Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5.2 mi


8:28 mi

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Very cold (2C) just close to 0 temperatures. I nearly gave it a miss tonight after a long afternoon with intense work and plenty of driving but just the very last second I turned the car towards my running routine place and parked in Dumfries rather than drive home. I had mentaly decided not to run tonight due to tiredness, cold weather and time pressures but it was change of plan. I also worry a bit about my left knee the last 4 days. This is new complaint but it does not bother me during running. Maybe a little bit of a twist or wrong move. I just feel it when I turn suddeny or when going down stairs on the top of the knee cup. It is amazing when I run well how I can pay attention to all these little niggles and listen to every part of the body attentively.. Hopefully it will go and will be nothng to worry about. The run was great , I run strong, it felt easy and effortless alhtough I am aware I was running pretty hard up-hill and then maintain an even strong pace. I find it very difficult to do "Easy" runs whatever that means. Nothing comes easy with running. It can be painful, it can be fun, it can hurt, it can take you to a different sphere of existance, it can make you feel so special. It is just an amazing experience really. What I LOVE ABOUT IT is that is unique to me. Nothing and No-one else can give me what Running Can. It almost feels as if goes along with my breathing , it becomes one with me and my body and soul. This is not an addiction. People that cannot understand what running means then they call it an addiction. Running is a lot more superior to this. It is a Way of Life and Living. This is what running is.
