Womens Running


Wake UP Wednesdays (DAILIES) (Read 19 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Need. Caffeine.



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      9.2 miles for me. 4 of those miles were tempo.


      I crushed this morning. CRUSHED. I was between 8:30-8:47 on those tempo miles and kept it steady. I was comfortably uncomfortable if that makes sense. I haven't seen a consistent "8" since before I started running distance. When I got home, my watch alerted me that I had a PR on the 5K - 26:46! Awesome! This made my day...I want that sub 4 someday soon and I feel like I am making progress! Great run!


      I seriously would have worked from home today if I had had the option. My stomach is a MESS. Luckily not on the run, but when I got home up until now. Not sure whats going on in there! Ugh!


      Can I also just say that my fear of flying has now gotten more intense after yesterday?! That poor woman! I would have passed out from a panic attack if I was on that flight!



      Diane – Wow, that would be quite the challenge. I don’t think my body could handle that 3 days in a row haha.


      Docket – I am sure you looked great silly Smile A whole pizza? You are my hero. LOL. When HCBF and I make burgers, we get the half lb THICK burgers..he never finishes his but you better bet your butt I sure do!


      Laura – I laughed out loud at your run yesterday! Ran down the hallways?! LOL. You must have some long hallways!! Love it though.


      Karen – Glad you are home safely! Oh sh!t on the ankle!! It could very well be from the compression tights and flying. Ice that baby! I hope you had a great night eating pizza and cuddling with your boy! Smile Get on that race report! Wink


      Run4kupcakes – Does that mean you are going with the windy option?



      Body pump yesterday + intense run today = exhausted. I am ready for a nap!


      Happy Wednesday!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



        Lizzie...lol if you knew my secret for being slow you could do 3 days of marathons.  Ultras and multidays for those of us in the back of the pack think of them as a day long party.  Even the elites party after they get done crushing the course record.  When you are done with your sub 4 marathon and I know you will get it then come try trails and ultras.  With your marathon training you could do a 50k with your eyes closed....well a flat non technical one.


        Not sure I could eat an entire pizza, maybe a really small one when I'm really hungry.  Like Lizzie I can eat a whole thick burger but have to be really hungry.


        Laura, when I want to make sure I get all the steps I walk around the inside of our building every time I get up.  It's not very big tho.


        Karen, hope the ankle is better today.


        Sue, Tessa are you doing better today?


        R4k, you can certainly do another HM but you probably don't want to race it.


        I figured out a way to do a self supported long run at home....if I can find a place 6 miles down the road where I can park my carl, I can put a cooler in it with water, coke, gator aid and snacks, walk home from there where I can set up a "aid station" at my driveway then walk back to the car.  12 miles then I can repeat that.  Since they are back gravel roads I should be able to find somewhere.  Now for the weather to cooperate.



        A 40 percent chance of showers. Cloudy, with a high near 56.  Don't know what the winds will be like but I can live with this one.


        Hello everyone.


        Mighty Mouse

          Tuesday I did a 30 minute cardio dvd workout since it was snowing like crazy. I also did some yoga and meditation exercises.

          Today Snow is gone but it is freezing. Ick! I’m not sure but I may try to go to run out the trail.

          Safe and happy runs, All! 

          Where is the "any" key?   



            Well...I made it to work today, but I coughed so much last night I already need a nap.


            Doc gave me a prescription for cough meds that don't work and an antibiotic.


            Wish I was at home but just really needed to get some work done. Sad


              karen....hope your ankle is better this morning.  Must be nice to be back with some warm temperatures.


              Liz.....wow, that is a great run.  Pretty sure you will be smashing a sub 4 marathon very soon.  I can also eat a 1/2 pound burger, no problem, love them!


              Sue....gosh, wish you could shake that darn cough, feel better.


              Diane....no way I could do 3 marathons on consecutive days!  Nope.  It's awesome that you are contemplating such a feat!  sounds like a good plan with parking of the car and making your own aid station.  Living in town it is easy for me to swing by my house during long runs.


              Upper body with trainer this morning and it was good!  Starting to get more comfortable with him and he with me, so was good.


