Womens Running


Must be Monday (Read 21 times)


    Post away!


      Liz - Are you back to work today?  I’m sure you needed some “alone” time....lots of emotions over the last days.  I am sure HCF has a lot to work thru in his mind as well.


      Sandy - I’m jumping the “Full” ship today, too!  Too busy with the DGK’s here to deal with it before now.  It is a relief, isn’t it.   Now you can enjoy your vacation without worrying about LR’s.


      Laura - I didn’t realize you were not employed by the county.  The Iceman put to live up to its name this weekend .


      sorry for lack of personals this morning, just getting back in the groove.  The DGK’s went home yesterday.


      Did 9 miles Saturday, then did a track workout with my RB that is coming back after knee surgery.


      Today...I am doing whatever I want, whenever I want...and NOT changing any diapers...LOL




      Cupcake Connoisseur

        9.2 speed work miles for me. I did 12x 1 min/1min recover. Heading to abs after work.


        GREAT run! I felt awesome out there! It was raining and cold..but still felt awesome. A little eerie because it was the same mileage and same route as last Wednesday when everything went down. My speed wasn't that "speedy" but that is okay. Waking up those legs a little Smile High mileage starts creeping in this week.


        Back to work! Lots to do today. Mammel has been very nice..he has already stopped by my office and offered any help and if I needed to leave that it was okay. The team had also sent some arrangements to the house. They are being super supportive.



        Lori – Interesting about the heart rate and the doctors! You would think that they know with a runner!


        Docket – Nice run!!! So, how much weight gain did your parents get? That is my worst fear and what has stopped me from trying to quit in the past! Maybe I will be the rare one that doesn’t. I am sure I am one of the RARE marathon runners that smoke.


        Carol – LOL, enjoy all this “you” time you are getting now!!! How long until your trip? I think you are going around the same time as Sandy, right? Yes, back to work. Last night I started crying out of nowhere and he and I just cried together. You are right – he has a lot to work through as well.



        Happy Monday!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 7 miles tonight.


          Carol, nice 9.


          Liz, my dad gained weight but I don't think my mom did.  Still, better to be fat than dying.   Last thing you want is to be skinny but with lung cancer.  I think the weight gain depends on the person; I know others that have quit and not gained.



            Sandy/Laura - How did you change your registration for GC?


            Damarias - 7 on your new TM ???




            Former Bad Ass

              Yeah, Summer is here so it will likely be on the TM.



                Well, the weather people lied.  We got about the double the snow yesterday that was predicted.  6 inches was HARD (TWSS) to run in.  Did 5 mi and tried to stay on roads but some roads were too busy so had to hop up on the unshoveled path.  Ooof my quads can feel it already from having to pick my feet up so high.


                Fun news of the weekend – my sister is fostering a chocolate lab/mix puppy.  OMG I’m in love.  He is soooooooo sweet.


                Sad news of the weekend – my cousin died after battling frontal temporal dementia.  47 years old.  His mom and my mom were sisters so we did a LOT with them growing up.  His mom died at 63 and mine at 71 of same.  He is way WAY too young.  His wife has just been amazing and my heart breaks for her.  And their kids – 20 and 17.  I’m hoping the funeral is before I leave so I can go – it should be but two of his siblings are out of state.  That’s going to be a rough one.


                More big snow coming tonight/tomorrow.  5-ish inches.  Looks like Cathy is going to get more of this storm.  And, yep, clearly I’m a true Minnesotan – always talking about the weather!


                Lizzie – that’s crazy and super awesome you have already seen some benefits of stopping smoking.  So happy to hear HCF is continuing to improve.  Man what a week for you two.  I’ll probably WFH tomorrow but have to come in Wed for a health screening and I have a customer meeting close to the office on Thursday.  Hope you are recovering from all your extroverting over the weekend!  Nice run this morning!  Oh gosh, I bet that was eerie running the same route as last week.  No doubt you will be thinking of this for a lonnnnnnnnnnng time.  SO SO glad Mammel and your team is being helpful and nice.  Have a good day!


