Womens Running


Wednesday /is it Friday yet/ (dailies) (Read 17 times)


    How is it only Wednesday!!?


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Lisa, I bet the Apple vs Garmin debate was… entertaining. I’d probably start it, then just step back and enjoy the show Big grin But, of course, Apple = lifestyle; Garmin = functionality.


      Liz, ugh, hang on there. People being POS like that is just them being insecure.


      So, yesterday was, uhm, fun… (I’ve been saying that a lot lately). I was having light dinner before floorball practice, enjoying alone time at local cafe, lazily scrolling thru social media messages that had been left unread during the day, and noticed huge block of text posted in floorball team Whatsapp chat by coach. Very emotional text, but to put it in nutshell, removing the emotional bits / words -- “what the hell is happening w team, I don’t feel the team spirit, when you are united you can do wonders, what’s wrong now, if you think I am too inexperienced or dislike me for whatever other reason just say so and I’ll leave” etc etc etc. I thought “uhm, wow, Peter, wow, holy crap” (as I said, the way he wrote those things was dramatic). Since I had had my frustrations re: some of his decisions ever since Game 1 of the season, I thought it would only be fair if I answered the “what’s wrong” part, at least from my point of view / what makes me not feel like part of the team. I tried to put things as rationally as possible (easier when doing in written text instead of verbal conversation, to be fair), repeating that it’s just my view and I don’t think he’s unqualified or smth, and that I feel this needs to be said as 85% of the team will answer “what’s wrong” part with “what do you mean, everything’s fine”, but the other 15% (my line-mates) are frustrated. When I clicked [send] I realized two things – 1) I had come up w 4x bigger block of text than his 2) the whole thing read like an email to President or something, since I was telling myself “no emotions, just be rational, don’t f--- this up” at every sentence. But it’s done. And I feel better. I later sent printscreens to my line-mates and they said I had written everything perfectly. So, yay.


      The practice was utter disappointment; only 4 people arrived; and instead of 90mins we played for an hour. So, I didn't get my run in, nor was there a quality time spent on rink. Meh. Trying to stay positive.


       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have 5 miles tonight.


        My piano playing was interrupted last time 30 times between the iRobot hitting my legs, the cats jumping on top of the keys or the sheets, etc.  Then the fucking iRobot dared go atop a mound of flattened cardboard boxes from the move so off I go to save it and then turned around and slide down (fell) on my ass. The fucking iRobot was do ungrateful it hit me in the left side of my head because I wouldn't let go of it.  So, there I lay for 2 minutes laughing my ass off until my husband had to come down to investigate and found me laying atop the mound with an iRobot in my arms like I had saved it from destruction.

        And then I lifted.


        Elina, did he ever answer?  Glad you mentioned something because most people just keep meh, it's OK until it isn't.



        Former Bad Ass

          Although looking at the leaves flying around my window, I noticed we have a wind warning and 60mph gusts expected today so if not today, I'll run the 5 on Friday.  It will just depend on how windy it is tonight.


          MTA, I just checked and we are expecting 44mph wind gusts until 10pm.  OK, RD it is, lol.



          Cupcake Connoisseur

            6.2 for me this morning.


            Warm out there - 50's! It was drizzling and felt good! Supposed to drop to cooler temperatures overnight. Anyway, run was ehh. Longest I have gone since the race and it felt like 10 not 6. Just felt tired and sluggish. I am thinking my legs are just fatigued from Body Pump yesterday. I will probably move the run + body pump workout to Thursdays - that way I have a rest day afterwords Smile . Hopefully tomorrow's run is better!


            Hoping today is somewhat calm so I can get some baking done! Going to attempt my first ever cheesecake and have to make my usual sweet potato casserole Smile. Got an email this morning asking if they can address my name change (I guess people are asking) - which I said was fine and appreciated them checking with me. But they also mentioned something about staffing changes...and another Manager will be leaving the account. IDK..just gets me worried about the contract renewal. I love this job and it is really the first job EVER that truly challenges me. I am going to ride it out and I hope that is the right choice.



            Docket – I was laughing out loud at your IRobot post when I read it last night 😊. Have a great 5!


