Womens Running


Here we go again MONDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 20 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur




    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Mighty Mouse

      Kilmisters, it’s really hard for people to realize the benefits of running and MiniK. We are running away from our stresses.


      Lizzie, it’s emotional time with weddings. Since you and groom are covering the extra $ it sounds as though your parents want total control. If you both contribute $, they lose part of that control. Times have changed from the old days and I feel you should have what you want for your own wedding.


      I’m here and well.

      DC and I were at Chautauqua in New York for the week. I did not run, but walked and climbed hills for hours for about 5 of the days. I also walked the labyrinth each day which was very calming and comforting.

      Sunday Buddy was back from his Canada jaunt so we did 80 minutes out the trail. I went to the park on the way home and walked 40 minutes.

      Today I hope to do an early trail run. It’s going to be very hot. There was a leak into my apartment while I was gone, but the closet carpet is drying very well and nothing was damaged. After spending my entire life in apartments, one keeps valuables away from water pipes.  

      Happy runs, All!

      Where is the "any" key?   




      Cupcake Connoisseur

        10.2 for me. I did 15x 1 min/1min recover. Ab class tonight.


        Great run! Well, great for 70 dewpoint Smile I must have had a user error with my Garmin. I had my intervals set to start at mile 6, but they started at mile 3.3. Weird. I must have pressed a button to move to the next step. Who knows. I made up the miles at the end. I was a sweaty gross mess. 47 days 13 hours 56 minutes and 45 seconds until Fall!


        HCF was so cute this morning. He had the nervous shakes! He just feels guilty when  spends a large sum of money on himself...and actually, he found this Harley for a GREAT deal! Its a couple years older - but its exactly what he has wanted. He is going to do a few upgrades, but all in all..it was fairly cheap considering. I think he is nervous because he has wanted this for so long and its finally happening! I am happy and so proud of him Smile


        Is it Friday yet?



        Karen – I was laughing about the judging comment  Smile Glad you had a good time! Sounds like DH sure did  Smile Nice miles yesterday. Hope you were lazy after all of that extroverting. Yum the crockpot dinner sounds good! It is the simple things that are the best  Smile


        Tessa – Well, if you have a full this weekend then that is perfect taper mileage, right? Smile LOL at the glitter being the herpes of the craft world! I am going to have to tell HCF that one. He HATES glitter. How are the fires out your way? Happy first day back to work! BOO.


        Margaret – OH! Okay. Well I guess we should wait until after Labor Day then to get an additional discount. I doubt it will fill up in a month! Thanks for reaching out for that BTW  Smile I LOOVEEEE that picture!!


        Docket – Nice 15 but UGGHH!! Hope it feels better! And hopefully its just a bruise. I like Margaret’s idea Smile


        Judy – You make a good point! Totally agree – its about control. Aw, glad you had a great time with DC! Oh NO on the leak! You were lucky that nothing was damaged! Do they know what the cause was yet?



        OH QUESTION - For those who have work phones, do you use that as your personal phone, too? Or do you carry around 2 phones? My work pays for mine..but we have some training this week about the "policy" and they are reiterating the fact that they are "watching" . I am considering just getting my own personal phone. Ugh, I loved not having a phone payment though!


        Happy Monday!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

          Here we go indeed! Back in the office after 3 week vacay.....omg the emails!!  Some dumbshit hit "reply all" to apparently the entire agency and everyone keeps responding "reply all" saying they want to be removed from the thread. Zillion emails to delete. Next one I get I'm sending to IT and asking them to block.


          Had to wait for a long train on my way to group power class. By the time I arrived, it was PACKED. I was about to leave and a sweet lady in front pointed to a space on the floor and gestured for me to join. Thank you. I would have been ticked if I had to leave and not work out.


          Work phone--yes, that is my only phone. Upside: free phone. I use it for everything.  Downside: when I retire in 5 years and 7 months, I will have to get my own phone.  Some co-workers kept their personal phone.

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            LuszLi, DH used to carry 2. His work since switched to bring your own device, so now he just has 1. He used to play fantasy football and there were loads of inappropriate emails and pictures going around. One of the guys had quite the imagination and wrote press releases. His team had strippers/ cheerleaders, so yea, those types of pictures. Breasts, boobs, tits, whatever you want to call them 


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  The ankle bone is only a tiny bit sore but nothing major. We'll see tonight.  I have 6 and weights.


              Jody, sounds like a nice trip.


              Liz, nice workout.


              Susan, I hate those.  Hoping you get through your emails soon.



