Womens Running


Fried Chicken and Macaroni WEEKENDS (DAILIES) (Read 19 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Oh YEAH. I can get behind that!!! Southern style!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      6.2 for me!


      Instant sweat when you walk out the door. We have some TX/FL humidity going on - dewpoint at 74. UGH. I will complain everyday until mid-September. It looks like 80's next week so I hope that means the humidity is going down. Anywho, good run but felt like I was in slow motion. Just so hot and sticky..I was dragging. FINALLY got to that 50 miles this week! One more week until training begins. Training starts out with mileage in the low 40's..so I am right where I want to be.


      No Core class for me today. Have to be at a hair apt at 9. Hoping to spend the day with HCF after that..he has been working late this week. He has been taking on some extra projects for some $$. I miss him! Smile Things with the house are starting to get stressful..man, who knew deciding what kind of windows you want would be so difficult?! I will have to share the floorplans with you guys when we are done!



      Tessa - I always thought in CA earthquakes were quite regular. Do you feel them quite often? Obviously not at this magnitude. LOL - well you of course bring your wine! Sorry that work is taking over your life!!!


      Margaret - Have a good long run today!


      Sandy - Thought of you this morning - I figured you were gearing up for your MTT! Hope you have fun and a good run! I can't wait to see you soon!!!!


      Cathy - Hope you're enjoying your long weekend. Have fun on your easy long run Smile



      Have a good day everyone! I want some fried chicken now!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        Liz - I loved your wedding website! Can’t believe how fast time is flying, will be here before you know It!


        Tessa - Glad all is ok after the earthquake.  The visual of you grabbing wine and phone and ducking under table...


        Margaret - I haven’t had a chance to read your report, but plan to do it this weekend.


        Did a nice run on a local trail yesterday with RB #1, leaving soon for another run in our other trail with RB #2.  It is Hot and humid here.  Did a body blast class Tuesday, and going to try to get some weights in after my run this morning.


        Hi to All!




        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 7 tonight.


          Liz, nah, when your makeup melts when going outside, that's when it's really humid. Big grin  Nice run!  Wait, what wedding website?  Is it in your FB?  I have not checked FB in a few days.


          Carol, enjoy the run!



          Mighty Mouse

            Tessa and Gatsby, glad you are safe. :::HUGS:::

            Where is the "any" key?   




            Former Bad Ass

              I woke up to hear there was another earthquake in California of 7.1???



              WINE o'clock somewhere!

                Lizzie, sorry you are getting our weather - it is lovely, isn't it...  Good luck with all the house decisions!  I hope you two are able to have a nice day together.  Chicken and waffles are a thing down here.  With syrup over it.  Good lord, NO!


                Carol, nice getting out for some trails!!


                Damaris, Lizzie posted a link a few days ago on a thread.


                Hi Judy.


                Tessa, glad you (and your wine) are safe. Did you feel the quake last night?


                Woke up this morning in an utter panic.  I must have had an awful dream - I felt like I was gasping for air.  It freaked me out probably for a good 20 min.  Just felt hard to breathe.  Can't imagine it was real, just scary.


                All in all, not feeling things this morning.  I forced myself to get out for an extremely leisurely walk.  Not sure it was even worth going it was so bad.


                Nails at 4pm, hitting the grocery store after for eggs.  I bought stuff to make crab cakes yesterday, but forgot the eggs.  We shall see how they turn out.


                Happy weekend all.



                Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                Beast of Burden - August 2024

                Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                Anonymous Guest

                  That was tough. I planned on 16, cut it short at 14. It just got too hot. I got a little bit of a late start because I was trying to reserve a campsite at Brazos Bend - theoretically spots opened today for 5 months from today, which would be the night before the 100. And it shows available sites, but when I pick one it tells me I can't reserve it at this time and to check Monday after 9 am. I finally got out the door and down to where we meet, ran 4.6 by myself, then 5.4 with three others, then another 4 with one of them. It was fun....until it wasn't. About two miles into that last 4, we looked at each other and both just realized we were done. Ran/walked back to our cars. I'm sure the temps were well into the 80s by that point (it was 79 when I started at 5:30 and dew point 77).