                Lori – dang, awesome 18!  Are you getting any of these storms rolling through?


                Tessa – yep, seems it’s storm after storm rolling through.  Yep, pretty over it all.  Is it the wine marathon on Saturday?


                Gatsby – cold??  Pshaw – 40s is shorts weather!  And damn near a tank top haha.  Nice job on the 22 and then KBs and 6!  You are getting STRONG!!


                Karen – can’t wait to hear about the pizza party!  Sounds really fun getting to chat running and all.


                Sue – glad you are feeling better.  Wow, I didn’t realize there was another baby on the way either.  Congrats!  And a new house in a month!  A lot going on in your world.


                Elina – I saw on the news this morning in Estonia people kayak down snow hills.  Pretty funny!


                Carol – laughing at your day including NOT changing any diapers haha.  I hope you have an AWESOME day doing ANYTHING you want!  Nice miles over the weekend!  Yes, HUGE relief to switch to the half.  Just did that all this morning.  I’m hoping it will help me hate winter less.  I’m not going to worry about mileage or training at all until I get back on March 8th.  Okay, finding how to switch was a CHALLENGE.  Go to the sign up site, search your name, click on name to login, then in top right there is a link to switch.  It didn’t cost anything but it sure was hard to find!


                Damaris – okay, I am cracking UP at “better to be fat than dying”.  True!  Lizzie, you will NOT get fat because you are you.


                Have a good day!


                Running with the Turtles

                  Happy Monyay?    6 miles Saturday on the TM and then I attempted my long run (10 miles) outside yesterday since it warmed up to the teens.  I tried to run my 5 mile loop through the county park but it was like a sheet of ice.  The trails themselves were even worse, just way too icy.  I had debated bringing my Yaktrax but the bike trail looked fairly clear so I had just put on trail shoes.  I don't think the Yaktrax would have worked well, probably needed microspikes!  I ended up just running back and forth on the paved part of the bike trail that was fairly clear.  DH's holiday party was OK, as fun as a party with plumbers and HVAC techs can be, I guess.     More snow coming our way, anywhere from 4-10 inches predicted.


                  Carol, sounds like you had fun with the DGKs!    Enjoy the peace and quiet.  Nice running this weekend too!


                  Lizzie, nice miles!  I am so happy that HCF is doing well and that they are being nice to you at work.     I can imagine that you and HCF are super emotional right now.  Wow.  Definitely even more of a celebration now!  The phone app for quitting smoking sounds pretty cool.  More motivation for quitting!  That is awesome that you are already seeing some good things.


                  Damaris, enjoy the new TM.     Funny that DH had issues putting it together!


                  Sandy, yay for more snow!    Aww, I bet the pup is super cute!  I am so sorry about your cousin.  That is WAY too young.  Stay safe in all the snow!  Every year the cold and snow gets more annoying.


                  Lori, awesome job on the 18 and 10+!  Pretty good for fighting a virus.


                  Margaret, nice 22 and awesome mileage for the week!


                  Karen, hope the party went well!  Though Tessa is right about the non-running spouses.  DH wanted an area with a sign that said, "Non-runner area" at our running team party so people could retreat and avoid the running talk.     Nice long run!


                  Sue, glad you are feeling better!  You will be in the new house in no time.


                  Tessa, that is a lot of oranges!  Send some this way!    Enjoy the clean bathrooms.  


                  Hi Laura!  Nice to see you check in!  Sorry that you haven't been feeling great and work sucks.



                  Anonymous Guest

                    i could not sleep last night. Partly because I had been extroverting so hard that evening, I think. And then Riley woke up early morning with his ear bugging him so kept shaking his head....guess he needs to go to the vet. Then DH was up at 5 to leave for the airport. I let the dogs out when he was up then went back to bed and slept until almost 9 am! Can't remember the last time I slept that late.


