Womens Running


Statistics Wednesday (dailies) (Read 20 times)


    After your book discussion yesterday I finally started reading ''How To Lie With Statistics''. Back to forecast estimates today. Those two events are totally unrelated Big grin


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Diane, Powerflow Yoga!?? It sounds... interesting. Let us know what that whole thing is all about.


      Lizzie, go Caps! There is no way I am not waking up (or staying awake) for Game7. Even if it takes 300 gallons of coffee.


      Tessa, 73 storie building? Sounds like potential for perfect ''hill workout''. 2 flights sprint, 1 flight walk. Repeat. Until you reach the top. Big grin


       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Cupcake Connoisseur

        6.2 sllooowww miles for me this morning.


        Very slow miles. The GOD AWFUL humidity and hamstrings kept it slow. I almost turned around after my first loop around the culdesac..but hung with it to see if I loosened up a bit. I did. Hamstrings are still a bit sore...odd because we didn't have a lot of hills! I will be honest and say I probably should have kept the miles between 4-5.  I usually do well with reverse taper. It does feel nice to kind of run what I want and not be on a schedule Smile  We have a cold front coming in later today which is going to significantly lower our humidity for the next couple days. YAY for good hair days!!! Smile And good runs Wink


        HCBF broke a tooth last night. After he did that he proceeded to eat a tootsie roll. Is this guy 41 or 10? LOL. I hope the dentist can squeeze him in before we leave!


        I am going to look into getting a guest pass at a gym while we are in FL. If its going to rain a lot, I am going to need to release. LOL. I don't plan on running as much..so would like to get some weight stuff in..maybe elliptical. The place we are staying doesn't have a gym.



        Diane – I saw you tried the yoga yesterday, how did you like it?


        Margaret – Hang in there! Only one more day to get through!!!


        Tessa – OMG that is a lot of stairs! Shouldn’t you be resting!? Wink


        Run4kupcakes – Nice rainy miles. Really sad about the officer. Thanks for the Gu information! Totally forgot that the local running store probably sells them. Duh Liz. We also have an REI.


        Kilmisters – Okay, I was going to ask you if you were going to stay up for the game. I didn’t want to ruin anything tomorrow. SO STOKED. I doubt I will be able to stay awake during the entire thing..might have to take a nap mid game. WOOHOO!!! They sooo deserve this..I hope they can play like they did on Monday!




        Happy Wednesday. I kept thinking today is Thursday!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



          Elina, you've heard the phrase "Lies, damn lies, and statistics" haven/t you?  Here's a snippet:  "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments. It is also sometimes colloquially used to doubt statistics used to prove an opponent's point.


          I do love statistics though


          Lizzie I get my GU from Academy Sports.  They have the stroop waffle things too which I use rather than GU right now.  My favorite replacement for GU are raisins though.


          I did my 2 miles as speed work on the indoor track at lunch and then after work went up to the gym and did the yoga class.  It was fun.  Not too hard but I am a little sore today especially my stomach.  The offer it on Tues and Thur but I'm going to stick with Tues as that's my short run day while Thur are 6 mile days.


          I broke a tooth once eating a taco and had to have a crown put on.  Good luck to BF Lizzie.  Do you have a Planet Fitness near you or where you are going?  Lisa uses them all over especially after runs where she doesn't have a shower.


          Have fun at Pinelands Tessa and Margaret!  Good luck on the baking.


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have 5 miles tonight and a losing fight in court.  Thinking of yelling FREEDOM on the way to the podium.


            Elina, that's an interesting book title.


            Liz, nice run.  I get my stuff from runningwarehouse.com.  They have boxes of 8 which is what I recommend you to order for the birthday cake GU ASAP.  It's limited edition, BTW, so it won't be there long.


            Diane, nice job on the run.


            Did my weights last night after an achy 4.  My knee feels much better as a result.



              HCK – nice rainy miles.  So sad about the police officer.


              Tessa – whoa that’s a lot of stairs!  That’ll get the heart pumping.  I follow this poster on Instagram that fosters mamas and their kittens.  It seems she always has a theme to hers.  Last batch was “space” – Cosmo, Vega, etc.  This batch she’s calling “designer” – Fendi, Louis V, etc haha


              Gatsby – boo for work is RIGHT!  Almost through the week and onto a weekend of F U N


              Diane – nice 2 and yoga.  Do you have a locker room at work?


