Womens Running


Monday, so soon? (DAILIES) (Read 19 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Lori – You take rest days?! 😉 Congrats on day 210!!! Amazing!  I am the BIGGEST baby when it comes to heat and humidity. Totally get it. Thank you for your advice – I needed to hear that because I too, am a people pleaser and always say yes. I need to learn to say no and stand up for myself. Its so hard. I feel like I am disappointing people when I say no. Right now work is more crazy because of the transition/merger. A lot of my techs (they travel to the banks and do service on misc things) are losing their jobs come Sept 1. So, obviously, a lot of them are leaving. This puts more work on me because I have to sub everything out. I have over 100 work orders and over 70 of them are vendors – which means I manage it. Its too much. Plus, we are supposed to be traveling now?! The site I have to go to tomorrow isn’t ours (not until Sept 1) but they want us to do a site survey. We have no contacts, and no confirmation that the site will even ALLOW us in. I mean, I am not going to drive 2+ hours without having some sort of confirmation first. You would think management would have this information before passing it down to us. I thought that was common sense but apparently not. Now I am venting. LOL. It will get better but right now its crazy and I need help! Which is hard for me to admit.


    Laura – I think sleep was needed for you this morning! I hate tossing and turning. Aw, I think that is great for you and BF! I was going to say the same thing – you may never go back to the office – LOL. Completely agree with the hesitation on moving. I guess that would be to far to travel if you ever are back in the office? Though, I think a lot of companies are more open to virtual. My SIL was getting stressed out about the move because of her job. In order to pre-approve for their loan she had to have a job based in RVA. She loves her job – she spoke to her boss and her boss agreed to all virtual!! Which is awesome! She will have to travel up North sometimes but it buys her time to find a job here.  I am sure the new area you move to would have some opportunities! Your BF’s ex sounds like a nut job. LOL.


    Docket – Enjoy your rest day!


    Sandy – THANK GOODNESS those testing calls are done! That should be a bit of a mood booster 😉. You are not the only one experiencing the Garmin issues this morning – I saw a bunch of people posting about it in my running group. I also heard things were back up and running? I have to check. Sounds like you had a nice low key weekend! I am so excited to start season 10 of Shameless!!! I have some other stuff I have to catch up on though. Our mortgage has already been sold TWICE. I refuse to setup autopay until a year in. LOL. I feel like I get mad at HCDH’s family because I am jealous. I am slaving away and they are still getting paid to watch TV. Yeah, maybe jealous. 😊. Lily and Leo are going to end up best buds. They are doing so well!


    Kathryn – I am just loving your tattoo! Is gorgeous! Makes me have the itch 😉. When I first read your post to Sandy, I thought it said that you were tickled that her breasts are getting along – LOL!!! Super exciting about your trip to NOLA!!!!


    Susan – Ugh, hope your internet improved!! Wow, thank goodness you were wearing a helmet! When my Uncle broke his C1, the helmet did not crack in the LEAST. It looks perfectly brand new. My Aunt wrote the company and said thank you and they could use him in a commercial! They sent her a free helmet 😊


    Cathy  - WOW nice run this weekend! That is SUPER speedy! Especially in the heat you were experiencing. I think you would definitely crush a sub 4! I loved your pictures from the river trip! It looked fun. Aw..so sweet that the kids met TF!! They are good judges 😊. I mean, as long as he didn’t bring you a stuffed animal or called you boo I think it’s a win in their book. LOL 😊. You had a fun weekend!! Great news that he is not displaying any signs of COVID! Uhm, what did Mr.Math have to say about period data?! LOL.


    Carol – Nice run this morning! Have fun tomorrow!!


    Judy – I love how active you are, Judy! Weights before bed?! I wouldn’t be able to sleep!


    Kilmisters – 70 degree temps do not sound fun – but there is rain and that will help!!! A lot can change before Saturday!



    Have a great afternoon everyone!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

    LC Runs

      Lizzie - yes, the area we would be moving to is much more populated (think - mall, gym, running/bike paths, etc).  I actually could do this same job in that area (they seem to be hiring regularly), it's just covers a different region of the state (Area Agency on Aging).  The bummer is you can't just transfer and have everything go with you, they are all separate regions.  So, we'll see...if we were to do mostly work from home, I could likely continue here. It's not impossible to continue even if we go back to the 'normal' way we conduct business, BUT I would have to travel to the office and then travel the opposite direction for work, since we cover northeastern michigan.   Your current work situation sounds VERY stressful, take care of yourself!!

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Yippee, Monday. Hardly can tell the difference between days at this point. DId a short walk on the treadmill & upper body strength training. My forearms were killing me all day--I think it's from pulling weeds last night. You all are going to convince me to start biking again.


        KatS, love the tattoo! It looks so realistic.


        Bikerchick, from the other day, I live a little bit north of Baltimore.


        Kilmisters, I would love to see a 70 degree day. It was 98 or something awful today.


        Lizzie, definitely get that helmet! When I used to bike a lot, it is way more bearble to bike in this crap weather than run. At least you get a little breeze on the bike. At least on a road bike, on a mountain bike, it can be just as bad, especially on hilly routes.