                    The party was fun. 18 people! I still have trouble grasping that this has become a decent sized group and that if I plan an event, people will come. And at 8:30, when the last of them left, I was feeling kinda like a genius for doing it on a "school night" and starting early. Honestly, don't know if it's some kind of imposter syndrome thing or something like that, but I still find it hard to believe that people are willing to pay good money for this group (there is another group the covers the same area and we even see out on some of our long runs and they literally charge half what I do). But they all said really nice things, and even my neighbors, who I was sure were one and done (and I told the two I was running with that Saturday), said they were going to join again. I think he got inspired by spectating the marathon and not only seeing our other neighbor do it, but a bunch of people that they ran with for several months. It is a pretty cool race, and then seeing his running buddies, thinking wait, if they can do it, and a few months ago we were running the same schedule, I could do it. My coaches loved their coaches gifts (quarter zip pullovers with our logo embroidered on them), plus I gave out a couple random "this person inspired me" gifts, and then I bought a bunch of 13.1 and 26.2 stickers and put them out for anyone that did the distance to take. I was surprised - they almost all went and people were excited about it. Anyway, my heart is full. And my fridge is full of leftover pizza. With DH out all week, I'm gonna have to do a lot of running because I'm having pizza for dinner every night.


                    Anyway, I have 8 miles on the schedule today with a bunch of 800s and 400s. I may switch with tomorrow's rest day because it's 70 degrees here already at 10 am. And my legs are a little achey from standing on my hard tile floor for a few hours at the party last night - that bugged them more than the 14 miler the day before. I was going to go to a  9:15 class at the Y, but with the sleeping in, didn't make it. I'll probably do a strength training video, plus I need to do some yard work.


                    Carol/Sandy/Laura, last night a couple people asked me what marathon I was training for and I was trying to explain our group and how people from all over the country were coming to run for Liz' running bachelorette party. I may have mentioned that the northerners were all starting to drop to the half after the weather you all have been having. I could see them trying to picture training in Sandy's weather and giving it the big nope.


                    Carol, congrats on surviving the grandkids for an entire week! That must have been exhausting.


                    Liz, happy to hear of a normal morning for you! I'm glad mammal is being human - good to know he has it in him. I'll pile on with the others on the belief that you can totally handle this no smoking thing. You guys were going to quit anyway. Yes, always mention to the doctors you're a runner. I remember when I had my eye surgery, all the other patients were old people getting cataract surgery - I'd only been running maybe six months, but between my age and my HR, they had to double check every time. And when DH had his big bike crash in Maryland and was in intensive care in the hospital, they eventually had to reset the low HR alarm because it kept going off and they'd come running. Funny you just got the XR as well. I love the facial recognition and I love that they got rid of the home button so the screen is bigger.


                    Damaris, enjoy those 7 TM miles. At home.


                    Sandy, I am sorry for the loss of your cousin. That is so sad and way too young. Chocolate lab/mix puppy? I'm guessing that's the cutest ever little fuzzball. I'm glad you switched to the half - way too hard to try to get training in with snowstorm after snowstorm after -35 degree weather. And now you won't have to stress about trying to get runs in while on vacation.


                    Margaret, impressive long run this weekend. You just hang out quietly over there on the west coast and absolutely kill it in training.

                    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                    Check out my website and youtube channel


                    Mighty Mouse

                      Lizzie, I have read that weight gain from smoking cessation is more about the first 3 months. It was referring to that period as a more possible time for it to happen during initial withdrawl. It sounded pretty workable to control, especially for a runner. I suspect a couch potato would have to be more proactive. 


                      Today was a fun 50 minute run on the TM with intervals and 10 minutes of faster walking. I’m not sure, but I suspect my return is improving! When I do this workout, I also pay close attention to my stretches.


                      Happy runs, All!  

                      Where is the "any" key?   