              More snow predicted for tonight, sigh................





              6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15



                They have 5k, 10k and HM options too Ginny   Sat and Sun they have the 50k option and now even a 50k relay option.  Trail is open until dark and the marathon starts at 530 so basically you have all day.


                  HCK – I thought that next half may a bit ambitious!  Smart to give yourself a touch more rest in between.  Then you’ll be more fresh to crush your goal!  You hit 90* already?!!  Oh wow.  Yeah, then snow flurries are an extra shock to the system.  We haven’t seen a 60 since November.


                  Damaris – mmmmmmmmmm pizza.  I never order it since I’m afraid of eating the whole thing!  And I don’t run NEAR the miles to make that even remotely a good idea haha


                  Karen – glad you made it home and were greeted with open arms errrr dog fur haha.  Sweet Riley.  I love how much he loves his mama.  I bet you are right – ankle swelling from tights and flying and not quite so much from injury.  But, take it easy!  Good luck with all your chores today.  Hopefully Riley lets you at least sleep in!!  Yeah, like Lizzie said, get on that RR haha


                  Laura – LOL OMG that’s so awesome you ran around your workplace.  Sounded like the best of the three options, though!


                  Lizzie – WOOHOO on awesome run with PR 5K!  No DOUBT that made your day!  You are FAST.  Karen fast!!  But, ugh on the stomach woes.  Yeah what a crazy thing with that airplane.  Just gotta make it through the day then you can SLEEP.  REST DAY for you tomorrow!  Woohoo!


                  Diane – wow, marathon 3 days in a row.  Kinda like the breast cancer 3-day only a bit longer haha.  Have you ever done one of those?  That sounds like a GREAT plan for your outdoor long runs/walks at home.


                  Judy – sorry for the snow!  And cold.  At the end of April, this should be gonzo.


                  Sue – awwww man, sounds like you’ve got a doozy.  Sorry you had to come in to the office today!  And that stinks the meds don’t work.  Ugh.  Feel better!


                  Ginny – glad you are liking the replacement trainer!  Ugh, I’m SO sorry for the snow tonight.  Hopefully it’s just a dusting and disappears quickly.  Not really a burger lover, per se, but if I’m super hungry pretty much anything tastes good haha


                  3 measily mi indoors this morning and some weights.  Yuck.  But, better than staying in bed and being more of a crabass, I guess.  Like Ginny, more snow tonight.  HOORAY!  Or, not.  Volleyball pizza party after school today.  Not really looking forward to it after the shenanigans last week but will be happy to put it all behind me.  I know their actions have a lot to do with age but, I have never been around a group their age that is so defiant.  I have nieces and my experiences with them and their friends are MUCH more respectful.  Pretty sure I’m the first person ever in their short lives to tell them “no”.  Ah well, moving on.  Ready for the weekend already!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning!  I have 6 with 4 X 800m intervals and maybe weights later.  I thought of running now that I have a couple of hours off but I have work to do.  Grrrr.


                    Liz, great job crushing the run.


                    Diane, I like to do loops like that, so hopefully you'll find a loop to do just that.


                    Judy, hoping you can get out on the trail.


                    Susan, feel better!


                    Ginny, nice job on the workout.


                    Sandy, nice job on the 3.



                    Running with the Turtles

                      Only Wednesday?  Foot feels good, so I plan to do a run tomorrow morning!  Taking it slow.    Will do some strength tonight.  Hopefully the core and hip work will pay off.  The mom of one of DD's friends messaged me, apparently her daughter now wants to do a 5K because of DD!  DD is doing a foam 5K in July, that might be a fun one for a first 5K for her friend.    We are under a winter weather advisory, up to 5 inches of snow expected this afternoon.  Yay.