              Lizzie – I buy my Gu at the LRS so I can get a variety.  They are about @ $1/$1.25  How did Body Pump go?  Yes, I WOULD go to MKE next year.  That would be FUN!  Nice miles this morning.  Not for me haha.  Trying to be nice to myself.  I may or may not run tomorrow and definitely won’t on Sat as I’m working an early water stop.  Bummer on HCBFs tooth!  Hope he can get in today.  I keep thinking it’s Thursday, too!  Probably because I’m wishing it was.  OMG cool front for you and we are supposed to be in the 90s and humid this weekend!!


              Damaris – oh no on the power failure.  That sounds miserable!!  LOL on yelling FREEDOM.  Good luck in court!  Glad your knee is feeling better.


              Ginny – how did your workout with trainer go this morning?  Back feeling better?  Now THAT is a big TV!  That book is SUPER good!  I can barely put it down!


              Karen – OMG all I want to do is read!  That book is awesome!  How do you like the patio furniture?  That’s great you found another coach.  Good luck getting walking guy, too.


              Elina – good plan on taking a rest day on only 3 hours of sleep.  OMG I’m laughing at the visual of mini-K slow crawling at the cat!!  Does the cat tolerate her?


              Cathy – hill sprints?!  Oh my!  Way to go!  I love Lauren Graham and really liked her book.  I think she’s funny, too.


              TURD for me.  My sisters were over until almost 10pm last night.  Then the cat snuck out while I was putting chairs away.  Of course he was not a good listener so I had to wait until he was good and ready to come in on his own.  Didn’t get to bed until going on 11pm – too late for gramma!  Oh, and you may be amused to know that I had popcorn for breakfast.  It goes very well with coffee!  



                Sandy I hand over my keys and they give me the key to a locker.  I could rent one but this works for the few times I go up there. Lunch here is 30 min but twice a week we are allowed to take an hour if we go up to the fitness center to work out.  In my building it's me and my coworker who take advantage....it's free and they have a very nice facility...small pool, whirlpool, all sorts of cardio and weight machines in the cardio room, free weights in the weight room, a basketball court, indoor track, showers.  Some of the classes cost money...yoga was $2, others are $5.  The tanning beds are $5, there's some sort of hydro massage but I've not used that.  They have a couple of personal trainers that do cost more and if you got injured there is the indian clinic right next door.  I don't understand why people in my building don't take advantage of it.


                Running with the Turtles

                  Happy Wednesday!  3 miles this morning.  I have to say that running short runs in the morning is kind of nice!    It was foggy when I started, then I came down into the park and the sun peeked out from the clouds, the birds were singing, it was a Hallelujah moment!  Capped off with seeing a goose family with babies.  Working from home today because DD has a sore throat.  So at least I can get some laundry done.    Speaking of being confused about the day, DH started taking the garbage out to the curb last night, our garbage is picked up on Friday mornings!


                  Elina, I figured you started today's thread!    I remember a project in college Statistics class where we used the same statistics to support two different arguments.  Ha, glad those 2 events are unrelated!


                  Lizzie, my hands were getting a little chilled on my run this morning!    Yay for the cold front!  You and your extra miles.    We are going to get up to 80 today.  It will feel good after the high of 50 a few days ago.  We had the heat on again!  Haha, tootsie rolls are for any age.    Hope HCBF gets the tooth fixed up.  Check out that Motion Traxx app if you do the elliptical.  The first few workouts are free.  The grocery store by me has GU!  I stick with one flavor, so I have a subscription on Amazon for a small box.  That way I never run out!  But you may like to try different flavors.  Oh, and some have varying amounts of caffeine, which may affect your tummy in a not so good way.    Runner's World had an article not too long ago about the best flavors of GU.  Google it up (as DD would say).     I tried Power Bar Gel once because it was at a race, it has a thinner consistency than GU.  May be more palatable on a run!


                  Diane, nice job on the speedwork and yoga!  That would be nice if you could work yoga into your workout schedule.  DH has been doing yoga from a program on TV.  


                  Damaris, thinking of you yelling FREEDOM as you run down the courtroom!    Glad your knee feels better!


                  Sandy, hmmm, maybe I will see if I can convince Mr. Math to run Lakefront next year!    Sounds like a fun reason for a TURD!  Wow, that sentence sounds weird.    I can't believe you were up that late.  


                  Tessa, wow, nice job on the stairs!  Stair climbing is tough, gets the heart pumping!


                  Hey Margaret!


                  Karen, nice that you have someone to help!  I saw that book had several different authors, I guessed which one you read.  I had heard about it somewhere before.  




                    Diane - wow, that's quite a perk you have with the gym set up!  I'd be ALL over that.