            Kilmisters – Oh Boy. Sorry for all of the floorball drama. Glad you said something and that you feel better! Did anyone else on the team say anything? Did he respond? Don’t leave us hanging!!! 😊



            Happy Wednesday! WOOHOO for Turkey Day tomorrow!!!!!



            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


            Cupcake Connoisseur

              LOL. We are expected to get some pretty gusty winds tomorrow!!


              Although looking at the leaves flying around my window, I noticed we have a wind warning and 60mph gusts expected today so if not today, I'll run the 5 on Friday.  It will just depend on how windy it is tonight.


              MTA, I just checked and we are expecting 44mph wind gusts until 10pm.  OK, RD it is, lol.



              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


              Former Bad Ass

                LOL. We are expected to get some pretty gusty winds tomorrow!!



                Glad mine moved to today, though, since I don't want to run the Turkey Trot like that.  It will be 29F for it but no winds.


                LC Runs

                  Good Morning!


                  3 on the TM for me this morning.  I am going in to work later this morning so the plan was to run outside but it's raining hard, ugh.  Oh well, at least it's not snow.


                  Elina - ugh, sorry about the floorball drama, hope things improve soon!


                  Damaris - have a good 5...on Friday!


                  Lizzie - enjoy the baking.  I have a couple of things to make tonight.  Luckily, it will be a small group and they are all bringing something so I don't have to do too much.  I did the grocery store pick up early this am so I didn't have to deal with the store lol


                  Okay, better get moving, have to be at work in an hour.  Should be a fairly quiet day, thank goodness!!

                    5.2 w/ Cissy this morning.  Steamy and foggy.  Crazy weather.


                    OMG!!!  Pumpkin pie FAIL!!!  I added the whole can of milk instead of 2/3 cup!!!  What is WRONG with me????  Pay attention Susan!!! Now I have to go back to the store.... Why am I such a ditz sometimes??? I thought it looked quite runny....


                    Elina--I hope the floorball team sorts out, addresses the problems and gets back to business.


                    Damaris--laughing at your iRobot attack!!  lol


                    Have a great day!!

                      Feels like Friday with the Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow.  Friday is not a government holiday but I'll take off early.  Things will be verrrrry quite at work then.


                      Kilmisters, good that you were able to share your perspective with the coach.  Maybe things will change, maybe not, but at least it's out there now.  What the coach does with the info is up to him.


                      Damaris, lol on you battling it out with the iRobot.


                      Lizzie, nothing you can do about the contract situation at work so just keep doing your best.  Good luck with the cheesecake!  For our local friendsgiving, I was asked to bring... brussels sprouts.    I can tolerate them but def not something I enjoy.  But I'm a good guest and will not quibble with my assignment.


                      LC, I'd think running in snow would be better than running in rain.  Not sure why I think that... it would be prettier?  It wouldn't soak you as fast?


                      Karen, safe travels for Thanksgiving.


                      Lisa, HBD to A!  Agree with what Kilmisters said about Apple vs. Garmin.  And you're right to step back from the discussion.  Sometimes people have to learn things on their own.


                      MTA: Hi CrazySue, cross posted.  Oh no on the pumpkin pie fail!


                      First big rain storm of the season rolled in last night!  So happy to see it.  Fire season should be over now in NorCal.  I'm WFH today and not feeling hugely motivated to work.  Coach said rest days x3 after the 50k on Saturday, so that's what I've been doing.    Have 30 minutes easy on the schedule for today.   I'm canceling the 50k on the calendar for 12/8.  It was a freebie fat-ass thing, which I signed up for as a training run when I was contemplating a 100k in February.  But now the goal is a 100k in May, so it really not necessary or helpful to do a 50k now.  Especially since it's a road race and will beat up my legs.  (Look at me being all wise and strategic!)


                      Okay, off to get started.  Will undoubtedly BBL...

                      5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Woot, I finally dared to talk to new boss about WFH and got approved for Tuesdays starting in January.  I didn't want to abuse since they let me keep my compressed schedule and I didn't have any cases so I have been here not doing much and seemed like an abuse to just the same at home, ha.  So, yay me.


