Run: LONG Previous Next


14.1 mi


9:20 mi


1.3 lb



10 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map


Gravity and "wooden legs" accompanied the first 4 miles of my run. I hated this feeling and I was in fear of how far I was going, whether I should be running and whether CS has returned . For seconds I almost made the decision to return home. I was struggling up hill and down hill was not making any difference either. This is what happens when CS strikes. I remembered the memories of the past that for first 3 miles is usually "die hard" and then I can run again. It is too much at this point in my running to go back to these thoughts. I felt for sec as pins and niddles in my left cough on the inside of the leg started becoming prominent. So familiar and frightening experience. My mind struggled to understand what I have now done to trigger CS again. I could not think of anything specific apart from my fast sprint on the Track 2 days ago. I thought this as a punishment the fact that I can run for as long as I want but have no right to sprint. I felt trapped in my thoughts. Then I started climbing the hills fast and strong pushing those calves tight to the ground as almost to teach them a lesson because this is where I am strong ... on the hills. It was a steep almost 2 mile hill and I felt well warmed up with painful sensations on both legs gone. So, I made the decision to keep going. However, I lost my way again up on the Galloway hills (I had not done this course before and possibly did not pay much attention being pre-occupied with all thougths). At 7.5 point I decided to turn back home as I was heading nowhere. I run strong back and fairly fast. It almost felt as I was running for my life putting a lot of effort too. I did not know whether I would make it safely home or my body would give up. I was not prepared for this long run. I was aiming for a 10 miler today as I had a tough week. Now I keep promising to myself that no more. This week coming needs to be an easy week in terms of speed and distance. I NOW NEED TO RECOVER and hopefully God will help that CS does not strike again.
