Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


7:00 PM

5.1 mi


6 / 10
7 / 10


This was a nice easy going run in the dark around the town in street lights. I also used the light that Franc game my. It was really good and did not upset my run as I was hardly aware of it. It was a very cold night but legs behaved. Very slight tightness/hardly noticeable during my run. I felt good and buit up speed for last 2 miles (up-hill a bit) and was doing strides X 3. I felt I was flying and did finish strong. Tomorrow I will no doubt finding out the outcome of thie run in relation to CS. If CS is still with me then I will experience great difficulty in the am hours to walk up and down stairs. So, in a way I feel tonight I wanted/needed to test my legs because it is too good to believe that CS is almost away. So, time will tell but I will continue to massage legs and listen to body as time goes. A very enjoyable run indeed.