                      Lizzie, awesome tempo!  That is a great tempo pace!!  You are definitely making progress, you have been making awesome progress over the past year.  I knew you had it in you!     Sorry about the stomach issues.  Those tough runs tend to mess up my stomach also.  I don't know, flying is like driving.  You never know what's going to happen, and most of the time you don't have control over it.  Did I tell you that I was hit by a semi while driving in my car about 15 years ago?  Probably lucky to have survived.  The semi pushed my car down the expressway, luckily my car didn't flip or anything.  Totalled my car but I was fine.  50 degrees and winter coats?  People here would be wearing shorts.    Well, for the trail series they only give finisher medals for the half marathon.  If you get an age group medal you have to wait for the ceremony, which is usually after most of the 10K runners finish.  So you could wait around for awhile for the medals if you run the 5K!  My friend actually ran Boston when the bombing occurred.  That was the last time she ran it.  She finished that one in about 3:50 and was about a block away from the finish when the first bomb went off.  It just seems like so much effort to bundle up when you're only going to run for about a half hour.  And then you have all that laundry!  Much easier to just throw on shorts and a tee and hop on the TM.  


                      Diane, I like your car/aid station idea!  That works.  That weather report sounds decent!


                      Sue, sorry that the cough does not seem to be going away!  Hope the day goes quickly for you.


                      Ginny, glad that you are adjusting to the new trainer!


                      Sandy, miles are miles.  Good job getting them done!  At least my kids are happy about the snow.  They are building a town in our backyard.  They have a townhouse and a restaurant so far.  They were out there with shovels.  If they are going to shovel, why don't they do our driveway?    Hopefully there will be no drama at the pizza party!  I don't do well with disrespectful kids.  It's not my job to parent other people's kids.    Reminds me of when we were on vacation, we were eating at the restaurant in the Zion National Park, it was a brewery and they had an outdoor seating area with the cornhole game set up on a stage where they could have live music.  I assume you know what cornhole is.    These kids were "playing", they were basically just throwing the bags onto the stage as hard as they could and making a ton of noise.  We were sitting right next to them while their parents were on the far edge of the area, drinking their beer and ignoring their kids.  The people next to us were really annoyed and trying to move to a different table.  DH finally said to the kids, "Play right or don't play at all!"  They quieted down.    Good point about the cross training.  I was hoping to get in some cardio with something somewhat fun, but I may have to resort to the elliptical.


                      Damaris, I think you look fine without makeup.  


                      Karen, welcome home!  Hope the ankle recovers quickly!


                      Laura, good job getting the miles in!  You are awesome.  



                      Anonymous Guest

                        At some point this morning I'll have to empty my suitcase so I can start laundry. The ankle was still a bit swollen this morning, I've been icing. I'll take off more than my usual two days after a marathon before I run again though - I don't want to hurt something and it's not like a couple extra days are going to make a difference. i would like to do Boston one more time, but right now I don't have a BQ time for 2019. I will probably not run it next year anyway (thinking 2020) but I'd like to have that option when registration opens this fall. If it happens in Fargo, awesome, if not, well, my decision becomes a lot easier because the chance of running a marathon fast in the summer/early fall is very small.


                        R4K, I still haven't read your race report yet but will today. From comments it sounds like you ran as well as could be expected with a strong headwind the second half.


                        Laura, I was picturing you running up and down the hallways at work last night and laughing my butt off. You are a role model for getting it done in any circumstance, that's for sure!


                        Liz, I was in the air on a Southwest plane when that happened. Sitting in a window seat just behind the wing on that side of the plane. I didn't even hear about it until last night when DH brought it up. He freaked out when he heard since he knew I was flying Southwest and that I had a connection somewhere, just not sure where. And that I like window seats when I'm tired so I can lean against the side of the plane to get some rest. Relieved when he saw that there was no way I would have been on that particular plane, but still. Anyway, great run for you again! This is starting to sound like a broken record. I think you have the 4-hour marathon in you right now physically. It's just mentally accepting that you can run that pace for that many miles. And it's hard to go out that much faster than you normally would, knowing there's a chance you could totally crash and burn before the end. That's why it's so hard to get huge PRs I think - the mental aspect.


                        Diane, three in three days sounds pretty badass. I've done two in two and I don't think I would have the energy for a third day. I know people do, but I am not one of those people. Your forecast for this weekend looks amazingly awesome to my eyes.


