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3:20 PM

1 mi


6:20 mi


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HOOOOLLLLLYYYY SH*T, i didn't think i was going to do as bad as i did. I haven't gotten much sleep over the weekend because my coughing woke me up, but i thought i was going to run faster than a 6:20......i mean i ran that like a year ago during freshmen year time trials. I didn't think my cool and sore throat would slow me down that much, also i didn't trying overly hard to push myself but still.......6:20. After about 200-400m i could feel how bad my breathing was, i thought i was going to breath better but no........., Why the H*ll was this season so bad, i had a really good summer, if i would have started to log my miles earlier than i would have almost 400 miles. I hope i can improve by track season.