                Hello!  Ahhh Monday.  Blerg.  Saturday I did about a 12 mi bike ride.  I had heard they had extended this one path so I wanted to see how far it now goes.  It’s pretty nice and there now is a water fountain, too.  I don’t run on it often mostly because it is super secluded.  Saturday otherwise was borrrrrrrrring.  Chores at home and Tarjay was it.  Yesterday biked to RBs, ran/walked 4mi with her, biked home and then did another 2mi.  Went to breakfast with my sister and ironically had the “granny omelet” LOL.  Ham, green peppers, onion and hollandaise.  So good!  Then hung out later and drank too much beer.  5mi this morning with a  CrossFit type workout in the middle.  30min EMOM with step ups, dumb bell snatches, lunges, power jacks, kettle bell high pulls and tricep dips.  Shweaty!!  Switched some things around this week so will take my rest day on Wednesday.


                All sorts of parking woes.  The free spot area I’ve been using has been filling up and I didn’t get a spot today.  So chancing it at the clinic that says patients and staff only.  Doh!  Fingers crossed…


                Karen – omg omg omg I think I need to visit when the new puppy arrives!  OMG so stinkin adorable – melt my heart.  Super funny that the accidental click is what did it!!  Sounds like a super fun party on Saturday.


                Damaris – man always a busy day off Friday for you!  But, has it been worth it, you think?  How have you been feeling?  Killer 15mi on the dreadmill!  Ouch about the cat bowl injury LOL


                Lizzie – oh man, I have been LOVING getting the long run done on Friday!  For some reason it’s less stressful which is weird.  But, I HAVE to get up early anyway so that part is easier.  Where on the weekend I’m always have to talk myself into getting moving.  It’s also been nice not to be sore from TRX/Bells the day before.  I’ll probably keep playing it by ear week to week – the primary factor being the dewpoint haha.  Glad you had a relaxing Sunday!  HUGE congrats to HCF.  And so cute of him about his Harley.  I can’t wait to see pics.  Will you ride on the back?  No work phone for me.


                Tessa – welcome home!  I agree with Lizzie – just sounds like a good taper!


                Ginny – loving all your positivity!  Looks like the mojo is BACK.  Congrats on the 8mi yesterday.  I just love the pics of your house.  That porch is just to die for.  Congrats to DGD for making the volleyball team!!


                Elina – garlic beer?  I’m intrigued!!  Nice run yesterday and cool pic!  In my unexpert, unsolicited opinion, your mileage/workouts have been such that I believe you can shoot for a PR at your half.


                Kat – a mid-day 30K?  In Texas?  Oh boy that sounds steamy.


                Gatsby – I love LOVE that pic of you!  That is seriously frame worthy.  Gorgeous view, smiling runner, freakin awesome.  I’m really excited to meet so many at Glass City!  Nice double digit run yesterday.  You seem to have recovered quickly and quite well from 50!!!!! Freakin miles!!!!


                HCK – hey, 9 sloggy are better than none!  It’s hard to get motivated in all that heat and humidity.


                Sue – laughing at the honeymoon hangover.  Haha.  Nice job getting out there!  Super nice of you to clean the church, too.  Hope going back to work isn’t too painful.  Those kind of stifle giggles just make you want to laugh more!  And, they always seem to happen in church LOL


                Carol – cool pics of the balloons!


                Laura – hooray for getting talked into the Nov half!  For SURE you gotta do Glass City!!  Your Saturday afternoon at the art fair beer/wine thing would be TOTALLY up my alley.  Glad you had a nice time.


                Judy – welcome back!  Glad you had a nice time away with DC.  Yikes on the leak!  Glad nothing was damaged.


                Happy Monday!


                  Judy, we lived in Jamestown for many years, love Chautauqua!


                  Liz, nice running in this humidity.  Pretty soon it will be Fall!  It has been a hot , humid summer.  Awwww about HCF and his Harley.


                  margaret, thanks for looking into that discount!


                  Karen, no rush on the pace info.  Sounds like a fun weekend.


                  Damaris, sorry about the cat bowl incident.  I did that once and fell down the cellar steps.  My DH “forgot” to tell me he moved it!  Likely story.


                  Did back and upper body today with 2 other ladies, I did ok? But prefer one on one.





                  6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


                  WINE o'clock somewhere!

                    Lizzie, I had a work phone and never ever used it for personal use.  Nor did I use my work computer for it either.  Since it is the company's property, they have the right to monitor anything on them.  Of course I had a personal cell way before getting a work phone so I would not have given up my personal one.  My old company even monitored our personal social media pages.  Big Brother...

