Womens Running


Lazy Day WEEKENDS (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)


WINE o'clock somewhere!

    Karen, glad Wild Hare is still happening!  I hope our race goes off that weekend as well.  Sometimes breaks are a good thing!  I can't help but giggle about your DH wanting to get canned!


    Lori, that is CRAZY about the fridge!  Great job on the miles this morning, even if they were a struggle. WTG!


    CC, that is great mileage!  Especially with a stroller.  I'm sure you would kick my booty even if I was running.  Nice that you have breakfast place now!  I wish I had a tolerable one in walking distance.  There is a dive bar/pub about a mile away...


    HCK, glad your run wasn't as soupy as forecasted!  Hopefully more like a chicken broth rather than a split-pea.


    Cathy, 67 miles is crazy!  Though a bunch of my old friends in Portland used to do centuries on a routine basis.  Ouch for your DD, that is hard.  Will she need to get it re-pierced?


    Margaret, yay on the race!!!  It will be pretty.  Hope you have a nice time at your Dad's.


    Lizzie, do report in on dinner!!!  I am sure it was great.


    Today wasn't smooth, but wasn't yesterday.  Three of the five hospitalized pets ended up worsening instead of improving.  Yesterday was a head shaker - probably one of the most, uh... unique things I have ever seen.  If I could share, I would, but it isn't for the queasy.  Still don't know how the dog did.


    Glad to be home and not have to work for a few days, though I have a doctors meeting Mon night.  Ho hum...


    Nothing on tap other than that, yay!



    Kettle Moraine - June 2024

    Beast of Burden - August 2024

    Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

    Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



    Cupcake Connoisseur

      Running rest day for me. I did do a 50 minute full body workout Smile


      Ah, I slept in until 7:30!!! That hasn't happened in months. Felt good but had to get up and get my body moving - I was sort of dragging. The full body workout was good and now im jello Smile


      Dinner went well yesterday! They got here super early but they wanted to check out my brothers new lot as well. They said they enjoyed dinner but I don't think my mom would have said anything if she didn't. IDK..I hear her judge other people so always think she is judging me. I just need to get used to cooking for her and that feeling will go away I assume. Anywho, all went well and it was fun hanging with them for a bit. I still can't believe that my 86 year old father can down a bottle of wine and still drive an hour home........


      Hoping for my lazy day today!! Think we are going to pick up some steaks for dinner tonight. Want to head over to the antique shop I mentioned last weekend but never made it to.



      Docket - Awesome run yesterday! So jealous of your weather! Hoping you are feeling a bit better.


      Kilmisters - Hopefully you are able to get up early for that LR today Smile. Understand the running mojo depleting. I think thats pretty normal when you get to where you are in marathon training. Then you will taper and want to run long again. Its the cycle that we are all addicted too LOL.


      Karen - When are you planning on running the virtual Boston? Does it have to be in September? I was thinking maybe you could delay it so you would have cooler weather Smile. I think the altitude your in is tempo enough, ha.  Plus, like Damaris said, its hard enough to run on vacation and you have been on the ROAD and still managed an awesome mileage base. Impressive. Not surprised about the staggered start for the 50 miler.


      Kathryn - You are killing us with this pup story! Just spill the beans!!! Smile Work sounds like its bene rough. Yay for some days off!! WOOT! Anything fun planned?


      Lori - I was the same in my running group. - started with them and then ran solo. I saw they posted on FB yesterday that most of them kept a 9:00mn mile for the 10 miles they had scheduled yesterday. WTF. I could not have kept up with that in this heat. No freakin’ way. How do they do it?! Nice 8 yesterday!


      CC - Makes total sense why you started running with the stroller. Out of curiosity, how much did it drop your pace? Do you run/walk? I just can’t imagine doing 8-9 miles pushing a stroller!!! So impressive. Nice run yesterday! A picnic sounds fun. I also hate hills but in the area I live in, there is just no “flat” areas at all.


      Run4kupcakes - NICE run yesterday! I noticed this morning we had some thick fog. I am sure its nasty out there. Coffee food truck?? That sounds awesome.


