Womens Running


Tiny Buddha Challenges - February 2018 (Read 14 times)



    Feb 16 - Make it a goal to say "I see where you're coming from" to someone at least once today - and really mean it.

     Can you think of a recent time when it felt like someone didn't see your side?

     How would you have felt had they said this to you?

     How does it improve your interactions when both sides try to see where the other person is coming from?



      Feb 17 - Buy a compassionately made product.

         Do you ordinarily make it a priority to buy compassionately made products?

         Do you believe this makes a difference in the world?  Why or why not?



        Feb 18 - Complete the writing prompts blow.  Keep these things in mind as you go about your day to help treat yourself with compassion.


           I wouldn't treat other as harshly as I treat myself because.....


           My loved ones wouldn't treat me like I treat myself because.....


           To treat myself better, I'd need to let go of.....


           I can start letting go by.....


        Former Bad Ass

          Feb 18 - Complete the writing prompts blow.  Keep these things in mind as you go about your day to help treat yourself with compassion.


             I wouldn't treat other as harshly as I treat myself because.....


             My loved ones wouldn't treat me like I treat myself because.....


             To treat myself better, I'd need to let go of.....


             I can start letting go by.....


          This one was pretty nice.  Good things to remember.




            I was about to ask if any one was reading these and if I should stop.  Glad to see you liked it Damaris.



              Feb 19 - Convey to someone today that you understand their feelings.

                 How do you feel - about yourself, your circumstances, and the other person - when it feels the someone just doesn't get what you are feeling, and why?

                 How do you feel when someone expresses that they understand the way you feel, and they'd feel the same way if they were in your shoes?

                 What's something you could say or do to better understand what others are feeling so that you can validate and comfort them in this way?



                Feb 20 - Think about someone you know who could use some help, and then ask a mutual friend if they'll work with you to support that person.

                   Have you ever felt like you were powerless to help someone because you didn't know what to do?

                   Did you consider asking a mutual friend to help you offer support?

                   If not, how may it have made a difference if you had?



                  Feb 21 - Devote five to twenty minutes to a simple compassion meditation.  Start by visualizing someone toward whom you easily feel compassion, and silently repeat the words "May you be happy and free from pain and suffering". Now visualize yourself and mentally repeat the same thing.  Next, visualize someone toward whom you have neutral feelings while repeating these same well wishes.  After that, visualize someone for who you have trouble feeling compassion, to help extend the goodwill you've fostered toward them.  End the meditation by extending your well wishes to everyone on the planet, with these words: May all living things be happy and free from suffering.



                    Feb 22 - Whenever someone upsets you today, instead of snapping at them or acting hurt, ask yourself, What fears may cause them to act as they do?

                       Have you ever done things you're not proud of because you were scared?

                       Did you realize at the time that there was fear behind your actions?

                       How does it change your perception of others to realize that they may be motivated by fear?



                      Feb 23 - Let someone off the hook for a mistake or shortcoming that won't be a big deal in the grand scheme of things.


                         Have you ever wished people would choose their battles more wisely and cut you some slack?

                         How do you feel, in general and about yourself, when people nitpick and point out things you could have done better?

                         What would you rather people say and do when you know you messed up?



                        Feb 24 - Identify someone in your life who hasn't always shown you compassion, and do something compassionate for them.

                           Do you feel resistance to offering this person compassion, and if so, why?

                           What's one reason they may need and act of compassion?

                            How might it improve your relationship if you offer them the compassion they haven't offered you?