                    Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                    Beast of Burden - August 2024

                    Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                    Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024




                      I have just one phone...work on and use it for everything but that doesn't mean much.  I don't surf the web on it and don't download apps.  If it becomes an issue I'll get my own phone.


                      Lizzie are you required to carry it after hours such as for on call?  If not and you have to get another at night and on the weekends I'd be tempted to lock it in my drawer at work and only carry it while "at work".


                      Eyes are better today...it way have been due to spending a week in the smokey casino since I don't normally do that.  My bosses eyes are so much worse...he thinks it was the stairwell in the one building as he climbed it several times while he was there and I only did it once.  It was NASTY.  He's on antibiotics.


                      I have to apologize for not doing personals much...I do read them but have been too tired (mentally) to respond to them.  Thank you for your concern though.


                      I won't be doing Glass City, I'm cutting back on races next year to save some PTO and money and can only do one "destination" and I've already decided on the 100k at Javelina Jundred in Oct 2019.  I hope you all have a blast like at Pinelands!


                      Elina, no one except the people here understand why I do what I do.  Hell somedays I don't know myself  But I do feel much better when I get the miles in and when I complete something that I never thought I could I feel awesome.


                      Judy that sounds like a wonderful trip...so glad to see you keep on moving and enjoying life.


                      Karen, those puppies are adorable.  I love puppy kisses they are the best.  So happy you have such a large group this year.  Validates your wanting to be a coach.


                      Tessa any new kitties?


                      Margaret that's a fantastic photo...I'd be proud of it too!


                      Damaris...wow you sound like my horses...accidents waiting to happen...lol.


                      Susan the trains here are ridiculous...in Vinita they are N/S and E/W and run every 45 min.


                      Ginny nice seeing you post runs AND workouts!


                      Kat, wow..mid day start?  Not sure even I would enjoy that.  There had better be a shit ton of ice.


                      Had a nice visit with DD and DGD, brought here some more books...she loves to read and I found some alphabet flashcards.  The German restaurant was closed on Sunday so we went to Chinese.


                        Damaris, I agree w Margaret - bubble wrap! The unexpected weapon - cat bowl. Go figure.


                        Margaret, great all-pink positive pic!


                        Tessa, we have loads of fires; the responsible authorities are blamed for not asking foreign firefighter help, but now that it's been raining almost non-stop last couple of days the situation has improved. Sweden and Norway has it way, waaay worse, tho.


                        Sue, omg, the 'reply all' clusterf---!! How anyone can be so dumb in 21st century is beyond me. Was there issue w people on vacation ''responding'' w out-of-office messages, uhm.. to... ALL? Big grin


                        Sandy, the garlic beer was interesting, you could feel the flavor, but it wasn't too intense either.


                        Diane, glad you feel better. Casinos as explanation makes sense. And you reminded me of the saying ''Always say things are going according to plan. No one can possibly know what kind of f---ed up plan you might have''. (It sounds better in Russian)


                        Karen, the thought of you using ppt slides for running club cracks me up! I can totally imagine SWOT analysis for running in heat vs rain. Joking, of course. Getting any miles in after 4-5 beers is great, so...


                        Lizzie, nice speedwork! And that's so cute about HCBF! QOTD - I have personal mobile (but w work email) and office stationary (or whatever the hell you call them) phone; if I am away from the desk and there's smth semi-urgent or urgent, it's either Whatsapp or email; and when s--t hits the fan for real - only then a call.


                        This day, wow. Just wow. However, my ''s--t has hit the fan, everything's on fire'' benchmark has been ssoooo raised while working for this company, that I'd say I coped pretty well. Two small steps (files) left to finish the damn budget process, hoping to do it tomorrow. I found a small mistake in the previous one I sent, so hoping colleague won't kill me for making yet another adjustment. Totally feeling the vacation-mode creeping in my mood/thoughts. 9 work days left! It will take all the willpower of mine there is to not set the upcoming out-of-office message to: ''On vacay [from/to]... In case of urgent questions wait and pray''.


                        Oh, and I officially signed up for the September HM! Our company is sponsoring the participation fee. Yay.


                         ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                        ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris

                        Anonymous Guest

                          Easy 4 for me this morning. Well, easy 3.5, plus 0.5 with Riley. You can see my pace, HR and cadence all jump way up that last half mile! Now I'm procrastinating my trip to the grocery store. I actually don't mind the grocery shopping, but I don't like deciding what I'm going to make for dinner all week. Thinking about stopping by Kohl's while I'm out - 30% off coupon means surely I need something from there.


