Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


3 mi


128 lb


8 / 10
3 / 10
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Well this was an interesting run!!!! I said many times to my Frankie that I DO NOT LIKE RUNNING ON THE TREAD MILL. I know I may have to adjust due to harsh winters and weather conditions but for as long as I can safely run on the real ground I would not use the treadmill.

The fact that it is an artificial form of running, that I do not create and stimulate movement by my own body, that all others are creating a horrible pounding noise along with all the sweat around me wrapped up in their own little ipods and worlds in a moving fashion makes me feel ill. I cannot tolerate running like this. It does take away from me all the beauty of running as a form of creative work, meditation on the move, going into my own zone and create my own workout by seeing, observing, planning etc. There is no point doing hills when I cannot see the hill and there is no point doing speed because the tread mill makes me do it and not my own unique sense and need and desire. Tread Mill 'kills' all my emotions that running creates in me, in my body, in my mind, in my heart and soul.

When I finished my workout I felt physically drained, CS was on it's best and I felt I achieved nothing despite the fact that I had worked for at least 1/2 hour and up-hill. I lost sense of time, measure of effort and felt like a 'fish out of the water'. On the top of all I resented the fact that I had to use all my mental energy to accommodate this machine, get to know it and work with it. Actually I worked against it. I know how to run on it but it does absolutely nothing for me. Or better it has done something for me. I have learnt now even more to appreciate how lucky I am to be able to run in a natural environment with nature around me. Living in Dumfries and Galloway and beautiful Scotland why anyone would want to go through this ordeal? I may have to tolerate it in harsh weathers but I will treasure every sec of my running in the open air because now I will know the difference between running on earth and running on the spot.

30 min tough workout and I could barely walk thereafter as CS thrived today. It was the fact that this was a faster run and in sequence to yesterday's long workout but also emotionally was charging due to me tolerating and fighting back.