                      LC Runs

                        Carol - Here's the instructions:


                        We do have a no-refund policy, however there are several options if you find you can’t participate in the original race of your choice.

                        First — transfer down to an alternate race so long as there is availability in the event requested.  Login to your profile –> My Registered Races –> Mercy Health Glass City Marathon –> Click Edit –> Click Transfer Event.  RunSignUp will then walk you through the rest of the process.



                        Will check back in later tonight, just home for a quick lunch then have to travel and see some peeps then DS basketball game.  Fun stuff!



                          People are changing their GC registration? I'm still looking at a 6 hour finish for my full. As of now I will keep it as is. Someone save me a beer. Lol


                          Liz I wouldn't worry about weight gain unless you're substituting cigarettes for boat loads of chocolate. But boat loads of chocolate does sound good.


                          Sandy,  I'm very sorry about your cousin.  47 is way too young. With regard to weather,  we are supposed to get freezing rain etc..  Hopefully it won't be too bad to commute


                          Karen,  your party sounded fun and the gifts perfect.


                          Sorry I can'tdo more personals but combo of phone and too much management around today makes it impossible.


                          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                          Former Bad Ass

                            I'll be running the marathon, Lori, unless the weather is hot and Wisconsin (the week after) is better.  But in any event I will save you a beer, a hotel room to shower and my offer to drive you or anyone back to Detroit on Monday morning stands.  I think that will be the airport I'll fly into, but I won't book it for another two months, ha.




                              Lori, at this point I don't think I'm coming because of work pressure, but if I did, I would be right there with you with a 6+ hour finish. Flat course or not.


                              Carol, I hadn't thought about the ramifications of caring for a 2 year old. Not potty trained, huh? Glad you have handed his diaper-clad bum back to his parents. (Or her. Can't remember whether you have DGDs or DGSs or one of each.)


                              Cathy, I can send some marmalade, but split oranges will not travel well. You'll have to come pick them up (and if you do I will have you out there with picker in hand harvesting some of them!).


                              Karen, pizza freezes. Wrap two slices in plastic wrap back to back. so the cheese doesn't stick together, and I would advise putting several pairs of slices in a gallon freezer bag because plastic wrap tends to unravel as it freezes, it loses its pliability and its sticking ability. Glad you all had a good time!


                              Liz, good that work is being supportive. Definitely quit. I agree with Damaris, it is much better to be a bit heavier and not a smoker. There is NO benefit to smoking, quitting is the single biggest thing you can do to improve your health. And your running!


                              Sandy, sorry for your loss. 47 is far, far too young. How awful.


                              How is the kit kat dealing with the cold? He doesn't go outside, does he? Sis's puggle is not happy about the chilly weather here. The only frosty paws she wants to encounter are the doggie ice cream treats.


                              Damaris, summer is here already? Does Florida get any winter?


                              Judy, nice weekend workout. I haven't been able to get onto runango at all, have you?


                              Laura, glad you could switch to the half without a problem.


                              2.6 this morning in chilly weather -- 34 feels like 28. Rain stopped but there is plenty of snow on the mountains surrounding Los Angeles. I still wear shorts but go with a long sleeve with a sweatshirt over it, plus gloves. Planning to go to the Y at lunch since I have no meetings, yay! Though this morning's meeting was a disappointment. They had told us breakfast would be served and the order got messed up, so there was no food. I was not happy, and there were plenty of rumbling tummies at the meeting.

                                People are changing their GC registration? I'm still looking at a 6 hour finish for my full. As of now I will keep it as is. Someone save me a beer. Lol



                                I’m doing the marathon, I will not be speedy, and I’ll be hanging out at the finish line until everyone in our group is done, barring tornadoes, thunderstorms or snowstorms.


                                Seloc, I’m sorry about your cousin. Dementia is terrible at any age, but 47 is so young.  


                                Waves to to everyone else. On my phone and supposedly working...

                                5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
