Womens Running


Wacky Weather WEDNESDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 22 times)


    This day!  Ugh.  Lizzie, you deal with keys, I’ve been dealing with RSA tokens (I’m sure Cathy knows what these things are).  We are migrating users to a new system that uses such for auth and I’m the lucky one to do this work.  It’s a LOT of administrative busy work which isn’t that bad.  It’s the PEOPLE THAT CANNOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!  OMG, it truly is a wonder some can get around in this world.  Le sigh.  Sorry.  End rant.


    In other news, spin class today.  I don’t love spin but it was still too dang windy for 17* which made it feel like 0*.  The wind is supposed to die down a bit overnight.  Then 17* would be no big deal.  It better cuz I’m running in the morning no matter what!  Roads are still horrendous.  Couldn’t pre-treat because it started as rain and then too many cars drove over the snow before they could get it up (that’s what she said).  Makes for a lumpy bumpy slow going mess.  Why oh why do I live here??!!


    Lizzie – awww poor Ruger buddy!  Nice run, speedy girl.  I thought of you this morning thinking you really need to visit these parts NOW when this weather and driving is at it’s WORST to see if you can even stand it.  Clearly, it makes me grump. Y.


    Diane – why do you want to become a vegetarian if you don’t like vegetables?  How does that even make sense?


    Turtles – Happy St. Nick’s Day!  What did the girls get in their shoe?


    Damaris – sure hope Hershey is okay!


    Tessa – ugh on your commute yesterday!  That’s what it was like around here with the snow.  LOL on it being legal to be a veg in OK – that cracked me up.


    Kat – thanks for the PSA on the road ID.  But, I’d rather make the news as an identified body.  At least I was doing something I enjoyed!  HA


    Okay, sorry for the lame-o shouts.  I put myself in “Do Not Disturb” mode to get this far.  Barely read but needed a break.  Grumpy Grinchy Scroogy Seloc over and out!



      Sandy for the health benefits...I'd really like to get my cholesterol under control (course most is hereditary).  Going dairy free has made me feel better and it's easier to keep my weight in the range I want.


      I did go to the fitness center at lunch and walked/ran for 45 min. If I can maintain at least an 18 min mile I can finish in 9.3 hours, my goal is under 10 hours.


        Diane - okayyyyy, I get that.  But, if you don't eat vegetables, WTH will you eat?



          Diane - okayyyyy, I get that.  But, if you don't eat vegetables, WTH will you eat?


          LOL...oh, I'll eat them they just aren't my favorite thing.  I do like carrots and cauliflower, tomatoes, and some others.  Just don't care much for cooked unless they are steamed and still crunchy.  I won't eat canned vegetables at all.


          Cupcake Connoisseur

            I have to second Sandy - What a crappy day. BLAH. I need a vacation.


            Another hour then I am outta here. Heading to the grocery store. Ugh.



            Judy – Don’t get me started on personal property tax. I can go on and on about that for days. HCBF showed me something he got  from the county called a DOG TAX. REALLY?! Unbelievable. 4 shirt layers? Wow! Your story about the RoadID makes me think I should get one…


            Susan – So glad to hear Skye is back to normal! I am loving the “DF” Smile How is the wedding planning going?


            Diane – 26 degrees?! That is coming our way this weekend! Hope you get some warmer weather for this weekend! You will still do awesome regardless of weather. Ruger is the same way about a bath! He hates it. Cauliflower rice is OK. Maybe I didn’t season it right..it was weird texture for me. You can buy it in the freezer section. I did try this loaded cauliflower dish. Similar to mashed potatoes with bacon and cheese except it was cauliflower. Wasn’t bad actually. Good news about the shoes! Sometimes running shoes feel “off” when you are doing anything else but running. Not sure why that happens…are you planning on wearing them this weekend?


            Cathy – Enjoy the rest day! Leg raises are awful. I don’t know if my lower abs get tired from running all the time..but the leg raises are hard for me for some reason. Have fun tonight at the band concert!! You aren’t in the spirit yet?! Just go to the mall! LOL. We have tolls here in Richmond that are 50c…I remember those days too  Smile Good idea about the complaint. I am going to really cause a scene if they don’t do something by Friday. It has gotten worse the past couple days. That sweater sounds pretty! You are going to need to post a picture.  Smile


            Tessa – We don’t have basements in Richmond either. Weird! Why don’t you have them? They say its something in our soil..who knows. Weird because my parents who are 30 minutes north have basements. Oh wow…be careful out there! I bet your work commute has been awful.


            Kathryn – LOL at the diaper! Ruger hates the rain, too!


            Docket – I hope Herhsey is okay! Interseting on the rowers!


