Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5:00 PM

6.5 mi


8:53 mi



8 / 10
6 / 10


This was a better run from the start but not an easy one in terms of effort. Started slow but inceased pace at 1/2 mile point to a strong but moderate speed. I pushed a bit thereafter to the 3.5 mile which was the point of return. At that point I checked my time and I was 3 min faster than any other time. Legs felt a lot better so I pushed even harder up hill on the way back. The return was a lot tougher than going there but I maintained a lot faster speed finishing with the last 2 miles almost at tempo effort pace. I was pleasantly surprised that I had the ability to run fast again after a long time and enjoy it. I finished well and in good form with no complaints of calves or hamstring. Today I felt that I have become a lot stronger on hills and thus when running in flat I have the ability to increase speed and again maintain up next hill. This is certainly a good training for the Athens Marathon and very re-assuring for next Sundays' long run up steep hills of Lauriston. So, time will tell. I do know I am running with CS at all times and I feel this is a miracle that I can run the way I do and doing the distance I do. 7 to 8 weeks ago I would have not even considered that I would be where I am now. However, my focus is to complete the Marathon and of course to enjoy it. Anythig above and beyond this regarding times it will a bonus and a miracle of the miracles. I will put the work but faith in the reasons I am doing it for, determination, good luck on the day, and great support by all and especially Franc will keep me going. I have started getting excited already about the whole thing and it is so beautiful. I CAN'T WAIT.