                          Welcome back, Judy. Sounds like a wonderful time away. Glad nothing was ruined by the water leak!


                          Liz, nice run this morning. How cute how excited HCF is for his new toy! My last job I had the option of using my own phone or getting a company phone, but I wouldn't be able to use the company phone for personal stuff, so I would have had to carry two. I think if they provide the phone you would want to be more careful about what you use it for. Their property, they can access anything you do, emails, web browsing, etc. DH has two phones, his personal one and a work one. The work one is better now but ExMob used to make it so that he couldn't access very much with it other than work stuff.


                          Susan, good luck with the emails! Glad you were able to find a spot in group power.


                          Damaris, glad the ankle doesn't seem too bad.


                          Sandy, nice workout this morning. Bummer on the parking woes. I would totally eat the granny omelet, that sounds delicious. Come down anytime for a puppy fix - puppies can be little assholes sometimes, but they are so cute it's worth it. TCM will be my first weekend away once we get the puppy, I hope DH and Riley can handle the puppy without me for a couple days.


                          Ginny, nice workout this morning. OMG on the weights in that picture of you that your trainer posted! I am not gonna arm wrestle you when you come down for Brazos Bend!


                          Kathryn, bunch of people in my running club are doing Habanero, I do not envy them or you! When someone first posted the "anybody going?" on the fb page and people started chiming in about how fun that would be, I posted with a hell no. So far August weather has not seemed as bad this year though, maybe it will be not so awful.


                          Diane, glad the eye thing is better. And that you had a good time with DD and DGD.


                          So we have 4.5 weeks to come up with a name for the puppy. Since he's like another little Riley, I so want to call him Rerun. DH likes (no surprise) Groot or Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. Or there are various people names......

                          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                          Check out my website and youtube channel

                          Anonymous Guest

                            Karen, the thought of you using ppt slides for running club cracks me up! I can totally imagine SWOT analysis for running in heat vs rain. Joking, of course. Getting any miles in after 4-5 beers is great, so


                            Haha, this cracked me up. There seems to be interest in running form as a topic, and I actually would like to have slides for that.....but logistics.


                            DH just now on dog names: We could name him Trump. Me: No. Him: What's Trump doing? Shitting in the house.

                            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                            Check out my website and youtube channel



                              Haha, this cracked me up. There seems to be interest in running form as a topic, and I actually would like to have slides for that.....but logistics. 


                              Oh, but those wouldn't be data-related charts, most likely. Boo. Big grin


                               ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                              ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


                              WINE o'clock somewhere!

                                Judy, glad you had a nice trip!


                                Lizzie, fun fun for HCF!  Are you gonna hop on the back soon??  Nice you had an excellent run.


                                Sue, don't you hate the reply to all...  3 weeks away, must have been hard to go back.


                                Hi HCK!


                                Damaris, what did I miss about your ankle.  Darn it, guess I should go back and re-read...


                                Sandy, why is that a granny omelet?  Sounds good other than the hollandaise.  I must be strange, I don't like it.


                                Ginny, keep posting your mileage, you are my inspiration!  Even though I am walking, I want to at minimum keep up with your mileage.


                                Diane, IF IF IF things go well, I am there with you for Javelina Jundred.  Brazos is daunting enough, but JJ is a year+ away.


                                Elina, sorry about your work day.


                                Karen, coupons always mean you need something...  What distances are your RC folks doing?


                                So yes, I am again likely doing Habanero.  I wasn't going to do it, but I think I can manage 2 loops.  10K/loop.  I think 12 miles is doable - I won't go just for a 10K, it is a 2.5 hr drive.  I was signed up for the 30K, there is minimal chance of me going out for a 3rd lap.  There are 3 aid stations.  Yes Diane, they have a shit ton of ice.  There are 2 manned stations with all the fixings, including slushies.  Last year they were blue gatorade and were the most heavenly things.  The 3rd is just ice and water.  I have picked out my outfit - tank with matching arm sleeves to shove ice in.  Ordered gators to match to help keep the sand out.  Need to sew my bandana for a ice neck wrap, and maybe even make something to shove ice down my sports bra.  Straight ice on the girls burned a bit last year.


                                I just got back from my morning walk - managed 8 miles.  I am using Ginny as a goal since we are likely hanging together at Woodstock for the half.  I want to keep up with her.  I cruised along today, 16:05 mm just walking one mile late was 15:39!.  Started at 80, finished at 90.


                                Nothing on tap for today.



                                Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                                Beast of Burden - August 2024

                                Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                                Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024

