Womens Running


ALOHA Mondays (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    I am back! Smile Smile


    Happy Monday everyone! Especially to Ms. Laura!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      7.2 for me! I did 8x 100m.


      You guys..its LIZZIE WEATHER!!! 31 and feelings WONDERFUL out there this morning! YEAH BUDDY!! Smile Smile Run felt amazing and really in the mood to run Richmond next week! Not sure about racing it yet...will see how I feel the next couple weeks. Did keep up with running while I was away..30 miles the first week and last week was about 29. No speed work or long runs..short and easy. Will probably stay around that same mileage for this week and drop significantly next week. Less is more?


      Errands today. Social Security office is number one. I got my marriage document in the mail but its not what I was expecting. Thought it was going to look like an actual certificate! Hope this is what I need - thinking it is. After that heading to DMV, grocery, bank...also have to write SO. MANY. thank you notes! Busy busy over here!


      Have I mentioned that I LOVE this time of year?! Smile Smile Our neighbor has their Christmas tree up!!! Smile HCDH said hell no.



      Karen - NICE run yesterday! SUPER impressive after all that driving and eating McDonalds Smile. How are the pups doing? I remember how important the trainer said it is to keep up our side of the training. HCDH does NOT so Ruger does not behave with him. I am strict about it so he is always a good boy for momma Smile


      Margaret - Aw, your sweet! Glad to be back..kinda. Nice miles! Are you still planning on a race first part of next year?


      Lisa - CONGRATUATIONS!!!! AHH!! So exciting!! For you and DD! Smile Aw. I bet you are super excited.


      Docket - LOVE all of your Fall pictures. I am so happy you are enjoying running outside Smile


      Laura - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!


      Tessa - Congratulations on the half! Sorry about it being a PW…you got out there and finished!! Even with a cranky knee.


      Run4kupcakes - OMG. So sorry to hear about your FIL. How old is he? Is he going to be OK?


      Sandy - SO?!!?!?!? How did the inspection go!?



      Happy Monday!!! No work for me until Wednesday then have a 3 day weekend due to Veterans Day Smile



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have 5 miles tonight.


        Liz, that weather is so awesome.  So glad I finally live where I can see that every so often.




          Lisa, Woodstock would be a good call with it being close and all.  When is it?  If it's not on the same weekend as Temptation maybe I can crew you there.


          Toes don't hurt so going to get a few short miles just to remind my body what to do for Sat.


          Welcome back Lizzie, it was quiet here  I'm off on the 11th also but have yearly blood work, mammogram and a chiro visit planned.  I start training for the 24 Hour (50 miles) on the 11th also.


          Happy Birthday Laura


          Damaris glad you are enjoying the outside.  I'll be starting my winter hibernation soon.


            Oh Monday.  But, hey, at least it was super easy to get up with the time change!  4.5 early for me, 6 yest and 5 Sat.  Nothing spectacular, just getting out there.  Was pretty icy on Saturday - RB and I both almost took a digger coming around a corner.  I attribute all the core work for keeping us upright haha.  Then lots of packing.  I feel ready and wish I was moving THIS weekend.  Inspection went well.  She came up with 4 things for me to fix.  Kinda piddly but she's young and a first time home buyer.  New screen in upstairs window (easy peasy - brought it to the hardware store on Sat), new weather stripping on the garage door.  Replaced that yesterday.  It might have included using a steak knife since I'm pretty sure my miter saw was lost in a break up.  She's a tight fit now!  Weather stripping on the big garage door which I will attempt after work today.  It's kind of a two person job but I think I can take the metal part off first and then thread it through.  The tricky part will be replacing a bedroom door.  There is a hole in the bottom that looks like someone kicked in or shot a hockey puck at.  Happened a few years ago when I was out of town.  I had a different cat sitter then and she wouldn't admit to it.  I guess someone must have broke in to my house, then.  Who knows.  I honestly forgot about it because I don't notice it - it's out of my line of sight being toward the bottom.  I had a good conversation with a very nice young man at Menards yesterday but I think this is out of my league.  I do not need a pre-hung door (includes the frame) and I'm not sure I can tackle chiseling out spots for the hinges and cutting the hole for the knob.  Anyone ever use Thumbtack?  I've seen ads on tv and when I googled, that came up.  Giving it a whirl - waiting for someone to get back to me.  How's that for a novel??  Whew.


            Liz - welcome home.  Glad you are getting your beloved weather.  Good luck with all your errands today!


            Damaris - glad you are enjoying your new weather as well!  Everyone settling in okay?  Are you happy with the move?


            Gatsby - awesome running as always!  I've been pretty good at keeping up with the purging so there isn't too much to get rid of.  Though I do have a box for Goodwill.  New place is pretty much same sq feet as current though many more rooms so it will look a bit sparse haha.  Fine by me.  I know there will be things I miss about living where I am currently (attached garage being the biggest) but I also am VERY much looking forward to having a basement again for the litter box!  For 15 years the litter box has been in the utility room off the kitchen.  Litter on the kitchen floor is the bane of my existence haha


            Cathy - LOL I HOPE you didn't jinx all of us northerners signing up for a spring marathon.  It sure seems like it already.  We've had dustings of snow but it's just been too cold too fast.  My favorite running weather is shorts a and long sleeves - so 40*s.  We really haven't had that at all.  Went to warm to mid-30s just like that.


