Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


10.2 mi


9:39 mi


127 lb


4 C


8 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


I forgot Garmin today and this gave me even more an opportunity to run at an easy pace and go with the body. Prior to my run I had treatment for my foot and in a way I felt better but also apprehensive as I have had very aggressive pain on the bunion laterly.

The treatment has greatly helped. I did a 10 miler after all because I felt light and surprisingly I had a surprise amazing run. I was taken aback a bit and continued easy for first half. When I realised I was feeling still good I increased pace comfortably. Knowing the feeling and the body I felt I was running at about an average 10:30 pace per mile to start with whilst for last 4 to 5 miles it felt low 9's or maybe even high 8's. I was approximately running at 9:30 pace mile but most importantly I was feeling comfortable.

Today's run surprised me. Left leg had some hold ups especially at lower part but did not have the gravity or extreme tightness. It was only two days ago I had the hilly workout. I am really taken aback by how well I run today. For last 4 miles I was running from the inside. It tends to be the case now that when I get the chance to run free then I run from the inside. What a beautiful feeling indeed!!! I have not had this feeling for weeks and weeks. Today I wanted and visioned for 2nd time doing the Boston Marathon. Today I felt that I am destined to do the BM. This year has to be my year no matter what. I said to myself that I have earned it, I have waited a long time ... maybe all my life to do this .... and I believe I WILL. Only it does need another miracle. There is no other way about it.

So, I am grateful to GOD for this run and for many more to come.