      Cathy - Wow, you really crushed that bike ride on Friday. How are your legs not jello even running the recovery miles?! Impressive!! Aw, poor DD! Did they have to remove the piercing all together?? Hopefully the wasp sting calmed itself down! I can’t remember the last time I was stung by a bee. Watch, it will happen now. Oh, an outing next weekend???? Smile Smile Wait, no coffee since March?!


      Margaret - AWESOME run yesterday! And awesome on the race sign up! Woohoo!! Thats exciting. Very good point about stress. I didn’t even think about it that way. I always think running helps the stress. I am still working on relaxing with the mileage and just taking it easy. After 5 years of being on a strict plan, its hard to go back to just running for fun. Hope you had a great visit with your dad!! Was he happy to see DH??



      I was planning on putting in some vacation time over Labor Day but going to hold off. I would rather take the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am going to go ahead and submit for it and see if its approved. Would like to have some time on the calendar to look forward too. We have a FL trip booked for our anniversary but don't think thats going to happen now....


      I made HCDH go outside while I was typing this. OMG he would not shutup!!!! He took his cereal and bowl outside. LOL.


      Have a great day everyone!!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

      Anonymous Guest

        I was going to run long this morning, but I don't think I'm gonna. Maybe 10. I twisted my ankle walking one of the dogs the other day and it hasn't really bothered me, but did a little last night and then this morning when I got up. Plus my shoulders and back are a little sore, probably from either walking dogs 3-4 times a day or carrying groceries home from the store (it's not even a quarter mile walk, but I tend to buy more than I can comfortably carry). Might do a little bike ride with DH this afternoon.


        I made HCDH go outside while I was typing this. OMG he would not shutup!!!! He took his cereal and bowl outside. LOL.


        OMG, I know! DH has been going on and on since he got up this morning. Now that he's been off work for three weeks, apparently he can think about other things and he must share them all. Same last night, the I was trying to read. It's like he thinks I just sit here and do nothing but wait for him to talk sometimes!


        Back after my run for personals. Just read Liz' comment as DH was yammering on about the mountain bike he wants to buy (yes, he already has one, but now thinks he needs a better one), but it's finally sinking in that he won't have a salary anymore and that's what's stopping him from buying the one in stock at the LBS here.

        Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


        Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

        Check out my website and youtube channel



          Another 8.4 miles today. I live in an extremely flat area where any "hills" are manmade. So I ran 1.5 miles from home to the nearest viaduct and ran up and down it until it was time to head home (my goal mileage for the day was 8ish). About 11 or 12 sets because I lost track but only 410 feet of elevation gain. That said,  I could NOT do one more set had you paid me

          Unless I drive to Bertha or run the parkway (both manmade) I have to create my own hills by running routes that include viaducts or parking lot ramps. It's a pain.


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



            Thanks for support, everyone! I decided to be a weakling and take this weekend off and focus fully on remaining weeks. I bet I will be eager to get out there tomorrow. Only one really long run left (30-32k) and then it's taper time. On workdays it's easier, you just get into "do all the things" mojo, but by the time it's weekend you are so done w everything. It will sound silly but I don't want to say no to watching NHL either. Let's see. I do feel ready enough for Eespo to just go into "maintenance" mod, but I shouldn't take the pedal off gas fully either


             ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


            ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              The promised humidity was there this morning. 3.6 miles and I was totally soaked.


              GatsbyBird, nice run yesterday. $40 cockails?! Is it carry-out where you get several servings?


              Running with the Turtles

                8 very easy miles this morning.  Ran with a woman that is training for her first marathon and my therapist friend.  The humidity was back.  And I didn't run until 7:30!  Super late for me.    But the run went by very quickly.  Sometimes it's nice to have company!  My hand started swelling yesterday from the wasp sting, I went to the store to get some Benadryl.  That stuff just knocked me out!  I had to take a nap and then I was just dragging the whole day.  I woke up in the night because my hand was itchy.  Put an ice pack on it and went back to sleep.  I didn't wake up until 6:15.  That's really late for me!  I think the swelling has stopped spreading at least.  I read online that the swelling is the worst 24-48 hours after a bite.  So hopefully it is on the mend now.  DD's ear with the new piercing was fine after they got the earring out, so she put a larger stud earring in and it should be OK.


                Margaret, nice miles!  Cool that you found a race!  Haha, yeah, I was never a coffee drinker!  In the winter I will occasionally have tea.


