Run: EASY Previous Next


4.1 mi


9:45 mi


1.3 lb



7 / 10
3 / 10
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I could almost and easily say that today's run brought back the ugly memories of Compartment Syndrome BUT I am not going to go there and put it down to the tough week's (escpeciall yesterday's fast workout). Yesterday I sprinted in a very much unusual way for me. It was not just small fast steps or strides but wide/big strides which they gave an extra propulsion of the body. I have not done this sort of sprint since my teenage years and I feel I put a lot of strain on new muscles on both legs at lower part. I felt this as soon as woke up this morning. However, all in all as they say I feel it is down to this unusual workout rather than CS although the feeling has so many similarities with CS. I did a nice easy Springholm loop today and that was more than enough. I will have now to consider carefully what type of run I will be doing tomorrow!
