Run: Hill Repeats Previous Next


19.3 mi


9:50 mi



8 / 10
5 / 10


The first 3 to 5 miles were very tough with legs not responding and feeling extremely heavy and tight. I did a very slow pace to start with but after the 7th mile I picked up the pace a bit and felt stronger. There is no doubt that I am running with Compartment Sundrome most times but for some reason after the first 5 miles I manage to go into a rhythm and and even strong pace which is promising and encouraging. The amazing thing is that I picked up the pace and felt good after the 7th mile when the hills started. From 11th mile to 15th I struggled again. From 15th to 19th I felt physically and psychologically a lot better. I had a good finish and although I had felt the distance workout on my legs and hips I did a good strong pace.
