Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:15 AM

5 mi


62 F


7 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


Hard day today. Surprisingly so, after last week's good tempo run. This week, I got on one of the new machines, hoping to duplicate last week's low AHR and reject the possibility that the old machines are easier than the new ones. No such luck. Temp was 63, 81% RH, which doesn't seem that different from last Wednesday. It's cloudy today, though, whereas last week was clear. The mystery continues. Today, I didn't even feel like finishing out the 2nd tempo mile.

1 M WU to HR 130 (it bounced up to 133 just before the start of the tempo part, then upped the speed to 7:30 m/M pace, 05% incline. AHR for mile 1 was 145, for the next half mile 154, then it was CD, droppin gHR to 130 in the last half mile. 5 altogether.
