Womens Running


Prosecco Thursdays! (DAILIES) (Read 16 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    I could take it or leave it. What about you guys?!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      Running rest day for me. I did a 55 minute full body workout. Whew, it was good!!


      Its 8am and I am ready for this day to be over. I unfortunately had an abnormal pap a few weeks ago so I have to go in today for a biopsy. This also happened last year (I fainted during the procedure). So, yeah. Should be fun times this afternoon. I have been very emotional about it and not sure why. Maybe I need some prosecco?



      Docket – Damn, sorry for the crappy run!!


      Judy – Nice running yesterday! What kind of weather are you getting in OH?



      Have a great day everyone!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning! I have 7-8 and Pilates tonight.


        Liz, I prefer Limoncello than Prosecco. Good luck with the biopsy!



        Cupcake Connoisseur

          YESSSS!!! I LOVE Limoncello!!!

          Morning! I have 7-8 and Pilates tonight.


          Liz, I prefer Limoncello than Prosecco. Good luck with the biopsy!



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

            5.2 miles w Cissy. Today was a better day, but we still walked the hills.


            Liz-hope all goes well with the biopsy.


            I need to plan my workout for tomorrow so it actually happens.  My running friends are either off on Fridays, or go in later, so they ride 30 miles.  I want to join them, but don't want to be making up 3 hours for work. They are also riding 50 on Saturdays, but I don't think I can hang yet....Think I will work out tomorrow, and then ride 20 at the park on Saturday. I'm just not riding much this year. Something is always up.


            Back to work. I need a Susan day.


              I like Prosecco but don't have it much.  Limoncello is way too strong for me!  haha


              4 pretty steamy miles.  Oof.  Under-fueled and dehydrated made it more of a shuffle than usual.  Dodged the walk with drama neighbor friend.  I don't have the energy for that.  Work is stressful enough.


              Damaris - glad DHs friend is recovering from COVID!  Nice 16 miles.  How do you keep up the motivation??


              Kat - holy CRAP were you productive yesterday!!  Doesn't that feel awesome??  Miss Lilypants is doing better today.  But, she doesn't like pumpkin.  I also put a little broth in her food and she isn't keen on that either.  I think she's anorexic LOL


              Karen - awesome run yesterday!  That weather looks amazing.  Though, no doubt that elevation is KILLER.  Awww, I'd be sad to leave for TX, too.  Safe travels!  Do you do any of the driving?


              Liz - awwww sorry for the stress over the Dr. today.  Weird it happened again this year.  I'm sure it'll be nothing again!  Hang in there.  Good plan on deferring Richmond.  That honestly does not sound like a fun way to run a marathon.  Many more years of marathoning ahead!!


              Sue - way to get out there this morning!  Awww, sorry you can't join your pals on Fridays.  Sounds like a good plan for you!!


              There is this noise outside that I cannot figure out and it's bugging me.  It sounds like either a helicopter circling (but not sure about that) or a big machine somewhere.  So weird.  May have to do some investigating.  I'm a weirdo that does not have a radio or TV on when I'm working.


              Running with the Turtles

                I have never had Prosecco!  Or Limoncello.    A little over 9 this morning.  I decided to take a RD tomorrow, I have swim class and I am taking the car in to have the air conditioning checked out so I will being doing some biking.    Yes Liz, it was 60 this morning but it was a warm 60, 100% humidity.  


                Liz, sorry about the biopsy... I'm hoping all goes well for you!  Probably not mentioning the conversation with TRB to TF is the way to go.  No need to get him upset.    One day they will eventually bump into each other, so I guess it's good to keep things civil.    The marathon was going to be held over 16 days?  I just got refunds on all my marathons... who knows when there will be another "big" race?


                Damaris, enjoy the 8.    Glad your hubby's friend is recovering!  lol, my massage therapist and her hubby also own a cigar shop... so she has her massage appts very early in the morning!  She is doing massages out of her home.


                Sue, good luck getting your biking in! 


                Sandy, ugh, sorry about the drama!  Luckily I usually do not have a lot of drama in my life.    You will have to fill us in on what that noise is all about!  Hang in there with work.  Ha, I am always calling TF a goof.    He just agrees with me.  We are looking at a couple of the state parks that are within about a 2 hour drive for Saturday.  Of course, I have to run 18 miles that morning so I will be just raring to go.  


                Laura, I don't think I could handle your flaky friend.  


                Kat, sounds like you were productive yesterday!


                Karen, nice 14!  Enjoy the last of your time there.




                Mighty Mouse

                  Lizzie, best of luck on the biopsy. Our weather has been sunny or partly cloudy, but dry as a bone! I miss the rain. I think I'll redo the little garden in my apartment for fall. I've been "down" lately. That would help perk me up to plan some changes for fall.

                  Sandy, a while back there was an article about a sound that was driving people nuts, only to find (after much digging) that it was the "chillers" for a giant data center not far away. There were also plans to put up many more data centers, therefore loads more "chillers".  Then there is also the Taos Hum! 