                          Working from airport #3... Memphis, Detroit and now Indy. But nothing going on for work so here I am. Looking at end of year trail races.

                          Found this interesting one.

                          Get Lit Trail Run - a 4 hour/8 hour looped course that starts at 2pm/6pm respectfully. You get $1 back for each mile you run and it's cheap to start out with. LOL Could be done on the way down to Memphis after kids leave in the morning. BYOB event. Photos show a disco ball so could be a struggle to earn those miles and leave the party central tent.


                          Yes.. i will leave it to A to decide if he gets either watch. Main reason for getting one was to be able to ensure he works out at good HR. Doc told him 220-age then 85% of that. So under 133. (much higher than the maffetone hr but since doc said it that would be the one to use)


                          Damaris-your evening cracked me up... picturing poor dh finding you there on the ground. And the landing here was pretty bumpy thanks to that wind. You might be interested in the Get Lit run.


                          Elina-was the coach's message to the group or just to you??? Just think how much stronger you are getting by working on positivity in challenging situations!?


                          Lizzie-hope the stomach prepping is going well.




                          Wow..work actually has something for me to do...




                          Cupcake Connoisseur

                            Laura – Nice treadmill run this morning! It started raining pretty bad over here, too. I am sure Ruger isn’t too happy with me that he is at daycare 😊. Good luck on the cooking and the Thanksgiving hosting!!


                            Susan – Oh NO on the Pumpkin Pie!!! When I was baking my cheesecake today, I was triple checking everything. Nice run this morning!


                            Margaret – I have to work Friday as well. I guess that is the benefit of WFH – online shopping? 😊 You are right – nothing I can do about the work situation. Isn’t that the definition of anxiety? LOL. Haha, I LOVE brussel sprouts! How are you going to prepare them??? Look at you listening to your body and all. 😊 I need to take some pages from your book! Hehe.


                            Docket – AWESOME on the Tuesday WFH!


                            Lisa – Hmm, that trail run sounds pretty awesome!! My stomach is ready!!!



                            Slow day at work today (AWESOME) but of course had an emergency plumbing issue at a branch. Felt bad for the tech who had to drive out there at 2pm. Hoping Friday is like today so I can get some shopping done!


                            HCDH and I are meeting our wedding photographer tonight to go over a Heriloom Album? Never heard of them but she raves about them. She wants to show us some samples in person. We are meeting at 7:30! Past my going out time but she has small kids so I will be flexible 😊.


                            Have a good afternoon/evening everyone!



                            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                            WINE o'clock somewhere!

                              Turkey Day here for me.  FINALLY got Tom in the oven at 2:15.  At least no company to worry about.  Just a late dinner.  Two trips to the grocery store, Target, Walmart, Cake shop, and work.  Burned my finger and ripped off a nail. Not my best Turkey day ever.  Tickled (not) to be working tomorrow.


                              Elina, sorry about floor ball.


                              Damaris, sounds like you and your iRobot got a bit chummy!  It appears to be a bit windy here too.  Hope not too bad, my fence is hanging on by a thread.


                              Lizzie, I hope the album is fab!  I don't think I ever mentioned how stunning you looked in the photos.  Just beautiful.


                              Laura, hope you had a nice quiet day at work.


                              Sue, I had a major fail like that making crab cakes once.


                              Margaret, sensible and wise?  That doesn't compute.  We runners are a silly group.


                              Lisa, hope you are enjoying holiday time.  Don't let A's family convince him of an Apple watch, or next thing you know they will convince him into trading in his car for a new one...


                              Have a fabulous holiday tomorrow everyone.  I will be thinking of you all, hopefully just sitting on my arse shooting the shit with my coworkers.


                              Off to baste dear old Tom.



                              Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                              Beast of Burden - August 2024

                              Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                              Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                6 miles this afternoon, windy here, but it's supposed to pick up overnight. Got my sweet potatoes made for tomorrow and have everything ready to go. Heading up to my parents for Thanksgiving.


                                CrazySue, I hate when stuff like that happens while cooking.


                                KatS, enjoy the turkey. If I made one for myself, I would probably make a meal off the skin first. Love turkey skin.
