Womens Running


Top of the Mornin' THURSDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 21 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Thought I would throw some Irish out there since St.Patricks Day is coming...



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      Rest day for me!


      Slept pretty good until about 4 - then tossed and turned until I had to get up. Oh well. The PF I have in my left foot that comes and goes - is really flaring up today. Not sure why!


      I will have to get up early tomorrow for my LR. It isn't super long..just 12. I am saying that outloud so I don't do more Smile I could use a nice distance run right now. Lots on the mind!


      Oh, I read an article last night about tight muscles and how stretching might not be the best option for relief. This is my case - I stretch my calves constantly but my right one will be tight again shortly after. No relief. The article said that foam rolling multiple times a day for 10 days - 2 weeks should help (or massages all the time which I can't afford). When I have foam rolled in the past..I have done it for like, 20 minutes. This article suggests doing it for 2-3 minutes multiple times a day. I am going to try it and see if it helps. I have always known foam rolling to help...but thought the longer foam rolling session the better..guess not!



      Tessa – Ugh, sorry about all the traffic and for him being there. I was laughing when I read your post yesterday – there are so many things I want to say about him but have to keep my mouth shut. VA is a very republican state..so I would lose. Virginia is nicknamed..old money.


      Hi Carol!!


      Diane – WOOHOOO!!! Bib number means its happening haha.


      Margaret – Silly, I don’t think you are jinxing anything! Maybe it’s a sign?? Hope your knee starts to feel better!


      Docket -  Geez you eat late!!! I am in bed at that time! Haha. Wow, nice workout last night!!


      Laura – Nice miles as usual! You got grey hair in your 30’s? Okay, I don’t feel so bad. What is your natural color? I will color it up for sure..but then the hair apts get more expensive because you have to do them so frequently! You are lucky you can dye it yourself.


      Run4kupcakes – Wow, nice run yesterday. YES! I get grey eyebrow hairs all the time.



      Have a great Thursday everyone!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have 13 miles and Pilates.  Even though today is cool, I can't run at a normal time and I can't go outside in the middle of the day (it won't be cool then).  So, TM it will be.


        Liz, we go to bed at midnight.  Most of the time I'm still working at that time.



        Cupcake Connoisseur

          Oh, Dicks is having 50% off sale! A lot of Nike apparel is included in that if you wear Nike! I love their shorts Smile



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


          Former Bad Ass

            I have slept 7+ hours in the last two days and finally feeling more normal.  I am getting an extra hour and a half by working from home so that helps a lot.  I am sad to have cool weather and not be able to enjoy it, but after the days of not sleeping at all or hardly, I have to take advantage of this.




              Lizzie, the shoe guy at the LRS told me that stretching like I was doing for the PF wasn't helping.  I quit and it resolved itself.  I also got out of Brooks shoes which also seemed to help.  Since I've been consistent in training but only getting a massage once a month I've noticed tightness.  I'm going to have to start twice a month again.  I look at the cost as upkeep on my body.  I don't have any other spends and it's important.


              Weather...good lord.  HCK you are correct they can't seem to "forecast"  very well.  It's now 46/63 50% chance of showers, winds 14 mph S.  I know it will change and change and change but I can't seem to help looking every day.


              Niggles...OMG this is awful, I know part of this is because I'm on the fence about going but still...I need to just suck it up and visualize having a good time.


              Damaris, say your post and Tessa's response...14 miles in 3 hours...I could have walked home faster....lol.  They do tend to muck things up a lot when they visit.


              Mighty Mouse

                Seloc, I run in Adrenalines also with a really stiff arch support. My feet love them. I also need stability shoes that have a high drop and Adrenalines have that…so far. When I first started running I wore Sauconys. They had an actual wedge heel. I think that was why I took to running right away. It just happened to be what I needed.


                Wednesday I ran 50 minutes down on the TM. It takes me 35 minutes just to sweat. 

                I’m getting lots of stuff done. Today would be a good day to look into new Adrenalines. Last

                year’s were a great fit. Hopefully this year’s will be good as well.

                Today I plan a TM run if it is too cold (which it probably will be).

                Safe and happy runs, All!  

                Where is the "any" key?   




                  Kat – did you watch TIU?  I thought the wedding episode was just meh.  Though still sad in parts.  Also started that new show which came on after, Rise.  Seems decent.  The main character is Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother.


