Run: EASY Previous Next


4.1 mi


8:28 mi



9 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


I have difficulty to define this run as either Easy or Fast as it is neither one or the other. It will be better to say that it was an easy run that required a lot of effort. My legs felt a bit under CS (just a touch) due to change in the weather. Today we had the first frosty morning which means weather is changing fast with temperatures to dropping at am and late pm hours. This tends to require a lot more of warming up on my part which I did not do due to lack of time. However, the run went fine and I felt a lot better after the 2nd mile to the end. But thank God I did not have to do another 5 loops + today. I tend to run very well after body warms up well so the first two/three miles will be critical for the Marathon and how I approach the beginning. Just about 10 Days to Go ....
