Run: Hill Repeats Previous Next


10:11 AM

5.5 mi


10:58 mi


127 lb



8 / 10
3 / 10
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81 + 1 Days to Boston.

The Coach was an inspiration for me today by mentioning in his email his plans about Hill Repeats. And Franc said 'can I do Hill Repeats with you Reno?; and I said to myself full of envy......'well I do not have the Coach or Franc or Susan to practise together so let's do it'. After all 'Hill Repeats' is my favourite drill and what more Coach has showed me how to Do It. So, forget it and Do It Yourself. Greatly inspired and motivated to go out and deliver and so I did.

It is so peculiar but during my first two miles warm up I could feel the 'lovely' sensations of gravitation again on both legs. But no pain near the shin bone. This has been significantly reduced or nearly gone. But the gravity was pretty noticeable. However, having in mind the Hill Repeats I made my way to the long steep Shawhead hill and at exactly 2nd point mile I started doing my 6 X 1 min up hill with recovery of 1 min in between.

First one went easy and gradually built up. By the 3rd I was running pretty faster and when the fourth came into play I did work hard / fast and easy especially when 'Time to Love' came on my Ipod. It is amazing what Stevie can do with his music! During the 5th I started feeling a bit beaten up but kept going strong and although fast again for last one / 6th legs felt jelly. It is so strange but I felt better up hill even with breathing been a bit erratic but kept going fast to the end. This was a great workout. By the time I was finishing my run I have had enough and legs felt realy tired. I felt relieved and satisfied with this run. So, thank you Coach and Franck for your motivating email. My first Hill repeats in a long time.