                  Karen – Yo!  Love you were in such a good mood yesterday!  Love when that happens!  For me, the weather has so much to do with it so very often.  Sad but true.  You go girl on the strength training!  Wow, hard to believe you’ve been a Texan for 3 years already.  I was lurking during that time and remember your move.  Yup, Bad News Bears playing (errr attempting) volleyball is absolutely accurate.  Glad your parents made it to Roch safe.  Hope the tests go well (and fast).


                  Lizzie – paradise, huh?  Kidding!  I have not tried the Launch but looks like they are neutral and I run in stability.  But, yep, I do like my Brooks!  Oh, I want to yell at the volleyball girls but instead I talk seriously and sternly when I want to make a point.  I did tell them on Tuesday that they were playing poorly haha.  But, they were!  The worst ever and it was because they were distracted.  They did turn it around a bit but sheesh.


                  Tessa – LOL on compenisate.  I might have to steal that one.  SO TRUE.  Sorry you had to deal with the mess Mr. Cheeto Head caused yesterday.


                  Carol – nice workouts.  Hills – oof.  Awww shucks on making you laugh.  I can be rather sarcastic which isn’t always well received haha.  Signed up for Fargo in May.  9 weeks away.  I feel behind in training!


                  Diane – woohoo on the bib!  Sheets getting real now!  MTA: Oops, I guess Gatsby already said that.  Doh!


                  Gatsby – haha I LOVE to hear your wine talk.


                  Damaris – OMG, I would be a hangry tried mess if I didn’t eat until after 8:30pm!  LOL  Ooof, OTF sounds like it was pretty tough yesterday – well, tougher than usual.  Way to go!


                  Laura – cool that you used to coach soccer!  Did you used to play?  Yes, you nailed it – they either get it or they don’t.  And NONE of these girls get it LOL  Oh, hey, I have Mich St winning the NCAA tourney on my bracket!!


                  HCK – wow, that’s an impressive workout in the wind!


                  Lizzie2 – I love Top o’  the mornin’!  Back atcha!  Hey, I’m even wearing green today.  Ugh on the tossing and turning and double ugh on the PF flare.  Sooo, your alarm will start with a 3 tomorrow?  Go get ‘em girl but only 12 ya hear?  Oooh thanks on the tip – will check out Dicks!


                  Damaris2 – YOU GO TO BED A MIGNIGHT??  Oh my gosh. LOLOLOL  I live in a different world for SURE.  How do you not need any sleep?  I’m a tad jealous, actually.  Good luck with your 13!


                  Judy – hey shoe twin!  Hope the next model works for you as well.  Stinks having to try to find new.  Have a great day!


                  8 girls at volleyball yesterday but only 6 had gym shoes.  I disallowed practicing in snow boots and/or socks.  Told them last week this would be the case but they still were NOT happy.  Drama girl cried again because I asked her to TRY serving with her dominant hand.  Oh, and guess what?  She actually made it over the net!  Then had to smile through the tears.  I refrained from saying “told ya so” haha (kidding)


                  Best weekend in college hoops starts today!  Got my bracket in – going all Big10 and have Mich St winning it all.  We have TVs here (in security) and already have them changed to TruTV and CBS for the early games.


                  Oh yeah!  Running.  Did 5 craptastic miles this morning.  My SI joint is all outa whack (chiro tmrw) and picked a bad route.  Thought it would be better but still WAY too much refreeze.  I just had to get off the cambered road (reason for bad SI) but this wasn’t a good choice.  Oh well, it’s done.  Cannot WAIT to get home and relax tonight.  Gramma is tired.


                  WINE o'clock somewhere!

                    Lizzie, enjoy your rest day.e  Sorry your sleep is still funky.


                    Damaris, that was a crazy long commute for you last night.


                    Diane, keep hanging in there on the weather.  Smile


                    Judy, sorry it is too cold for an outdoor run.


                    Sandy, no, I didn't watch TIU, I am now 2 weeks behind.  Maybe catch up Saturday.  Bummer your run was craptastic.  Those always suck.


                    Another lazy feeling morning.  JUST finished my coffee and need to get shaking at some point. It is getting warm out here over the next 10 days - mid 80's.


                    So I am TRYING to make garden markers for my herbs.  I have done a few attempts, more to get a feel for making them and painting them.  They are cute, but really bad so far.  They kinda look like a 5 yr old made them.  We shall see...  Would have been cheaper to buy them, but I am having fun.





