Womens Running


Tuesdailies--- international Chocolate Day And Positive Thinking Day (Read 12 times)



    Isn't every day (unless you're Damaris) chocolate day?



    *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

     **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**




      Today I ran in drizzle. 5 miles.  Finally we are getting some rain.

      I ran my last mile my fastest in years. Woot.


      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


        Spin class this morning.


        Sunday was the worst ride I've ever had. It was a large (300 + ) group ride. I went out too fast, under hydrated, overheated and begged for the sag truck at mile 50. I just could not stay upright on my bike any longer. I thought I could coast back to the start/finish, but decided to just call it a day and not risk hitting the pavement. It was that bad. Sad


        Margaret--your trip sounds fun, despite the lack of power.


        Lori--great job getting out there.


        And just when I didn't think work could suck any worse, it does. I just got a big project (making and shipping sensory samples) dropped in my lap. Supervisor didn't like the way things were going with that program, so she yanked it out of their capable hands and dropped it back into my hands. On top of everything else. I'll do it, but there are other things that will not get done now. They even checked MY vacation schedule, and planned a whole year of shipments before they told me about it. Idk if I should be pissed that they planned it without asking me first (yes) or amazed that they recognize I do these things right and I was selected to do it again (?)  Whatever. Not my dumpster fire. I think more than anything it is just stressing me out thinking about it.


        I'll just knit and maybe it will all go away....


        Happy Tuesday y'all



          Sue,  you've had a rough few days! I hope they get better. my sister also knits to relax.


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning! Ran 4 with hubby in gorgeous 58F this morning. Now holding meetings of creditors.


            Today is the day we take Rubio to the vet. Sigh.


            Yup, no chocolate for me unless I'm really hungry and that's all there is. Interestingly, my favorite ice cream (after Strawberry) is cookies & cream.


            Lori, nice 5.


            Sue, sorry about the tough ride and work, ugh!


            LC Runs

              4 miles for me this morning, followed by a HIIT workout. Kinda gloomy and chilly here today, blah,


              Lori - whoo hoo on your run today!


              Sue - ugh so sorry about the crappy bike ride and work project - hang in there!


              Damaris - great run!  Thinking about you today ((hugs))


              WINE o'clock somewhere!

                No chocolate here today, rather raspberry crumble cookies from Costco, delish.  Perhaps I didn't need both.


                Lori, I read on Strava about your mile, that's AWESOME!!


                Sue, knitting sounds like a great idea.  Wow on the awful ride, that's too bad.  BIG group!  Sorry for the work woes.


                Damaris, glad you had such a nice and cool run.  So sorry about Rubio, letting go is hard, but kind.


                Laura, I could use some gloomy weather.  We're blessed to be in the low/mid 90's...  STILL.  Nice 4.


                I haven't been out in a few.  Last week I was plagued with a headache that didn't go away for 4 days.  Then quite honestly, I was a lazy sack-o-shit yesterday morning.  I never go out on Tuesday's as I have to be to work extra early.


                Ahhh, work...  7.5 more shifts left.  7 regular and one half day next Saturday.  Counting down.  Not pleased currently.  If I get chewed out again for being a messenger, or anything similar, I will grab my shit and go on the spot.  Not gonna put up with that crap.  Short timer syndrome.


                Tomorrow is my Friday, ahhh.  (A good ahh this time!)  I have Thurs/Fri/Sun off.  Lots to do, but will enjoy some time for me.


                Toodles all.



                Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                Beast of Burden - August 2024

                Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  Chocolate day, I can get behind that. I had some dark chocolate oreos for an afternoon snack. No run today, just upper body strength.


                  BerthaSlayer, nice run & last mile!


                  CrazySue, smart call on the bike ride. I guess at leeast they checked your vacation schedule? But ugh, would be nicec to ask before dropping a project on you.


                  Docket, hugs. Cookies and cream is an intereting choice if you don't really like chocolate.


                  LCRuns, nice workouts.


                  KatS, those Costco cookies are GOOD. It's hard to walk by them when we go. Aside from the crunch, they sort of remind me of the Entemann's raspberry coffee cake.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    It is done. We miss him already but he was so ill we know it was for the best.


                    I lifted after we came back from the vet.
