Run: EASY Previous Next


10:37 AM

7.3 mi


10:21 mi


128 lb


23 C


5 / 10
5 / 10
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Mabie Rd / River / Dock Park / Home

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After a discussion with Franc about Effort Runs and what differentiates an Easy Run from a Medium or Fast Pace Run I tried to ease down as I wanted this to be a really easy run. I knew by effort that this was a very slow almost jogging pace. I tried to say to myself that I need this kind of runs for recovery. However, I was getting tired of the pace and in a , funny way, I felt I was using more effort if this make any sense. Then I started doing my normal easy running pace which I could feel must have been at low 10's.

I carried on this way for the rest of my run re-assuring myself that for whatever reason at this point in my running life this feels to be an easy run: at low 10's.

The day was warm and pretty comfortable as there was a very slight breeze in the air. I run for most of the time in the shade but each time the sun was out it felt hot. I am not able to tolerate much heat nowadays. It has been 3 years now that I would rather run in cooler temperatures rather than the other way around. I love rain and coolness rather than heat and the worse of all humidity. As Franc says, I have lost my Greek element and resilience to the heat. Each time the sun shines it feels as almost burning my skin. But this is how it is skin or blood pigmentation has drastically changed along with the strong beam light of the Sun. So, I need to take good cover in Greece otherwise I will be in trouble.

Today's run was a good quality Easy Run.

I have gone through the motions over the last 4 yrs. Between fractures & re-fractures (Dr's negligence), Compartment Syndrome & bone infections to Perennial issues and Arthritic toe joint / Hallux Rigidus I have not had time and the chance to recover. It feels almost like a 'curse'. But the main thing is that I still stand by my running and I have faith that every day I run I will get stronger and a much better runner. All that crap of weird trauma to my body is just a temporary setback and I know in myself that I have come to be a more reflective and spiritual runner than ever before. For this and all the great things running has offered me I am grateful to God forever. When times get tough in life the memory of all hurdles and the spirit wins in the end. -:) Who says it's easy or was going to be easy but it is meaningful way of doing things.