                    Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                    Beast of Burden - August 2024

                    Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                    Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                    Running with the Turtles

                      Top o the mornin' to ya.    Not much new with me.  Heard about a 5K race here, starts at a distillery and there are 3 "challenge" stations on the course: eat a bratwurst (with bun), eat cheese curds, and drink beer (or a non-alcoholic beverage).  I think I will pass on that one.  


                      Lizzie, have you looked into the Roll R8 massage roller?  I think Karen has one.  They are pricey, but the new model is coming out and the old one is on sale.  The new one is $129, I've seen the old one for $99.  I am tempted to pull the trigger!    For those with our kind of tough sore muscles, it may be worth it.    Ha, I don't get gray eyebrows, but they are much more sparse now.    Good luck on the 12!  You will rock it, like normal.  Kids still learn cursive, in about first grade here.  But they don't ever use it, so they quickly forget.  My kids can't read cursive!  If they see cursive writing they ask me to read it to them!    It's weird, almost everything is done through the iPad.  They don't have any books.  Kaitlyn is learning to play recorder and she records videos on her iPad to turn into her teacher!


                      Damaris, too bad you can't enjoy the cool weather.  You are a TM warrior!  


                      Diane, sounds like you need to stop looking at the weather.     I will track your progress during the race!


                      Judy, you are lucky that you don't sweat on the TM.  I am a sweaty mess.  


                      Sandy, no playing VB in snow boots?  You are tough.  Haha.  I am trying to get DD to try serving overhand.  She's afraid to do it.    Mich State seems like a good bet.  DH normally drinks beer.  He also drinks rum and cokes and the WI favorite, Brandy Old Fashioned.  I remember a few years ago it was 80 degrees on St Patty's Day.  We got out the small plastic pool for the kids!    No such luck this year, though it should be in the 50's on Sunday.  Sorry about the tough run.  Rest up tonight, Gramma!  


                      Margaret, haha, that's what DH said, "Who brings doughnuts to Pi Day?"  


                      Kupcakes, nice that the gray doesn't show on you!  Maybe your gray hairs aren't all "funny", kinky and sticking up all over the place.  That's the only reason that I would pull them out!


                      Tessa, sorry about the issues with the traffic!  I've watched some presidential motorcades go down the expressway outside my office.  The VP made a speech at a location near DD's school and there was a huge police presence, squad cars everywhere for a few miles around and helicopters flying overhead.


                      Hi Carol!  The foot is doing well.  I've been really resting it, the little running that I was doing was not helping.  So I figured I had nothing to lose by just resting a few months.  I really want to be able to run once the warmer weather arrives!  But it has been feeling really good this week.  I may try a few short runs next week.  I have my next 5K with DD on the 25th.


                      Karen, ooh, a 10K for you!  That was a cute photo of Jake!  I hope your Dad's testing is going well.


                      Kat, you are crafting?    I am glad you are having fun!   I was never good at that either.  






                        Karen....Nice on the good mood.  I have not been in a really good mood in quite a while, this is sad.  I need to work on my mental health I think.


                        Tessa...I just love how you write, so funny, especially the description of #45!  Sorry about the traffic, but it was funny reading about it.


                        Sandy....my mood is tied way too much with the weather also.  I know this, but I can't seem to do anything about it.  I am a different person in the warm , sunny months.  You and I are many years apart, but seem to have a lot in common.  It would be so cool if St. Bonaventure won another game tonight, doubtful, but it would be great!  It is such a small school, 2000 students, and in such a small NY town.  I haven't filled out my bracket yet, my DH and I always have a little contest to see who does the best picks.   Your VB team sounds like my younger GD's...they are terrible!  She is in 6th grade.  I don't think they got a serve over the net, ever!  My DD played and she cringes when she watches, LOL.


                        Lizzie...too bad the PF is flaring up again.  I hate foam rolling and I know that it would help with my various aches and pains, yet I don't do it.


                        Damaris....cooking dinner at 8:30?  Yep, I am already in bed with a book by that time.  Have a good run tonight and pilates.


                        Diane... wow, your race is fast approaching!  Hard not to keep checking the weather, hopefully it will improve over the next 10 days, I bet it will.