                  This morning I did 35 minutes running faster out the trail, then did my stretches thoroughly. After that was grocery shopping.


                  There are some things my grocery just doesn't seem to get any more. Canned whole potatoes? It's not the usual things that were scarce during the beginning of the covid like cleaning supplies, but totally different things now. The prices are also higher and very little is on sale. I'll end up getting the extras at another grocery not far from here. It's prices are better.

                  Where is the "any" key?   



                    So...the MS Gulf Coast Marathon/HM is December 13th.....early registration ends Monday.....DH's niece is getting married Saturday the 12th---wedding is here, I think I'll be fine. Lol why not??? There is a provision to defer to 2021 if needed.


                    Judy--there are some food products not available here also. Not as many choices, but I think the wholesalers are almost dumping fresh fruit and vegs sometimes--two weeks ago pineapples were .99, limit 5!  They were good, too. I've been shopping the specials. Canned whole potatoes? I think I've only eaten them once.  My grandparents always had a potato crop on the farm, so we rarely ate them canned.


                    Tonight I'm making eggplant korma with eggplant from our garden. DH was concerned there was no meat, but I am making naan from scratch, so that should help. Local store had beautiful corn, so I'm roasting that too with chile lime butter.




                      So...the MS Gulf Coast Marathon/HM is December 13th.....early registration ends Monday.....DH's niece is getting married Saturday the 12th---wedding is here, I think I'll be fine. Lol why not??? There is a provision to defer to 2021 if needed.


                      Judy--there are some food products not available here also. Not as many choices, but I think the wholesalers are almost dumping fresh fruit and vegs sometimes--two weeks ago pineapples were .99, limit 5!  They were good, too. I've been shopping the specials. Canned whole potatoes? I think I've only eaten them once.  My grandparents always had a potato crop on the farm, so we rarely ate them canned.


                      Tonight I'm making eggplant korma with eggplant from our garden. DH was concerned there was no meat, but I am making naan from scratch, so that should help. Local store had beautiful corn, so I'm roasting that too with chile lime butter.



                      Oh. My. Gosh!!  Can I please come for dinner???  


                      Cupcake Connoisseur

                        Susan – Nice miles this morning. Understand the riding dilemma on Fridays! I get anxiety if I am even 5 minutes late for work. Great idea to sign up for the race!! Can you believe I have never had eggplant?


                        Sandy – Nice steamy miles this morning! Let us know if you find out what the noise was! I can’t have the TV on WHILE working..but if I have a lull then I will turn it on 😊. That lull doesn’t usually last very long. We have been hearing lots of noise by our house but they are building so I am just assuming that is what it is!


                        Cathy – Another killer run for you this morning. You and your 60 degree temps! I wonder if you will be the only one in the swim class again? Yeah, I think they are going to have a certain number of people staggered throughout the 16 days. They capped each distance (26.2, 13.1 and 8K) at around 3,000 (maybe 3500) people. The trail they are using for the race though is NO PICNIC. It was one I used to run by my old apartment downtown. LOTS of hills. No thanks! I will wait. You are going to walk around a state park after 18 miles?! Oh boy. Maybe bring a pizza for the ride LOL.


                        Judy - I am sorry you have been feeling down - I have been, too! Hang in there. We also have a shortage of random food items! I remember going into Home Goods a few weeks ago and the shelves were empty...there are a lot of things delayed! I am seeing it a lot at work as well with HVAC equipment.



                        My SIL (brothers wife) was feeling sick with cold like symptoms so of course was concerned. She tested negative. Just goes to show that NOT EVERYTHING IS COVID!!!!! Normal colds happen.


                        Biopsy was not pleasant but at least I didn't faint this time! Xanax helped Smile Results in two weeks. Fingers crossed I am still in the clear! I think if biopsy is the same as last year (low grade) than they wait 1 more year before doing a procedure to remove cells. It can also go away on its own within 18 months (its only been 12)...really hoping nothing has changed because I don't want to deal with that stress right now.


                        I am emailing my boss voicing my concerns about these inspections. Its pretty stern..I am proud of myself for sending. Usually don't have the guts. Maybe its the Xanax.


                        Have a great evening!


                        Have a great evening everyone!



                        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                          Liz - I bet you are laughing at my weather I called “steamy”   I did not find out what the noise was. It stopped shortly after. Weird. Maybe random road work?  I lost water yesterday - so random - so I called the city and the guy says “do you live on <my street name>?”  I was like “yes!!  How did you know??”  Well apparently there was an emergency maintenance or something. I was kinda laughing and then so was he. A fun convo. I guess that’s my life now talking to randoms haha. Glad you didn’t faint today!!  I’m sure it’ll be nothing again but stinks abt the extra time and anxiety. Laughing at Cathy needing a pizza on her ride to the state park!  I think she may need TWO!!  I agree - not EVERYTHING is COVID!  My sister thinks she has it. Ummmmm maybe it was because you pickled your liver for two weeks?? I have been trying to stay away from a lot of her drama. High five on the strong email!!

