Run: Hill Repeats Previous Next


9:37 AM

5.4 mi


10:18 mi


-3 C


8 / 10
3 / 10
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I surprised myself today. It was -5 when up and I was feeling pretty rough (head heavy and body tired). The next minute seeing the first beam of sunlight and I was out there to run. I am still driven to my surprise!!!

All evolved as I went along. I cannot plan any run nowadays the way things go. It is 'a touch and go' situation and thinking literally 'on my feet'.

I did 6 X 1min hill repeats with 1 min recovery in between. I could hear my watch going low in battery but I know my hill and also speed. The Garmin made it to the end although I was not able to see the whole screen.

I averaged an 8:15 pace per min with my 3 last ones be the faster ones. The 6th was my fastest and hardest of all. I was o.k up hill (practicing exhaling as my cardio was a bit demanding and this did wonders and allowed to run faster and lighter) but down hill my bunion took revenge on what I would call a pretty o.k day regarding other matters. Left leg hurt slightly on the usual spot but behaved up hill and was easily tolerated.

Then going back to my car for about last 1.5 mile I did 3 X 40 at 7:50 pace per mile. It was o.k and just enough to feel that I did my workout. I felt 100 times better after my run but I need to take care of that bunion again. It is painful.
