Womens Running


Seriously? Only THURSDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    It should definitely be the weekend by now.



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      6 + for me and 20 minutes of abs.


      Sticky run but not too bad. Had another gorgeous sunrise! I would upload it to Strava but Garmin says it is experiencing "server maintenance" and can't upload my run right now. Hm.


      Looking forward to the weekend. Heading to my parents on Saturday to celebrate my dad's 86th birthday! We are doing a seafood boil. Yum yum!


      Trying not to talk about work but its taking over my life. Here is my first escalation at 8am. Power out at a building due to the storm last night and they want me to call the power company and demand a power restoration time. W.T.F.



      Docket – LOL! Does your DH always do the grocery shopping? HCDH has been my little helper recently 😊 I am LOVING it.


      Tessa- OMG a call that lasted from 7:30 to 10:30?! Wow. LOL at the audio call instead of video – are you doing a lot of video calls??


      Susan – How is Ann Marie holding up? Poor thing!


      Laura -  LOL – those Sydney Cummings workouts are INTENSE. I want to try some other ones but I am scared I will be too sore to run – LOL. Her arm workouts are really intense and I like that! Makes you feel like you are taking a class in the gym.


      Lisa – VERY interesting on the blood! Never heard of that.  Yeah, I pass out getting regular blood drawn – that’s a big NO from me. I am O +



      Have a good day everyone!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning! I have either 6 or 9 with speedwork, depending on time.


        Liz, nice 6!


          But we are close! One more day to go! 4 easy uneventful miles for me this morning.


          Liz-Don't worry. the Run happened even if Garmin doesn't upload it. LOL I have the same error. O+ is an interesting one in that anyone with the + can get your blood. FYI.. you can only receive blood from O+ or O-. So you're another one that they like to get. Having eaten and hydrated enough is sort of key. They did ask me if about blood pressure being that low usually. I just said I'm a runner and they moved along. LOL Maybe down the road you'll feel better about donating. Happy B-day to DAD! Enjoy the weekend!


          Damaris-I moved my 5 from today to tomorrow. Took the 4 for today. not a huge difference but It's good to be flexible.




            Agreed, Liz.  Kinda the longest week ever.


            Garmin is having system problems.  Twitter is blowing up LOL


            3mi for me, nothing special.  Trying to decide if I run again tomorrow before the swampy weather returns.  Otherwise just another long day.  Took Miss Lily over to a friends last night.  She met her two dogs - both about 35lbs.  Oh boy, did not go well.  Lily is a sass.  Her one dog sassed back and had his hackles up.  The other dog, it might have gone well.  He backed off and then would slowly come back to sniff.  But, at that point, Lily was too wound up.  Might try it again next week with just the calmer one.


            Elina - awwwww sorry for the work frustration.  It happens.  Glad you found a way to turn the day around!  Sounded lovely, actually.  A change of scenery and the presence of a loved one is sometimes all we need.  And, awesome workout!!


            Liz - ugh on the site inspections.  You are right, you can't do it all!  You do what you can.  Sounds like a fun weekend ahead!  Happy Birthday to Bob!


            Tessa - it's hard to accommodate all the time zones.  I'm super happy we never do video calls.  Nice job on the doubles.  I just can't motivate for that.  One, it's warm in the afternoon/eve and two, that would mean I would have to take another shower LOL


            Laura - ha, I am a gramma through and through though will never technically be one.  Awww, thanks.  I think Miss Lily is pretty cute, too.  But she also sure has quite a bit of sass!


            LIsa - wow, I did not know that about O neg!  Triply good for you to donate!  I'm A+ but haven't donated in a long time.  Did plasma for awhile but that takes so long and I didn't love it.  That is sooooo funny about the kit kats!  Sounds like they are progressing, though.  Turkey going back and forth in the car is impressive in itself!  You think you guys will ever shack up together?  Just being nosy...  Same here with heart rate - easy to go high but recovers quickly.  And my resting is in the high 50s - so lower than average but nothing crazy.


            Damaris - LOL on grocery shopping trumping your run.  That's true love right there.

              Thursday--almost to the weekend!!!


              Ann Marie woke up this morning and forgot that her arm was hurt and was using it like nothing happened.  Thank goodness!!!


              5.3 w Cissy this morning.  Nice run, beat the rain. Sandy--I finally figured out what "local legend" meant on Strava.  hahaha


              Mom is doing well in her house.  I think it really perked her up--gave her lots to do, and she is happy to see her stuff. Yay. So far so good. DH is thrilled to have our house back also. Wink


              Lizzie--uh...why doesn't the building peeps call the power company to report the outage????


              Gotta get--meeting in a few minutes.




              Running with the Turtles

                7 easy miles this morning in cool 55 degree weather, kind of a mean tease since it will be humid again tomorrow... though if Garmin doesn't upload it, did it really happen?    Interesting evening, I got an amber alert, "There is a police incident in your area.  Please remain inside, lock your doors, and don't answer the door if someone knocks. Call 911 if you see anything suspicious.  We will advise when clear."  Older DD was at XDH's house home alone and she freaked out, imagined that she was hearing gunshots.  It was an incident south of us, a suicidal man with a rifle was shot by police after pouring gasoline on himself.


