Womens Running


Freezing Fridays (Read 16 times)

Anonymous Guest

    Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration. But it was 73 when I went to bed last night and 53 when i let the dogs out this morning. Overnight cold front for the win!


    And there may be snow in Pagosa Springs next week while we're there. Overnight lows in the teens.


    Post 'em!

    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

    Check out my website and youtube channel

    Anonymous Guest

      I'm planning on 6 or so today. Maybe some strides at the end. Then getting things ready to go for our long drive this weekend. We're leaving late morning tomorrow, after my group run and dropping the dogs off at the kennel, where they will get some training while we're gone. I got a hotel in Amarillo tomorrow night, which is about 9 hours. That will leave 7 for Sunday and should put us there Sunday afternoon. Excited.


      Safe travels today, Diane, and have a great time tomorrow.


      Carol, good news on just a strain, not a tear. That's a great idea on pre-injury PT. If my once-a-month PT for my running group doesn't have any takers next month I may just see if I can get up on his table and have him tell me what's likely to be a problem next and what to do to prevent it.


      Susan, the run/walk with your friend sounds like it's going great. And keeping you both consistent. Seeing you drive by with all three dogs would definitely make me smile.


      Liz, so glad you are having an amazing time! The pictures during your run on Strava were gorgeous.


      If I don't get back on here, have a great race Kathryn!!!!!! Get her to the finish, Lisa!

      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

      Check out my website and youtube channel


      Former Bad Ass

        Cold front yay!  Enjoy!


        RD.  Heading to Miami late this afternoon.  First time flying SouthWest which is huge in IND but not in MIA.



        Former Bad Ass

          Go, ladies!  Have fun and kill it.



            Freezing is RIGHT! In the literal sense in these parts.  Currently 30* but, at least it isn't windy so isn't bad.  Running has definitely taken a back seat this week.  So much going on with buying a house, selling a house, repairing bathroom ceiling for selling house, dealing with insurance and association on hail damage claim (personally, I do not see damage) and work work work.  Gah!  It's all good, though.  TRX/Bells this morning.  Had to shower at the gym since my shower is not available today.  Worked out well.  Hopefully fingers crossed they finish today so I can list next week!  SO HAPPY to not have any real plans this weekend.  Other than to run in the warm daylight!  Sunshine and 55* tomorrow!  Can't wait!


            Carol - I've had sooo many conversations with you in my head!  I am so sorry you are dealing with that high hamstring strain.  That is pretty much exactly what I dealt with last fall into the winter.  It's a pain for sure.  Hopefully PT can help!  I know EXACTLY what you meant when your leg sorta gave out.  Same thing happened to me.  So, I went to ortho first because the pain was so bad I feared a fracture.  They prescribed PT and I had made a few appointments.  But, they were so far out and then I went to Chiro for regular adjustment and mentioned to them.  The main Dr. is very good with soft tissue (he works with college athletes on the regular) and helped me out.  Ultrasound and taping the length of the hamstring.  Helped enough for me to shuffle through Richmond.  So then I never went to PT because $$$.  Anyway - that was my story.  Keep us posted on how things are going!  Hope you heal fast!


            Karen - hey, looky here.  We are both excited about 55* for different reasons. LOL.  SO GLAD your foot was a quick heal.  Have an awesome trip to CO!  I heard about the snow there - yikes.  Safe travels and hope you can post pics!!


            Damaris - safe travels to you, too!


            Good luck, Kat!  You are going to have SO much fun with Lisa that I suspect the miles will just clip on by.  Will be thinking of youuuuuuuuuuuu!!


            Lizzie - you EXUDE happiness!!  Yay!!  Gorgeous pics.  Soak it all in and enjoy every last second of VACATION and NO WORK with your NEW HCDH!!


            Diane - good luck to you this weekend as well!!


            Laura - DD is GORGEOUS!  Funny how much older DD is your mini me and younger DD is darker complected.  Just a beautiful family you have.


            Okay gotta scram.  Have a 3 hour online training today to prep for a full week of training next week.  SO not looking forward to it - just bad timing.  9:30-5 everyday.  It's online so I could do it from home so as to not be distracted in the office but if I get the house listed I can't be here for showings.  Blerg.  Oh well, it'll work out.  Have a great weekend!!


              Karen - I bet you are loving 53 degrees for a run!  That would be awesome if your PT would do that for you.  

