Swim: Mixed Previous Next


1200 m


128 lb
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A Nice Relaxing Swim today. Thurs is my Best Day as it is the first day off work and so I can relax and focus on ME -:). It is also (MDND) My Do Nothing Day. However, I have been really productive this morning with household and Greek business affairs. It never ends! Soon though I will drop as I have been up since 4 pm. This is a new pattern of sleep!!!!! Swimming twice per week has helped my core very much as the wrist injury caused me much hardship. Still holds but I am fighting it. The Woman of Mani does not easily give up! As my friend Annette refers to me 'The Woman of Mani' -:) and of course Piraeus too! Never forget that my first light was in Stoupa but my Enlightenment in Piraeus, the place where I came to become! -:) As for Scotland, I have not answered the Q yet? What the purpose has been that I have been here for over 36 yrs now. Greece though is in my Heart and Soul. A Greek always Greek!