            Lisa - OMG CONGRATULATIONS!  Gramma!  Do you know what you want to be called?  Grammy?  Nana?  Oma?  Super exciting.


            Kat - hope you are still riding that 100K high!  Frustrating about your fence.  I'll let you know if I have any luck with Thumbtack.


            Happy Birthday, Laura!!


            HCK - I'm soooo sorry about FIL!!  Hope he's doing okay.  Sending healing vibes!!


            Tessa - Congrats on your half!  Dang, bad knee and all.  Glad you made it home safe and your house survived.  That has got to be so super scary.


            Karen - killer miles yesterday after all that driving!  Glad the boys did so well at training.  Well, Mr. Huckles specifically.  That's great you have such a good property manager!  Any plans to head up there next?  Oh!  I read Things You Save In A Fire this weekend.  So cute.  Not sure if I've mentioned The Kiss Quotient?  That's cute.  Now I just started another by same author - The Bride Test.  I had to return Girls With Sharp Sticks and The Gifted School because I took a bit of a break from reading with all this house stuff but they are on my Saved list!  Excited to learn that the author of The Tattooist of Auschwitz has a new book out - Cilka's Journey.  It'll be available for me in 102 days haha


            Oh yeah, already been to the dentist this morning as well.  Now I best get to it.  Lots to catch up on.  Happy Monday!!


            WINE o'clock somewhere!

              Welcome back Lizzie!!!!!  Missed having you around.  31 is crazy talk, tooooo cold.  We are going to get to 79 today.  Glad you have a few extra days off.  Can't believe you ran on your honeymoon  Dedication.


              Damaris, glad you are enjoying the coolness of Indy!!!


              Diane, looked up Woodstock, it is Sept 11-13.  Starts Friday afternoon.  Fun time.  Who knows, maybe I will make an appearance with you!!!  Have Hawk on the radar but the 2020 dates aren't on the website yet.


              Sandy, you are so handy.  I am too tired to be riding high still.  I keep looking ahead to more races anyways.


              Laura, HAPPY Bday!


              Fence, ugh.  Have ANOTHER 2 calls in, one appeared good/hopefully reputable with a good price.  The expensive one I was going to go with has never called me back.


              Super tired, like utterly exhausted.  Sigh.


              I entered the lottery for the NYCM, they have an early drawing.  It is the same weekend as Javelina in 2020, but since the acceptance rate to NY is something like 12%, I am not too worried.  I will probably do Javelina again on my own.  I think it is doable.  The hardest part would be leaving in the chilly middle of the night on my own.  That and untying my shoes!!!  There was a big covered drop bag area at the S/F.


              OK, maybe a nap, then work...



              Kettle Moraine - June 2024

              Beast of Burden - August 2024

              Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

              Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


              Anonymous Guest

                11 this morning. I am definitely feeling the missed training a few weeks back. It's nice to be getting some decent mileage in again though. And bonus, my Garmin now says I'm maintaining instead of unproductive (I don't think it liked my relatively quick build up or the time spent running at 7500 feet elevation). Dogs are tired today and I am feeling lazy even though I have lots to do. I at least need to make it to the grocery store as we are out of just about everything.


                Happy Birthday Laura!!


                HCK, I am sorry to hear about your FIL - how are things today?


                Liz, welcome home!! I hope the name change stuff goes smoothly and is relatively painless. The trainer said we needed to keep working with the boys and be strict with them.......a couple hours later all four of us are on the couch, each human with a dog sprawled in lap. DH tried doing a little with them yesterday, but he kept messing up the commands. Probably didn't help that I'm over here saying "you're doing it wrong!" I did get them to wait before going out back a few times, and twice now I've called them to come in and they came running. Riley likes to ignore that one. Biggest thing I think will be getting them out for walks more. They were both doing awesome on leashes yesterday - I could walk them both with one hand! When I dropped them off at the kennel they were pulling me off my feet and I finally just let Huckles go ahead and run to the door, he was pulling so hard.


                Sandy, you've been busy! I guess that happens with a move. That's not bad at all on the repairs. I'd have been tempted to counter with doing the easy repairs and giving a small credit for the door. I have read both The Kiss Quotient and The Bride Test. I read the Bride Test first though, and it wasn't until way late in the other one that I realized the stories were both in the same family (cousins, I think). I think I would have realized that sooner if I read them in the order they were written and if I'd read them closer together. Liked them both though. I have a ton of books from the library on my kindle right now. Didn't read as much as I thought I would when we were in CO.


                Kathryn, that is quite the saga with the fence. I don't know if I'm rooting for you to get into NYCM or do Javelina again. I liked NYCM, but the logistics are a pain and it's so expensive there. It's a good one to do once though.