              HCK - I wish we had someone (functional medicine) around that would do that.  Our LRS is not very “energetic” in supplying information or workshops.  There is one about 90 miles that does do something like that.   I think most runners could benefit from something like that.


              Sandy - The PT said that (the leg giving out scenario) probably happened because of a hamstring spasm, said when that happens the leg just snaps backward and gives out.  Sounds exactly like what happened.  Does that sound like what happened?  You sound super busy!  Hope all goes good!


              Damarias - Hope your trip goes good!


              laura - Your DD’s pictures were just beautiful!  How’s the job going? 



                Carol - Yes!  That is exactly what most likely happen.  My hamstring spasms all the time as I am just sitting around.  Much less intense now than when it was in gobs of pain.


                I forgot to mention - I listened to the C Tolle Run podcast last night - Carrie Tollefson's interview with Des Linden.  I just love her and really enjoyed this one.  She's just so down to earth.  Both of them are, really.  Highly recommend!



                  Freezing? We should be so lucky. 90 degrees and windy.


                  Damaris, if this is your first time flying Southwest, I hope someone warned you to check in 24 hours before the flight. They assign boarding sequence based on when you check in. Open seating. Remember C group stands for Center seat and Check Yer Bag.


                  Karen, hope you are pleased with the house now you're seeing it.


                  Good luck Javelina runners!


                  And not so great here. You may have seen there's a fire in southern California. It was right up to RN's back yard. We're all evacuated. Spent last night on the floor of the church hall, our extended family took that over as a shelter rather than go to the community college gym. Cats are Not Happy At All about being confined to a small bathroom at the church, but it's better than staying. We lost power at 9 AM Thursday morning (so much for WFH) so I drove down to near where my Thursday night class is to use the wifi at the library. Then my phone started lighting up with emergency alerts. Family threw pets and emergency stuff into the cars and took off.


                  And I am on my way to Spokane. I hope the house is still standing when I get back. (Family said "go!")

                    Tessa, I was thinking about you when I heard about the Tick Fire. Thanks for checking in.  I hope you and yours stay safe and your house is okay.


                    85 degrees last night at 6 pm here. Diablo winds were crazy

                    on Wednesday night and fires have erupted north of SF, worst in the wine country (again).  More strong winds coming this weekend.


                    WFH today and wondering if the power will be shut off again.


                    Kat, Lisa — I’ll be thinking if you this weekend!


                    DHuff, good luck at your race!


                    Hi to everyone. Will check in again later.

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                    LC Runs

                      Happy Friday!


                      6 this morning.  Was kind of chilly here (39) but no wind so it felt nice out.  I may do a 5K on Sunday here in town.  I'm going to see what the weather's like (it's in the afternoon).


                      Karen - nice run!!  Have a blast this weekend!  I swear I saw that Texas got snow and I thought it was Amarillo?


                      Damaris - enjoy your trip back to MIami!


                      Sandy - I haven't run at all this week, either, until today.  I don't really have a good reason, just laziness lol!  Funny about DD's, I think older DD looks like her dad and younger DD looks more like me (at least when I was her age)!


                      Carol - Thank you!  Of course, she's like, "I don't really like most of them"  **eye roll**.  The job is...going.  Right now, I'm filling in with a nurse out of the Alpena office as that SW left a few weeks ago.  It's a guy and I really like working with him, he's like the only male in our division and a fantastic RN.  Kind of a different, less dramatic vibe working with a man.  I am also getting a small (like 10 people) caseload out of our area that I can case manage mainly by myself.  And, I am doing outreach which I really do not like.  I'm trying to keep busy with other stuff so I don't have to do it LOL


                      Tessa - oh wow, stay stafe!!


                      Margaret - You be safe, too!!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Tessa, I was warned. Still, hubby forgot and checked in 20 hours prior, got C and got his beloved aisle seats fine. I checked timely. Got B.



                          Tessa - Oh my gosh...thanks for checking in.  Will be thinking of you and hoping  everybody stays safe! 


                          Anonymous Guest

                            Yikes, Tessa, glad you all are okay! I hope your house (and your family and neighbors and their houses) survive intact. Keep us posted.

                            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                            Check out my website and youtube channel


                              OMG Tessa!!  I’m so sorry!!  Prayers, good vibes and everything I’ve got to you and your family. That has got to be the scariest thing ever!!  🙏🙏🙏

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                3 miles.

                                Arimathea, glad you all got out safe. Hope your house is ok.