                    Cathy - your post cracked me up all over.  From "Google it up" to "a fun reason for a TURD" to the visual of DH doing yoga from the TV.  Not sure why that last one made me chuckle but it did.  Speaking of garbage - my recycling is overflowing and it doesn't get picked up until next Thursday!  Too many bottles in there.  Ooops.  That would be fun to meet Mr. Math.  I'll have to tell the story about Pacer Guy.  Maybe next week...  Nice morning miles!!  I haven't seen any babies yet.


                    Lizzie - oh yeah!  Cathy makes a VERY good point about the GUs with caffeine.  Gramma here has a pretty iron stomach but those things do mess me up a bit so beware!!


                    Whew this is going to be a long day.  Sleepy sleepy sleepy...



                      Sandy there are people here who could certainly use it


                      Cathy I have a yoga DVD but they were way too advanced and went too fast.  I liked the instructor.  She even had blocks to use if we couldn't stretch all the way down...me especially.

                      Anonymous Guest

                        I tried to post earlier but my internet stopped working and I lost my post. Dammit. So I went running. It was 80 already with high humidity. The weather said the feels like temp was 98 but I think that was wrong. It was bad, but not that bad. I ran 4 super easy miles, and that was enough.


                        So my patio furniture got delivered yesterday in three HUGE boxes, each weighing around 100 pounds, stacked on a pallet. The problem with buying furniture that doesn't need assembly is apparently that the boxes are so big they don't fit through the fence gate or front door. So DH is going to have a surprise when he gets home from the airport in a bit because they are sitting in the garage where he parks his car. I tried to open and take out piece by piece but didn't make much headway. I need his help getting the boxes on top down.


                        Speaking of DH, yesterday I texted him a picture of some really cute catahoula and lab/mutt mix puppies someone is selling on Next-door. Told him I thought about getting him one for his birthday next week, thinking he'd tell me how much time and money a second dog would cost, not to mention twice the poop to clean up in the backyard. I forgot that's my side of the conversation.....his reply was "that would have been so awesome." I don't think we're going to get a puppy.


                        Tessa, nice stair workout yesterday. I still can't believe you're flying to Detroit and then driving 15+ hours instead of.....flying somewhere closer. You guys are going to have so much fun this weekend.


                        Liz, I laughed several times at your post yesterday. Like Damaris, I order mine from Running Warehouse. Free two-day shipping and no tax, plus I have a discount code from Marathon Maniacs so get an additional 15% off. I buy them by the box of 24, because DH also uses them cycling. But until you figure out if you can tolerate them and which flavors you like best, your local running or cycling store, or sporting goods store like Dick's or Academy should have them. Looks like that tropical storm is going to hit Florida so the first part of your trip is going to be pretty rainy. Good idea on finding a gym.


                        Elina, your book doesn't sound like quite the page turner.....but maybe it is for you. I had a job once where I'd get my boss to tell me what she wanted the outcome to be, and then I'd provide the numbers to prove her side. It was kinda fun, especially since we both disliked the guy on the other side of the argument.


                        Diane, that gym setup is quite the perk. Nice job on the speedwork and yoga. I wish I could stick with yoga, but I have trouble concentrating and get bored.


                        Damaris, FREEDOM!!!!! Have a nice run later.


                        Sandy, that seems like a good reason for a TURD. In my world, any day for the entire week after a marathon can be a TURD with no guilt.


                        Cathy, I have to say seeing you post about doing short runs in the morning is kind of nice .


                        Okay, hitting post. Better not lose this.....

                        Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                        Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                        Check out my website and youtube channel

                        Anonymous Guest

                          A strong storm came through right after DH got home from the airport. He was afraid of hail hitting his car, so we got the patio furniture unpacked hella fast! Threw the boxes and pallet in the driveway, carried the couch around back and put the rest of it behind my car, and he drove in just as it started to really come down. He's exhausted - not exactly what he expected to come home to, but oh well. I've gotten most of it around back now by going through the house, but the two chairs are a little too wide to fit through the back door, so I need to take them through the gate. That area gets all flooded and muddy though, so I'm taking a break and letting it drain.


                          Anyway, now it's only 76 degrees out. I feel like I should go for another run, except I'm beat from the furniture unpacking/moving.

                          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                          Check out my website and youtube channel


                          Cupcake Connoisseur

                            Just got back from a fire drill..I should have just left. I mean, we did plan it. LOL.



                            Diane – I actually sent an email to Planet Fitness to see if they had a week pass…so we will see. Statistics confuses me..luckily I never had to take that class! Awesome on the yoga!! That means they did some core work. I would love to have that perk at work!


