on Sunday, we're supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow. Race is about 45 minutes away, people lose their freaking minds here when a flake falls, so not sure I want to drive there in snow.


                Lizzie, be careful on your run. Here they are forecasting a potential "flash freeze" right around the morning rush hour.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Damaris, I was looking at a glute challenge or an arm challenge for this month... either one seem good to you?




                  I would like an arm challenge. If you choose that, let me know!  We could do a new thread for it, if you want!


                    Blergh.  Tough week at work.  Bunch of cases all seemed to go south at the same time.  I had already decided to make today and tomorrow a mini-taper, but I really wanted to run off the stress when I got home tonight.  What to do...  what to do... surprisingly (or perhaps not), I stuck to the plan and ate brownies instead.  


                    Damaris, sorry to hear your mom needs further evaluation.  How is your hubby doing?


                    Lizzie, hope all goes well with the cold rainy run tomorrow morning!


                    Brazos Benders, if I were closer, I'd come cheer you on.  But that course would drive me batty so I'm not going to join you.


                    No energy for more personals, sorry.  Gotta go find that last brownie.  Or maybe a beer.

                    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