                Diane, I didn't realize you have another race this coming weekend, but there it is in your signature! I've found that after a day or two, black toenails don't hurt or bother me at all. Sometimes they fall off after awhile, sometimes they don't, but other than someone seeing your feet and saying "those are disgusting" no harm, no foul.


                Damaris, enjoy the 5 tonight.


                Our Christmas lights on the outside of our house were installed this morning! Yay! DH will probably want to wait to turn them on, but he just texted that he has to go to MN W-F for work, so if they don't get plugged in tonight, you can bet they will be on Wednesday.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel


                  Karen - dang, you are probably right in countering with a door credit.  Ah well, I have things in motion so it shouldn't be too bad.  Nice mileage and glad your Garmin isn't bringin ya down LOL.  Mwahahaha on DH coming up here at the end of this week.  Poor guy.  I hope he has a parka!!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    My property was listed last week and already got three showings this past weekend.  Hoping an offer comes from those but we are not in a hurry.


                    Diane, ha. I am sure I'll be hibernating some but after 15 years of extreme heat, I'm glad I'm not there anymore!


                    Sandy, super easy but why am I more tired?  Ha.  Glad the inspection came with some minor changes. And haha at the KK story.


                    Kat, wait, they already got the lottery open???  Ooh, just checked.  I'll try that method.


                    Karen, nice 11.  I think if I had a Garmin instead of a TomTom, it would be laughing at me.



                    WINE o'clock somewhere!

                      Karen, I did do NYCM in 2014.  I was miserable.  I swore never again, but for some reason have entered the lottery every year since!!!  I want revenge on the course.  Not sure which I am rooting for either.  Actually, if I got into NY, I would probably defer to 2021.  Maybe.  BUT, such a low percentage, like I said, not much of a worry there.


                      Damaris, if you don't get in this draw, you are automatically entered for the regular lottery.


                      Guess I should get busy.



                      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                      Beast of Burden - August 2024

                      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                      Former Bad Ass

                        I think 2014 was the year that was windy and I DNFd?  I have run it twice before then.



                        WINE o'clock somewhere!

                          Damaris, you are spot on with the wind.  Looked it up yesterday - sustained winds of 31mph with gusts of 45mph.  Wind chill 32.  I was a POPSICLE.

                          Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                          Beast of Burden - August 2024

                          Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                          Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                          Anonymous Guest

                            Sandy, meant that as a compliment to you - I am too lazy to deal with it.


                            Damaris, that's awesome about all the showings already. The real estate market seems to be doing pretty good if this forum is any indication.


                            Kathryn, I kind of thought maybe you had done it, but wasn't sure. I think that one more than any the weather is such a big factor. If by chance you do get in, I hope you get perfect weather this time.

                            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                            Check out my website and youtube channel


                            Cupcake Connoisseur

                              I have to say..I have never had to go to the Social Security office before and it is a VERY interesting place! I was the best dressed one in there with my jeans and thermal hoodie! LOL. It really was painless..I got called quickly. Now the DMV...I went through the waiting period, got called up, got my picture taken and went through my "real id" documents and changed name - he was about to hit submit and said "when did you go to the SS office?" I said.."this morning" he said it hadn't been updated yet so he had to delete everything and I have to go back. UUUGGHHHH. I now remember the lady at the SS office saying that the system will update in 24 hours but my card will take a few days. Kicking myself. I bet that was a really good picture, too! I am having a good hair day!!! LOL. I am going to log on to my Social Security online account tomorrow to see if it has been updated. If so, I will try DMV again. Trying to get it done while I have the time off of work! Plus, need updated ID to update bank info, joint checking, etc.


                              Working on these thank you notes but my hand gets tired! Who hand writes things anymore? LOL.


                              Going to head over to abs at 5! Trying to stay awake..jet lag has hit hard today.



                              Diane - Wow, another race for you this weekend? Go girl! Your day off doesnt sound so fun. Haha.


                              Sandy - Nice miles for you! Busy weekend! That is GREAT news about the inspection. I always hear horror stories about home inspections. You lucked out. Nice that you can fix a lot of that stuff yourself. Have never heard of Thumbtack. Let me know how it works out for you. I would be interested in trying it. Ugh, I have a dentist Thursday morning.


                              Kathryn - UGH, that is frustrating about the fence! Yes, I would go on with another contractor. Too bad you don't live around here - I work with so many really good ones. Woohoo for entering NY lottery! I am sorry you are so tired - wonder if its just exhaustion catching up with you??


                              Karen - There is that running machine we all know and love!! Smile Nice miles!! Hey, my Garmin told me I was maintaining today too!! Look what rest does for us?! Smile I tell ya, training is hardest on US the parents. Its hard to keep up with! You and DH will get the commands down right. Takes practice. Oh yes, LOVE walking Ruger now. SOOO much easier. LUCKY with the Christmas lights!!! UGH. I wish HCDH would let me put some decorations up. He is all for selling the house right now. LOL. No..we need some downtime!


                              Docket - Crossing my fingers that your house sells quickly!! I really don't think you will have a problem. You seemed to me in the prime location!



                              Have a good evening!



                              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2