                          Logging off after a difficult and crazy and hard but productive day. Wine on the patio with Miss Lily.  She has been a sass today. She follows me downstairs to feed the Kit Kat (never goes alone) and today decides to poke Leo out of the way to get her food!  And she’s been giving me the “I wanna go out so I can come back in and get a treat trick”. Sooo naughty 

                          LC Runs

                            RD for me...well I was planning on going for a nice walk after work but the park I go to had something going on and there were *gasp* people around and I did not feel like "peopling" tonight!  So, running RD is total RD 


                            I have never had Prosecco or Limencello!  I am a Moscato girl, so is that Italian enough??  


                            Lizzie - nice job with the workout!!  Ugh on the biopsy, I've had to have a couple of those over the years though they ended up being fine after the colposcopy.  Not fun though.  Glad you sent the email to your boss!


                            Damaris - have a good run!


                            Sue - you do need a day for yourself!  Group ride sounds fun!


                            Sandy - nice 4!  Did you figure out what the noise was?  Glad you did not have to deal with neighborhood friend (is this the one that's moving)? I am really missing walking friend, hoping we can meet up next week.  *edit on the noise issue*  Wine is the cure all and I am joining you...covid has sent me off of my no wine policy (I made it July - May).


                            Cathy - you will rock your 18 miler, you are just owning this training cycle, so awesome!!  Yes, my flaky friend...she is sweet as can be, just insecure and non committal...should I mention she is a Therapist?  I will say she is at a different stage of life, she has a daughter who is around 12 and her hubby is a farmer that works crazy hours so I can understand cancelling at times, but she tends to flake out at the last minute or just completely forget.


                            Judy - I am sorry you are feeling down, I know you are such a go getter so this is temporary!!  I am surprised about the canned potatoes, I feel like that is not something a store would run out of.  I am envious of your gardening skills as I have...none 

                            Anonymous Guest

                              I am beat, y'all. I decided this morning that since I've been here awhile now, maybe I could do the 4x2 mile tempo workout on my plan (which I haven't followed for almost four weeks now) this week. I made it through three, with a few extra stops along the way. Problem one was getting in enough air at 7,500', problem two was there are no flat spots around here. I was going to take the paces out of the workout on my watch, but instead just made them a really big range. Not big enough when I hit a 10% grade hill....I just did what I could and let the watch beep at me.


                              Anyway, came home, walked to the grocery store for a few things we needed, and started pumping up my SUP. Had to stop for a call with the financial guy DH has been talking to about investing his pension. Lesson learned here, we are going to buy an electric pump for the SUP. It takes a long time and it gets really hard to do towards the end. I was beat, and went upstairs to take a quick nap. An hour and a half later, I still didn't have the energy to go, so I'm leaving it inflated and taking it out tomorrow morning after a short, easy run. Then it will be time for some cleaning and packing up, because we leave the next morning. Ready to go home, but I can totally see staying up here for 3-4 months next year. It's like adult summer camp. And I've never lived somewhere where the houses don't have a/c!


                              Liz, glad you made it through without fainting! Hopefully things resolve on their own and you don't have to deal with it anymore. Good for you for sending that email!


                              Susan, nice job on the run this morning! And I want to join Sandy in coming to your house for dinner - sounds amazing!


                              Sandy, underfueled and dehydrated make runs tough. Yes, I do some of the driving. Probably not my fair share, but a good bit. We try to switch off every 3 hours or so. The van drives pretty well, and most of the route is not that busy, but it gets uncomfortable and mentally tiring.


                              Cathy, 2 hour drive to a state park after an 18 miler? Yeah, pack snacks. The pizza idea is a good one.


                              Judy, I have noticed that at different places we've been, different things have been hard to find/out of stock at the grocery store.


                              DH put a "meeting" on his calendar at 4 this afternoon. Says he needs to go to dirt church, so just left on his new mountain bike.  Will be nice to have an hour or two of quiet around here. I have seven library books checked out on my Kindle right now, so need to do some serious reading before they all expire.

                              Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                              Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                              Check out my website and youtube channel

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                Last day of "vacation". Rained all morning, which is not good for some of the veggies in the garden. DId upper body strength trainign this morning and 5 miles this afternoon. Not as hot as it's been, but humid.


                                Lizzie, hope the biopsy results come back soon, 2 weeks seems like a long time to wait.


                                CrazySue, your dinner sounds really good.


                                Seloc, if your neighborhood has a facebook page, see if people are asking about the helicopter. Any time ones is up in the air here, it is on the FB page.


                                Judyruns, my grocery store has been low on frozen fruit for a few months now.


                                LCRuns, I avoid the county park due to the people. Just too many of them.