                Kat, I am really wondering about that pup... 


                Liz, wow, you slept in until 7:30!  I'm glad the dinner went well!  Speaking of wine, DD told me that XDH was going to see the boo yesterday and he bought a box of wine.  The good stuff!    They sure seem to like their wine.  At least I sometimes drink coffee... TF has never drank coffee.  Ever.  Weird huh?  Lol, funny about HCDH.


                Karen, you are falling apart.    I hope your ankle, shoulders, and back are OK.


                Lori, nice hillwork!  We have too many hills here.  




                  GatsbyBird, nice run yesterday. $40 cockails?! Is it carry-out where you get several servings?


                  Ha, it's the Ritz.  I suspect it's only a single serving.  Can't say I've ever gone there for cocktails myself, though.  Ick on the humidity.


                  Karen, you're going to need a vacation from your vacation if you keep wearing yourself out like that.


                  Lizzie, my dad was so excited and happy to see my DH, he gave him a hug!  He never hugs anyone!  It was very sweet.  Of course your dinner was fantastic.  


                  Lori, nice job finding some hills.


                  Kilmisters, one more big LR!  You can do it!


                  Kat, woohoo for a few days off!


                  MTA: Hi Turtles, cross posted again.  Seems to be our thing this weekend.    Glad that the wasp sting is getting better.  Benadryl makes me sleepy too.


                  9 miles on trails today.  It's socked in with fog around my house but I went up above the fog, and it was about 10 degrees warmer.  Elevation gain was around 1900 according to Strava.  Laundry and other chores now.


                  5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                  Anonymous Guest

                    I ended up running just under 11. I ran 8ish, then came back and picked up Riley for almost two, then Huckles for just under one. When I picked up Riley, DH said he'd decided to go buy that bike at the local bike store. I was not surprised in the least. Since then, I've just been trying to catch up with running group stuff. Ankle doesn't hurt anymore, back and shoulders feel okay. I don't think I'm falling apart, just complaining a lot.


                    Kathryn, add me to the list of those intrigued about the weird case at work. Enjoy your down time!


                    Lori, nice job seeking out hills. I normally feel your pain as it's pancake flat where I live, but after the past three weeks, flat sounds kinda nice.


                    ccoakley, fun run to hit the coffee shop! That's a lot of miles to be pushing a double stroller - you must be getting into great shape. It will be interesting to see what happens with my fitness when we go back to TX. We just bought this place last September, then spent a week here in October and that's it until this trip. So haven't really had enough time to acclimate to the elevation before this. This trip will be four weeks, although one of them was down around 5,000'. If I do get a bump in fitness, I wonder if it will be wiped out by losing all acclimation to the high humidity of SE TX.


                    HCK, glad at least yesterday's weather wasn't too awful. Too funny not even knowing your coworker was pregnant!


                    Cathy, nice job on the bike ride! Glad DD's ear is okay and hopefully the worst of the wasp sting is behind you.


                    Margaret, nice miles this weekend! Love that Strava segment name. And what a beautiful picture from today.


                    Liz, sounds like you got lazy day off to a great start by sleeping in! I'm sure your dinner was fabulous. Virtual Boston has to be run between Labor Day and the following Monday (which was the date is was rescheduled for). I'm planning on running it on Labor Day as that's three weeks before my possible Nebraska marathon so it would be my last 20+ miler.

                    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                    Check out my website and youtube channel


                    WINE o'clock somewhere!

                      My apologies, the story about the pup is not a good one.  It was overwhelming and shocking.  I suppose I should have just kept my mouth shut. But I didn't...



                      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                      Beast of Burden - August 2024

                      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                      Former Bad Ass

                        My apologies, the story about the pup is not a good one.  It was overwhelming and shocking.  I suppose I should have just kept my mouth shut. But I didn't...




                        Sorry. Sad


                        Ran 8 with 8 X 400m on the TM. The TM shut down twice because (1) my husband thinks we're in Fall and put the fucking AC at 74F and it was still at 74F when I finished even though I lowered it to 69F an hour before I ran, and (2) the old surge protector and extension the TM had has been going bad for the last month, especially during workouts. After the second shutdown (which of course happened both DURING the 400m, sigh), hubby found me a new extension even after he had told me before we didn't have any spare. 