                  Tessa, was this second earthquake in the same vicinity as the other one (not very populated)? Glad you're okay, and you saved the wine!


                  Liz, nice on the 50 mile week. I should be there in a couple weeks. With travel next week it may end up being a cutback week, although I hope to get some non-humid miles in in OR. I can't wait to see the floorpan - so exciting! And yes, so many decisions.


                  Carol, you need multiple RBs because just one couldn't keep up with you! Nice running and XT.


                  Damaris, hope the 7 goes well.


                  I'm probably missing some stuff from yesterday, but I am too tired to go back and check right now. I did get home from the run and jump in the pool, which helped.

                  Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                  Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                  Check out my website and youtube channel


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Damn. I must have missed the link.  Link, can you repost?


                    karen, you know you have a TM right? Wink


                    Woke up with a migraine. All those light headaches this week must have been a sign. BP is OK today though.


                      I rarely want fried chicken and macaroni but now I do. Thanks! LOL


                      Liz-We are all having the heat and humidity it seems like. So cool that you are at floorplan stage!


                      Carol-Nice runs this weekend!


                      Damaris-I'd vote for no makeup.. oh and DD told me that the Broad Ripple area is a cool, funky, diverse part of Indy. Pretty homes too.


                      Kat-hope the crab cakes did not make you crabby. any walk is worthwhile but I know exactly what you mean.


                      Karen-sounds like a good call to cut it short and listen to perceived effort not what your watch says.


                      Been getting into the more runs per week/moderate miles stage of my non-training cycle. Just sort of works with the weather to not do any runs over 15 miles right now. The heat/humidity here has been tough also. Went to CrossFit with A on Wednesday night. We did do a fun 10 small local race on July 4th. Was fun and I was pleased with a 2:22 finish time considering the temps and hills in the race (one required a rope to pull yourself up it). Raffle afterwards of random prizes-I picked a Detroit Tigers hat. Friday got out for 11 miles of super drippy miles. It's just crazy my sweating. Today managed almost 7 but the deerflies were SO bad. Had 2 strips on and I just couldn't take it anymore. Will get out with Trail Sisters tomorrow morning. Hopefully the flies won't be as bad on that trail.  Next weekend I'm looking to go down and do the Indiana Trail 100 training run...it's a Fat Ass so nice to check out the trails for free. Will get in day and night miles for sure.


                      Looking into 2020 for races...




                      Former Bad Ass



                        Gas explosion in broward. That’s where some of my friends go to the gym and where I go to lunch while In broward. :/


                        Anonymous Guest

                          Yikes, Damaris, scary. I was just reading about that. Sounds like lots of injuries, hope none are fatal.


                          Lisa, that's some nice running you've been doing in the horse flies and the heat.


                          I am trying to decide how many miles to run tomorrow. I have a feeling it won't be that many.


                          Getting excited about our quick trip to Oregon next weekend. From the directions to the airbnb we're staying at:

                          - You will reach a fork in the road. (This is the access point for the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT))
                          - Turn Left and follow for a little less than a mile (0.85 miles to be more precise)

                          - The driveway is on the right hand side


                          We're not there for running, but guess what, I'm going to fit some running in! I have a realtor calling me Monday morning to talk more and she's supposed to be finding stuff for us to look at while we're there.

                          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                          Check out my website and youtube channel



                            Damaris, saw that and wow, that must have been very scary. Gas explosion for sure?


                            Yes, we definitely felt the 7.1 (or so) that hit at 8:15 last night. Much bigger than Thursday's quake, remember the Richter scale is logarithmic so a 7.1 is much larger than a 6.4. That was when I went under the table!


