Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


1:00 PM

5.1 mi


8:48 mi


No name


5 / 10
3 / 10
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This was a difficult but necessary run. Felt relatively o.k to start with but half-way felt really fatigued physically and body heavy. I knew it was going to be a struggle if almost impossible task to do the hill in the end (3/4 mile very steep hill). But adjusted pace and focused mind away from the hill and occupied with positive thougths and Did It!!!!!!! Then last mile felt nice inside and light down hill to home. Using my Ipod kept me going. This run I did with my spirit rather than my body. It has been a very difficult day but Thank God I can Run through this .... once again has been confirmed that Running never lets Me down unless I do! Did a good warm down thereafter with deep breathing which helped me to relax further.
