Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5:30 PM

6.3 mi


7 / 10
5 / 10


The way things were going I felt I was not going to put a run this week. However, I did a 6 mile run around the town twice in medium pace. First two miles were tough with body feeling a bit out of condition and legs feeling heavy and not part of the whole equation meaning that the whole body was not working together in harmony. But as soon as I warmed up and at about 3rd mile body took off to a strong relaxed and well tuned pace. It is so nice when all parts of the body work well together in running. Everything then tends to be perfect ... breathing, pace, rythm, speed and somehow everything just evolves with less effort. So, I worked harder for the second half of the run which I really enjoyed. I worked hard up hill twice as I always do. It is so weird but it feels as almost I have developed an auto pilot each time I run on a hill my body reacts as a "Red Bull towards the Red Flag".. I GO FOR IT. No matter the steepness of the hill or the distance it does make no difference till I reach the top. Then I remember Coach saying "push it on the top by doing fast strides for 20 sec". And by the time I do this then I am down hill. It is like a game and a tough challenge at times but full of joy and satisfaction. So, I am glad tonight I managed to put this run. My first 6 miles for the week ..