                            Docket – Good luck on both the miles and in court today! Okay, I will order some birthday cake GU ASAP Smile


                            Sandy – I would have made it a TURD day too if I had gone to bed that late. It was worth it though Smile Oh no on Leo!!! Glad he came home! What race are you volunteering for??? Body Pump was tough at first..but once I got loosened up it was good! Felt good to move around. Went light on the legs but heavy on arms. Oh, so we are switching weather patterns this week?! LOL. GOOD..YOU CAN HAVE IT. Haha. This weekend is going to be a washout for the entire East Coast though. So, that sucks! Pacer guy!!!!!! PT!!!


                            Cathy – Nice miles this morning! I am jealous of your cold hands haha. HEAT ON?! AHH! Super jealous. Awe, poor DD. Hope she feels better! Man, we are all thinking it is the wrong day of the week! I was thinking that I would download the Motion Traxx app for elliptical workouts. You said you had a good sweat going and I hardly ever sweat on the elliptical..so I will give it a try Smile I figured that the caffeine GU’s would upset my stomach (coffee does sometimes) so I wasn’t going to risk it. I need to do some research on the best ones for a sensitive stomach. I know they are out there. I figured I would try them though since I tried the Powerade during the race last weekend and did just fine! I am going to check my grocery store, too.,


                            Karen – YAY for patio furniture! Poor DH haha. He can take a nice nap with Riley on the new furniture now Smile. Nice miles! Oh man, two dogs is too much! I like what you got him already for his birthdaySmile I have the same issue with yoga!



                            Have a good evening all. GO CAPS!!



                            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



                              Lizzie when I go visit my parents in Biloxi I go to the Y and use their stuff...I can get a day pass cheap.  You can check that too.  The one near my parents is nice and has a huge pool and lots of cardio machines.


                              I do love the gym perk...and we did lots of core work.  Also some one leg balance work...boy howdy do I need to improve there.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                OK, here is the RR:

                                On Saturday, I ran the Martha's Vineyard Marathon, my quest for the state of Massachusetts and another running adventure.  We had tons of fun!


                                Since this race required a bit more traveling, including ferry rides, driving, etc., we took off on Thursday morning en route to Boston, MA.  We spent the night there and then drove to Falmouth, MA (where the ferries to Martha's Vineyard are) and the island.  We left a rainy and stormy Miami for a rainy and stormy MA and the weather forecast for the race including 100% of rain, 15-20mph winds, and clouds.  I was glad for the rain (not so much for the wind), and the clouds, as this race starts too late for May (8:30am) and, without the no sun and rain, it would've been too hot to marathon.  But we were lucky.


                                We arrived in Falmouth before noon and headed to the ferry to travel to MV for the expo.  It was a very windy day and they only had one ferry that arrived far from the expo (the same for the race), so we had to take not only the ferry but a bus.  It ran us around $50 for the expo trip and another $40 for race day.  But I was glad to stay on the mainland because between the weather being windy and rainy, and the island not having much to do except the beach, we would have been stuck on the island without much to do all Friday.  Instead, we drove around Cape Cod and found a great Mexican restaurant for lunch!


                                The expo was at the finish line, and it was just a few tables with the package pickup and all the goodies.  I forgot to take a picture of the goodies but here is what we got with each bib, with the exception of the medal, which would be received after the race, of course:



                                This is the second year for the race and it appears that they took every suggestion given last year and improved it.  It is a small well-organized race, for sure, with lots of fun activities to do at the finish that I think were not as many due to the weather, but not their fault.


                                We spent the afternoon driving around the Cape and having lunch, and resting.  We were in bed by 11pm with a 6am wake up time to head to the ferry in time for the last ferry to arrive before the race, the 7am.  Because of the wind again, they only had one ferry arrival location but the race had school buses waiting for us.  Last year, there were complaints about not having enough buses, but they had two this time around and everybody on the ferry managed to get on a bus so they worked it out well.


                                The start of the race was located at the MV High School and we got there with enough time to hit the potties.  There was a big line but from what I had heard about last year, they had more potties this time around.  I had no issue going to the potty and arriving to the start line as the Anthem was being sung.  Perfect timing.


                                Hubby and I started at the same time (Wave 2) but, again, he left me in the dust like in KY.  He finished in 2:15 or something like that and he didn't get any rain (but he was rained on while waiting for me, lol).  The race goes straight into a tight little trail (paved) that spanned at least half of my race.  The HM split from us by Mile 3 or thereabouts, but those first miles were so crowded even though the race is small, since the paved path was narrow.  This part of MA, and MV included, looks like it's still in late Fall, with the path in the woods looking straight out of the Blair Witch Project.  It had an eerie feeling for me, and I wouldn't have liked to be around there at night or alone, ha.


