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6:40 AM

6.3 mi


10:11 mi


128 lb
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In Town

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Franc now calls me 'The Night Runner' and I feel like one. There is all that mystery around the night runner. The morning night runner or LH in the dark.

This morning I was yearning to listen to my music while on the move but thank God I gave it a miss. I could hear the birds singing all the way and it was a bliss for the soul. Nothing but nothing can beat the sounds of nature. Today was a very nice mild weather morning with no rain and no wind but clear skies and good visibility. So, I could hear the birds. It is still dark out there up and until almost 8 o'clock with the Dawn breaking at around 7:30 am. No long now for more light. It happens quickly.

My run was good and I took it easy as usual and thinking of my recent misfortune of pulling a muscle on the right side of the middle of the back. Just enough to make things awkward but not impossible. It is painful when twisting the body rather than when running on a straight line. Just a minor adjustment of the body and is a killer at once. It will take a week before it goes. I need to swim more often to keep this back supple and moving.

Nothing comes easy nowadays but the 'funny' thing is that the Hallux Rigidus probs allow me to run. I keep saying this to myself day in day out to believe it. It is a miracle indeed. God is with me. For as long as I am inspired by so many others my soul will continue to run forever and make this body submit to the desire of the soul. God is great and every time I leave the front doorstep I remind myself of that. Never ever do I take things for granted and I thank God for been so fully of mercy.