            Sandy – ARGH how frustrating!! People are dumb. I am with you, I don’t know how some people survive this world. Mammel asked me the other day how to CC someone. Uhm. How are you a senior management? HOW. I can tell you how - by kissing some @$$. Okay, see, now I am ranting. I better stop now before I get too graphic. LOL. I am sorry about your frustrating day!!! This isn’t a forever thing, right? Just for now while the migration is taking place? I am LOL’ing over here about the that’s what she said!! Because I was saying that in my head!! LOL. . I am sure I would get frustrated with the driving. We have that issue here too..its everywhere. Hang in there!!!


            Have a good night everyone!



            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



              Yep Lizzie I plan on wearing them but I do have my regular trail shoes in a drop bag I can access if I feel they are causing issues.


                Lizzie - Oh My Gosh.  Don't even get me STARTED on people's inability to use Outlook!  It is not that hard.  And if one finds it hard, take a dang class.  Learn how to put a coherent subject line.  Learn how to create a meeting notice for the correct date and time and how to cancel it , if necessary!  Oops, ranting here, too.  Blerg.  Mammel would drive me bat shit crazy for SURE.  Well, these dang tokens should slow down at the end of January but they will always be around.  I can't believe that dude is still around and still coming to your office!  You HAVE to say something by Friday.  Good luck at the grocery.  Hope all the morons stay home today.  And, enjoy your sleep in day tomorrow!


                  Lizzie, well, the snow has melted almost entirely... Typical. We'll probably have another one of those years when the REAL snow appears very late, but stays till late April. Ran in shorts!? Ok, I officially take my complaints back... Altho 57 degrees is not that bad. Better than 35 and raining.


                  Cathy, I am somewhere between ''safe mode'' and the normal one. Despite that, boss said that I looked incredibly tired today Big grin To which I answered it's good she didn't see me the previous two days (her kid was ill, so WFH), when it was way worse Big grin


                  Diane, 10hrs on course sounds... Badass. As my friend said to Lisa when we met in NYC ''I am sometimes not awake for that long during the day'' Big grin


                  Tessa, the whole weekly points thing sounds rather creepy, but if it helps...


                  HCK-2, I bet the budget meeting itself was a bigger pain in the a-- than the uncomfortable chairs. Figuratively, of course.


                  10k today in less than hour, but felt absolutely effortless. No idea what's happening. Maybe it's benefits of ''strength training'' => summer/autumn running while carrying K?


                   ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                  ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris

                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    Kilmisters, yes, the meeting was more of a pain in the ass then the chairs.


                    Arimathea, you mentioned could it be a stand/ walk thing. Unfortunately no. Its run by the state and there are at least 75 people that attend.


                    Lizzie and Seloc, oh good, it's universal not knowing how to do shit. DH and I have been alternating bitching about this.



                      Margaret, would you be willing so share your couch to 50k plan?  I have Karen's plan and no real excuse for not training but for the Hawk, the PH and now this 50k I am SO SO very undertrained.  I really need to get better at training for these especially the 50 miler next year.


                      Heh, I don't really have a "plan."  Since I have done 50k's before, I figure I'll just slog through the one I want to do in February.  Some friends are going down for it too, including one equally untrained friend who convinced me to do it with him.  So, no good answer for you.  I'd say do what Karen suggests, since she's the coach and more likely to get you where you want to be.  My "wing it" plan works for me (usually) but that's based on my own experience and I'd never recommend it to anyone else... 


                      Tessa, sorry the fires are raging again.  Hoping for the best but fully expecting the worst since that's how fires seem to go in CA.


                      Hi to everyone else.  I'm heading down to Pasadena this afternoon for work, back tomorrow night.  I shouldn't be anywhere near the fires, but who knows...

                      5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                      Former Bad Ass

                        TMI alert: Hershey is so full of shit, they used an enema. He looks to be doing better now.


                        Ran my 6 with 8 X 100m on the TM due to it being super dark outside (my city is having issues with the lights so the whole city is in the dark and I don't want to trip on the strides or at all). It was also 80F and 70 DP, so even better.


                        Sandy, I know what those tokens are!  We used to use them for signing in from home on the work laptops until we went with the PIV cards.


                        Hi, Margaret!


                        Hello to all!



                          Hi all, I am back from DD wedding in Cancun. Wedding was held at a resort in Riveria Maya area.  DD was a beautiful bride!! I may be a bit biased. 😃  haha.  Not sure how to post pics here, will post a pic in FB group if someone sends an invite.


                          I ran a couple times while in Mexico, once on TM and once on beach. The beach run was fun, I was photo bombing all the people taking sunrise pics.   I did a little swimming too, but spent more time floating in the sunshine with a cocktail in hand.  So fun.  We rarely get all four kids and spouses together at the same place at the same time.


                          Looks like i missed lots of happenings while I was gone.  Any racers over the weekend?


                          Did one of you get a rowing machine?  My youngest DS rows competitively for a Chicago team.  He was giving away his older training machine last summer. I wanted it so badly but had no way to get it home.  Rowing Is sure a great workout.


                          I need to go run a few miles on the TM. So cold, dark and WINDY here.


