Womens Running


Avocado FRIDAYS!! (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)

LC Runs

    Late check in for me, I left the house around 9 to do some home visits (paperwork signatures) and then went into the office.  So much to do, but I ended the week all caught up.


    3.1 this morning.


    Add me to the group that loves avocados and guac.  I hated it when I was a kid but man, love them. In fact, I need to add them to my grocery list LOL


    Hi Lizzie - ugh on the sleep issue, I was better last night but man - I really think we all have underlying anxiety with all of the crap going on.  Hope you have a great weekend!


    Damaris - have a great 15!


    Sue - I bet your hair looks great!  I think it's awesome you are doing/taking your mom grocery shopping, so many people have no one to help.


    Kat - probably best she flaked out, but would have been nice to tell the company before she was a no show, frustrating!!


    Lori - so glad DD is okay, how scary!! Weird schools are opening up but you are Stage 2.  Our directive is we go back to stage 3, all online  - my  DS is planning on going back in person but I have a feeling the state will push us back.


    Margaret - have a great dinner out!!


    Judy - glad to hear DC is doing well!  Nice run and weights!


    Karen - I didn't know that about the bike shortage.  Gld you are having fun, such pretty pics!!


    Lisa - the 5k sounds like fun and glad the DD situation worked out!


    Cathy - nice 5!  I am so impressed with all of the different workouts you are doing, you are my hero!!


    Sandy - today was better, though probably because I was on the road half of the day LOL!!  I agree, 2020 is a bust, ugh.  Yeah , my DS doesn't think he will be very motivated with on line stuff (he's smart and thank god, old enough to figure stuff out) but he feels in person would work better for him.  We'll see, like I mentioned before, the state may be making that decision for us if our pattern continues.  Nada weekend plans here, too!


    Elina - you will do great tomorrow, can't wait to read about it!

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      TGIF. Did just under 5 miles with strides. I haven't been running on Fridays, just works out better, but we're going up to MIL's tommorrow, so no clue how long that's gonna be. Yum, avocados.


      Yea, sleep. I hate to admit it, but judging by stuff on FB, apparently this is age related. Different groups, but in the same age range, all complaining about crappy sleep. It has halped that I lowered the temp in our bedroom--78 was not sleeping weather.


      BerthaSlayer, scary about DD. Glad she got it checked out and it wasn't her heart, but a torn pec sounds painful.


      CrazySue, probably easier to take your mom shopping. We've been doing the shopping for MIL basically all year.


      GatsbyBird, I assume the restaurant is a "date night" with DH? Enjoy! I haven't been to sit down restaurant since late January. We did go to a huge wedding the weekend before everything closed. The couple got lucky, 4 more days and they would not have been able to have it.


      Judyruns, good to hear DC is doing well. It's amazing how many surgeries can be done with minimal incisions.


      Kilmisters, good luck tomorrow!