                        Hi Judy, cool that you found Sunday Buddy! That's a much better sign of spring than the weather these days!


                        Susan, I am sorry you're so sick. Even more sorry you're at work. Any chance you can leave early and go nap? Take care of yourself.


                        Ginny, it was 83 when I stepped out of the airport yesterday about 4 pm. My shirt/sweatshirt/jacket with compression tights and sweats were a bit much for conditions! But man, did it feel nice. Who would have thought you'd still be wishing you were down here this late in the year? Warmer temperatures are coming, I just know it.


                        Sandy, hope you survive the pizza party! And um, I did not sign up for snow for Fargo. You guys need to just stop with this weather already, mmmmkay?


                        Cathy, while you are at "only Wednesday" I'm at "how is it Wednesday already?" Almost feels like a Monday for me with racing Monday and traveling all day yesterday. How cool that DD has inspired her friend to run! And how cool that your foot is feeling good! Get back out there. Conservatively but consistently. You'll be back before you know it.


                        Race report is coming. I've just been in kind of a brain fog since that day - weather plus travel just added to normal marathon exhaustion. I slept over nine hours last night (although I was up briefly at 5:30 to let out and feed the four-legged alarm clock) so am much better today.


                        Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                        Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                        Check out my website and youtube channel

                        Anonymous Guest

                          Oh, I forgot. This shows just how much the weather conditions affected things on Monday.

                          I qualified for Boston with a 3:52 and that got me bib #22918.

                          I finished with a 4:10 and my overall finish place was 17780.

                          Around 18 minutes slower yet I beat my bib by over 5000.

                          And that doesn't count all the elites I beat once they dropped out . That's right, I beat the Kenyans and Ethiopians. And Galen Rupp.

                          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                          Check out my website and youtube channel


                          WINE o'clock somewhere!

                            Good run Lizzie!!!!  I have faith you will break 4!


                            Diane, before I got a hydration vest, I would stash water/gels along my running path for "aid stations."  Worked well.  Now I just carry it with me!


                            Judy, hope the weather warms up for you.


                            Ginny, sorry for more predicted snow.


                            Sandy, good luck with the girls tonight.  I couldn't do it.  I would murder them.


                            Damaris, doesn't having to do work just suck!


                            Cathy, glad the foot is doing well.  5"???


                            Karen, WELCOME BACK.  I agree with everyone, you are a badass!  I got to watch the race on TV, and it looked miserable.  Can't wait to hear about it.


                            Got a crap 2 miles in, mostly walking.  Annoyed, my hip is hurting again like last winter.  Nothing bad, mostly just when I am walking at the beginning.  Doesn't bother me when I start "running" but it makes me worry.


                            Not much else.  I was a good girl last night and met the local trail group for a beer.  They meet up after their run, but since it ends at 6ish, and I work until 7, all I can do is meet up after.  I was pretty nervous going, but I really need to get out and be more social.  Hopefully I will go more.


                            Thinking I will almost certainly drop down to the 25K for Pinelands.  I probably will start at the 50K distance incase I feel tolerably well after the first loop.  (Hah, that is FUNNY!!)  I am super disappointed in myself.  I am pretty sure I am fighting some extra depression.  Probably out of loneliness.  I really need to interact with people outside of work.  But I am having a hard time.


                            Have a lovely day ladies.  Hope it warms up for the majority of you and you get a bit of Spring in before Summer arrives.



                            Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                            Beast of Burden - August 2024

                            Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                            Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                              Lizzie has a goal to go sub-4.  Karen would like to BQ which is ALSO sub-4.  They are BOTH running Fargo in a month.  Fargo is FLAT.  Kinda makes me go hmmmmmmmmmmmm   And SUPER HAPPY I could witness the greatness!!

                              Anonymous Guest

                                Lizzie has a goal to go sub-4.  Karen would like to BQ which is ALSO sub-4.  They are BOTH running Fargo in a month.  Fargo is FLAT.  Kinda makes me go hmmmmmmmmmmmm   And SUPER HAPPY I could witness the greatness!!


                                I'm game. DEPENDING ON THE WEATHER.

                                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                                Check out my website and youtube channel