                        Had the weirdest thing happen on Monday....all of a sudden my right wrist turned bright red and hurt like a son of a gun.  Did not go away until yesterday morning, I could't  even use my arm most of that time.  Then it just disappeared.  I happened to have my wellness Dr. check yesterday and told him about it, he said the symptoms sound like it could be rheumatoid arthritis, but unless I get another episode we aren't going to go there right now.  Sheesh, I hope not, reading about it does not sound good .  I feel like I am falling apart.


                        Ran 3 miles this morning and then went and did leg day with trainer.  Legs felt very wobbly after, probably not the best plan on my part, but I only have Friday and Saturday to work out with him now before he leaves for Switzerland, so want to take advantage.





                        6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          Turtles, I have naturally curly hair, so something is always out of place and wild.


                          Mighty Mouse

                            I just got NEW RUNNING SHOES!!   

                            I just got some 2018 Adrenalines. The neat thing about them is that they have a more rounded toe box. 2017s were more tapered. My toes really appreciate the difference. Now they can spread out more.   I tried them and ran in them at the store. I got a grey pair and a teal pair.

                            I went to Dick's Sporting Goods. They have signs posted that they will not sell guns or ammo to anyone under 21. Also, guns seem to be more in the background and there are not a lot of them.

                            Where is the "any" key?   





                              Liz, I started going grey at 19 and I'm probably 75% silver now. Not colouring it. Cathy, I do have silver hairs in my eyebrows also, ignoring those as well. I have heavy eyebrows so it is not that noticeable.


                              Ginny, hope the wrist is not RA, sometimes you can have soreness for no apparent reason.


                              Damaris, 7.5 hours of sleep? Was that 1 night or 2?


                              Sandy, your descriptions of the girls are hilarious. Glad it is not me.


                              Cathy, had to look up a brandy old fashioned, hmm. DD might like it, she went through a cocktail phase. I don't think we have any maraschino cherries, though, I put them all in cookies at Christmastime.


                              Yep, St. Patrick's Day is Saturday. I have really tacky tights with shamrocks on them. Not wearing them to run, though!


                              $99 for a foam roller? I have a nice wooden one that I think was $5 some years ago, anyone's welcome to borrow it until I need it again for pie crust or cookie dough. 


                              Kat, good luck with the garden markers. I usually figure I can tell the difference, I don't have that many herbs growing in my garden and it's not hard to tell basil, rosemary, thyme, and sage apart.


                              Judy, that sounds like a good workout. Is Friday your usual weight lifting AKA library volunteer day?


                              Diane, Liz is right. Bib = it is really happening!


                              Kupcakes, I'm guessing you are more used to executive branch visits because of proximity to the capital than we are.


                              Karen, 3 years in Texas already? Wow.


                              WFH today so 4.25 in daylight! It was pouring last night but the storm seems to have blown over for now. Garden is loving it.


                              Cupcake Connoisseur

                                Docket – YAY on the sleep!!! Good luck on the 13 tonight!


                                Judy – Takes you 35 minutes to sweat? I am the complete opposite on the treadmill..I will start sweating at .2 miles. LOL. YAY on the new shoes!!


                                Sandy – I laugh everytime reading about your volleyball adventures. Sounds more like babysitting  Smile Ugh, sorry about your hip! You did get 5 miles in so there is that! Nice job sticking with it  Smile I bet you are ready to relax tonight! Mr. Cheeto Head – LOL!!!!! I am using that all day today. HA.  Smile Yes, alarm will start with a 3. I should be happy – it only gets worse from this week out – haha. WOOHOO for March Madness!


                                Kathryn – I need to see pictures of these garden markers. Smile


                                Cathy – That 5K race sounds like there will be a lot of puking involved. Sandy would love it!  Smile I have seen that foam roller…and yes, I do want it. Its on my wishlist on Amazon. But you know what, I think getting it on Amazon would be more expensive! Records videos on her Ipad to turn into her teacher?! WOW. Man. I wish that stuff was around when I was a kid – the worst part of music class was having to do those solos in front of everyone! Can’t believe that about the cursive though! Glad to hear that the foot is doing good this week!!


                                Ginny – Interesting about the wrist! At least its gone now  Smile Hopefully it stays gone! Nice workout this morning and run! Has he introduced you to who your new trainer will be? Or given any suggestions?


                                Tessa – Nice run today in the daylight! Did you work from home because of the rain? I think you should wear your tacky lights on a run on Saturday!!  Smile WOODEN foam roller?!?! OMG that must have HURT.



                                Have a good night ladies!



                                October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                                November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                                March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2