                            DS reported that Costco was extremely crowded today and just about every cart had a couple of cases of bottled water in it. Apparently they ran out earlier, then the truck arrived and the Costco staff were carrying the water straight out onto the sales floor where it was snatched up as fast as they could unload the truck. I usually avoid buying bottled water but we now have 4 cases, we'll rotate it -- hate to use all that plastic but we do need water. We can flush using buckets from the neighbors' pool if we have to however drinking water is more important.


                            Liz, I think every decision having to do with a house is stressful. And potentially expensive. But how exciting! And no, we haven't had any really big earthquakes for the last 25 years. I felt the Landers quake in 1999 but that was further away. Napa had one in I think 2002, Mexico had one about that time, but not southern California. And the sad thing is that this was not on the San Andreas so we still have the potential for a very big one on that fault. The last one on the southern San Andreas was the Tejon quake in 1851.


                            Carol, glad to give everyone a giggle. I know Lisa's seen my kitchen, so has Susan, not sure if anyone else has (though you are all welcome!). I reminded DS that when doing the "Duck, Cover, and Hold" you should face away from any windows...if you are picking glass splinters out of some portion of your anatomy, it's better to be picking them out of your arse than out of your eyes.


                            Judy, yes, we are OK. Thanks for asking!


                            Kat, sorry about the panic attack. Scary. The quake last night was the wine one -- the problem is when you feel the earth move, duck, cover, and hold, then find out there was no earthquake.


                            Karen, this quake was a few miles north of the other one, apparently the fault is rupturing to the north. If there is another one it will likely be a few miles north of that. If anyone wants a tour of the epicenter I believe Ridgecrest is taking registrations for the 30K and 50K the first Sunday in December...


                            And let me know when you and DH are going to be in Oregon, especially if you are planning a race...I do not have Oregon yet and while it is a hefty drive it is doable.


                            Lisa, which SD race do you think you are going to do? Love the Black Hills area. I will happily go back there if I can. And UGH on the deerflies! There was a race where you had to use a rope to climb a hill?


                            12.2 this morning. Some walking was involved, I'm blaming having donated blood Wednesday evening. Warm but not as sticky as some of your weathers. And there was some work this afternoon. Lighting the barbecue to make corn and burgers. Yum.

                              Tessa, we've got some bottles of water stockpiled away in the garage.  Finally learned last year how to open the garage if we lose electricity.  When San Andreas goes, it will cause a lot of problems up here.


                              Karen, excited about your OR trip. With the PCT right there, YES a run (or at least a hike) is necessary.


                              Damaris, I saw you got in some miles even with the headache, nice job.


                              Kat, I like chicken and waffles, yum.  But I limit the syrup to the waffle portion.  Crab cakes sound good.  Guessing the crab is not local?  


                              Lisa, ick on the deer flies.  I was trying to explain to deer flies to my RB today, and how you have to wear tape to catch them while running.  He was horrified.  I didn't show him pictures, that might have been too much.  I have some vague notions about 2020 races but not making any real plans until after Woodstock.


                              Judy, thanks for the good thoughts!


                              Carol, a lot of workouts for you today!


                              Lizzie, earthquakes happen frequently up and down California, but they are usually too small to be felt.  We have not had any big ones here in the Bay Area since I was in college, although there was one last year that was big enough to feel in my office in SF.  Hope you enjoyed a relaxing day with HCF.


                              I ran 21.5 miles today with a RB.  We went over to Lake Chabot, in the east bay, and joined a training run for the Skyline 50k, which he is doing in August.  Hot, around 80, which I'm not used to (but without that high dew point nonsense that you all talk about).  About 3000' of climbing, which is not terrible around here, but I pushed hard up the hills and I was pooped after.  Fell asleep on the couch for 3 hours when I got home.  A few more miles plus kettlebells tomorrow.


                              Good night, all!

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Yeah, fortunately, we are far enough for it but I have friends who normally go there so they were pretty shaken up.  Glad you ladies checked in; last night's earthquake got me worried.  If we had been moving to LA, hubby would've said fuck no today.


                                Hoping I don't wake up with another migraine tomorrow.  I had some headaches this week which I think were a warning.

