Run: INTERVAL Previous Next


9:47 AM

10.6 mi


9:50 mi


128 lb


15 C


9 / 10
4 / 10
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Today's 10 miler was a tough run and an enjoyable one.

For 1st mile I run with Franc and it was a joy again running together. So for him 2 miles + his cycling miles and as for me a tough run ahead.

I worked hard and wanted to make it a game and fun so to reduce negative thinking. Feet hurt all the time whether this means arthritic joint or blistered toes or bunions. I do not have time to elaborate about this all when running so I need to divert the mind and 'ignore' the pain. I know my body is good to me because it likes running so my mind will have to find a way to balance this. This is the 'Self Talk' that takes place during my running and then the miracle happens as I feel released and before I know I am running free. At the end of the day 'Who Cares' for as long as I run this works out for me. At least hip / back and groin do not bother any more. It does take time to get into shape and it is only a phase. No matter what running does not come easy but when and each time I run the joy is double.

So, today as it was getting slightly 'heavy' at around 6 miles I decided to do Interval Work so to have fun. I love interval and it does always feel easy and fun. I can go on and on as I can set targets on the move and go from every 2nd pole to another and so fourth. So, whether hills, or downhills or flat I carried on and it was fun. I was positively occupied and body managed o.k too.

However, nearing to arrive home I could feel the hard work done on the body. I was tired due to not enough sleep but happy to deliver a 10.6. I want to beat the mental barrier of the 10 miler as a 'long' run but an average distance run. Getting there. I need more of 10 milers as time goes.

This was also a hilly tough course . . . . . . but I always say 'I like my hills' so no complaints.