                Liz, I agree that it should be the weekend!  Happy birthday to your dad!  Sorry about work and all the stress!  That really sucks about the inspections.  Well, TF and I might be running the same marathon... maybe pass each other on the out and back...    They haven't made any official announcement for school in Waukesha but Milwaukee has already said that they will start virtual.  I'm guessing we will be the same since the COVID numbers aren't decreasing.  Stores here are just starting to require masks.  It's about time!


                Damaris, enjoy the 6 or 9.  Why do I feel like you're going to do 9?  


                Sandy, sorry the meeting did not go well.  But maybe Lily will get used to it and do better?  Trying again with the calmer one seems like a good idea!  Yes, TF was signed up for the NYCM this year.  He had originally qualified for Boston, signed up for that, then got invited to London, then won an entry into NYC.  Of course, none of those races will happen, though London has not officially cancelled the rescheduled race yet.  NYC will be virtual for the month of Oct and he can defer to next year.  Though he doesn't have much hope of it happening next year either.


                Sue, glad Ann Marie is doing better!


                Lisa, cool that you are a hero!  That is interesting that you are CMV negative as well as a universal donor.  I don't weigh enough to donate blood now... I used to do it, though it made me feel like passing out.  The cookies and juice were nice.  


                Laura, I use a spare kitchen chair at my desk.  Not the most comfortable, I do get up and walk around a lot.  


                Tessa, my laptop video doesn't work, so for me my meetings are always audio only... it would be a good excuse also, though it really doesn't work...    Yeah, the Winter Run Series was taken over by a different group this past year, they changed a lot of things (like combining the awards for the 5K and 10K races) and it seems the changes are to just save them some money.  It's not cheap to run the series either.  A lot of people are saying they won't be running it any more, which is too bad since it has been around for a long time.


                Elina, sorry about the work incident.  I'm glad that you were able to destress! 


                Kat, the tumbler looks awesome!




                  Laura - I forgot to mention - this is the office chair I recently bought and I love it.  Pretty reasonable for office chairs and really comfortable https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T8L539L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    Yea, this week is dragging. Probably more so since I had the discovery that our school isn't returning until January.6 miles this morning with 7 x almost-600. It was so uncomfortable out, so it went about as well as I could expect. It was more consistent than my normal pacing. I found a calculator to at least figure out what pace I ran my intervals at.


                    Seloc, funny timing about the office chair. DH just got a delivery of an office chair to the house. We are assuming his work pulled one from the local office that no one is currently in and will not be at for some time. I now have his old office chair. Not sure it is an upgrade from the poker chair I was using.



                      Let the week drag by. And next week too. Vacation goes by fast enough as it is.

                      5k walk with hubby today. Then a 1.5 mile run on the tm. I mowed the lawn afterward and the grass blew backward and covered me. Considering I was still sweaty it stuck to me. I was a walking lawn. Or should I say weeds? More weeds than grass grow in our yard.


                      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


                      LC Runs

                        Happy Thursday, add me to the list of people who think this week has already been long enough!


                        4.3 for me this morning.


                        Lizzie - nice 6!  Ugh boy on the work emergency first thing   sounds crazy all the time for you!  Yes, I need to get in an arm workout from Ms Syndey today or tomorrow, might as well have a completely sore body LOL


                        Hi Damaris - have a good 6 or 9!


                        Lisa - I am O- so I know I should donate more but I don't.  I went once at the high school and it was like a 3 hour process.  I do not have time for that, so much screening, etc.


                        Sandy - thank you for the link, that is a good deal.  The last one I got (for kids computer) was from Walmart and about that price.  It was decent until older DS broke it by leaning back in it all the time grrrrr.  So my kids are also using folding chairs LOL


                        Sue - glad Ann Marie's arm is okay!


                        Cathy - nice run!  That is really scary about the alert!  Why is your ex gone when DD is there (was he working or something?).  I mean, isn't the point of having the kids with him is that he's spending time with them?  Hope he wasn't with dingbat GF!  I saw that they cancelled Lakefront, are you doing the virtual option for that?


                        Half - nice run especially in the humidity!


                        Lori - enjoy your vacation!


                        After I posted yesterday about the school year, I actually got a notice about our district.  Families can choose either 100% online or 100% in school 5 days weekly.  So, not sure what we're doing.  I really expected a hybrid model of like half the kids 2 days there, 2 days home and the other half flip/flop days (with Wed closed for cleaning).  We shall see...disaster any way you look at it, for everyone!


                        Okay, better get back to it, ready for this day to be over!!


                          Information on the Garmin outage.  No need to run/workout for a couple days since it won't count anyway 


                          WINE o'clock somewhere!

                            MASSIVE depression and anxiety today.  No idea why.  I want bed and a good cry.  If I could go get a coffee that could help, but the likelihood of that is super slim.  Ugh.  Don't know why, but strangely coffee helps.  Might be that I am working alone, again, even though the new doctor was supposed to start.


                            Just saying.  Nobody here seems to care today.  Sigh.



                            Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                            Beast of Burden - August 2024

                            Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                            Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                              Awww, Kat, I'm so sorry!  Go get yourself that coffee!!  They do drive thru, right?  Hang in there.

                                Four hour class done.


                                Kat--hugs!  I hope your day improves.


                                DH is very stressed about work. I refuse to be sucked in. 