                                Miles 1-5

                                I had not planned on racing this, but at least I want to run it at easy pace.  By Mile 4, after our split with the HMers, my operated knee started hurting, a sign that it would rain soon.  Then, my right ITB started hurting, and for good measure the left ITB and my left inner thigh.  I was like WTF by Mile 5, get your shit together, legs.  I was regretting not running my shakeout run due to laziness, since I know it always comes back to bite me not moving for two days and I guess this was it.  But it was not good for my patella to be hurting this early or at all.  But, it was what it was.  I was running an easy pace, but feeling off due to the pain.


                                Mile 6-10

                                This is where the mile markers appeared off.  At first, I was ahead of the mile markers by 0.12 after Mile 5, but Mile 6 and it's 5.5 "mat" was off by 0.50!  I asked a guy running next to me, my new BFF, I guess, what mileage did he have and he said 5.5.  I'm like nope, you're wrong, but I won't tell you.  The marker was wrong. There is no way I was running a 1:01 for 5.5 miles;  that is way slow for me.  So, I opted for just letting it go and hoping I didn't end up having a 26.70 marathon, you know?  But in the end, the markers corrected themselves and I didn't.


                                Also, I found Miles 6-13 hillyish.  They advertised the race as having GENTLE rolling hills.  Bullshit!  If you go up 40ft in 0.02 miles and you have to walk because it's faster to walk uphill than to run it, and the downhill makes you stop for fear of falling, that is neither rolling, nor gentle.  I know I live in a 0ft elevation location, but I know a hill when I see one.  I had around 20 of those "gentle" rolling hills in the first 11 miles.


                                This is probably the gentlest rolling hill I saw:



                                We passed by the airport, and all I remembered was the show called Wings and Joe Hackett flying from Nantucket to MV:




                                Mile 11-15

                                Around these miles, I quit and got my shit together.  I had to walk an uphill that was faster walking than running, and after the walk, my knee felt better, so I incorporated walking at the water stations and while eating my gel, mostly because my ITB and the knee were a fucking PITA.  So, at Mile 11 I felt I was slow, but Miles 13-15 were fast notwithstanding the walks.  We finally got out of the Blair Witch woods and headed towards the beach for what my husband texted me would be full headwinds.  It started raining at Mile 11.


                                Miles 16-20

                                Miles 16-17 were OK, but Mile 18 is where I quit.  FTS.  We headed to the only fully flat section of the course, towards the beach, in a full headwind.  I had started stopping to fix my shoes at Mile 14 on, thanks to all the sand and debris coming into my shoes due to the wind and the rain.  The back of my legs was black and this is how I looked at Mile 25 when I texted my husband that I wouldn't break 5 hours because I was lazy and was removing sand from my shoe:




                                Miles 21-26

                                I really had quit trying at this point, although I thought I could still run a sub-5.  It was raining, windy, going slightly up and down, and mentally I was like whatever, not going to break a record, why bother trying.  I was still having fun, but it was tough going at this point, mainly because of the weather.  However, I was glad I wasn't running there on a sunny day because there is no share anywhere on the course.  I texted hubby my progress every so often, and at Mile 25, I took the picture I just posted and sat for a minute.  Making sub-5 impossible.  But at the time, I didn't care.


                                Here are some pics of me from this section. At least I look like I'm trying:





                                That Fucking 0.20

                                This is what happened at the finish.  I am finally turning towards the park where the finish line is.  You have to go and do an almost perfect rectangle to finish, so I passed by the finish line, turned left, then turned left and another left and then straight to finish. I still thought I could run a sub-5 until I saw what I had left to run, ha.


                                Then, this guy by my husband, who was taking pictures of me, started taking pictures of either my ass or of someone right behind my ass.  So, I decided to run like the devil was out to chase me and not let her pass me.  I was fine until we headed to the grass.  Did I mention my knee was hurting?  Well, she does not like grass.  I tried as hard as I could and was running 9mm or something like that, but in the end, she fucking passed me right near the finish.  These are the pics my husband took of my attempt to not be passed by someone who was probably 10+ years younger than me, lol:




                                Then, I was done. And what do I do when I see the second photographer for the race?  Priorities!





                                I finished in 5:01:02.  I wish I had cared about the sub-5 at Mile 25 instead of on the last stretch.  Still, it's my fastest marathon this year, believe it or not, and 12 minutes faster than KY and 8 minutes faster than Disney (which is flat as in, really flat, people).  So, there is that...


                                I have 5 weeks before my next marathon.  And this one is hillier than KY.  This is the last time my husband chooses my races.  The end. Smile

