Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


3.2 mi


128 lb
  • Map

New Abbey Rd


My usual 3.2 miles to the end of New Abbey Road / Point to Point Run! It is nice and in nature running that way early in the morning.

Since I dropped my Garmin a few weeks now I feel liberated. There seems to be a sense of quality and self-control in my running despite the challenges of the body. Like the 'Old' Good Days -:). It allows me to run free and focus at the MOMENT. I can turn within in my soul and listen to the body rather than focus on or be influenced by the sounds of the Garmin.

Once upon a time and over my 45 yrs of running life in earlier years and even more to 10 yrs ago I used to have the last for speed and racing (during the Garmin years). Before that, I ran with the Body, Mind, and Soul. Once I started using a Garmin racing with the clock and time became more prominent, the running took a dimension of technical improvement and fast pace.

Now, racing is not my focus. My Love for Running becomes more powerful once I focus on the Moment and work with my Body and Soul. I no longer put at risk my body and work from within outwards rather than the other way round. Racing with time threatens the experience and quality of my Meditation on The Move. Although I run fewer miles I appreciate my running more and feel closer to my soul in perfect cadence. There is more Balance in Me and I am grateful for being able to move forwards without the pressures and expectations of the clock. I do miss though my long-distance running experiences but feeling Lucky to have had them.

I am Grateful and Thankful to God for allowing me still to do what I Love - RUNNING -:)
