Swim: Mixed Previous Next


1000 m


128 lb


6 / 10
9 / 10
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This was the best swim in ages. My body is now gradually adjust to the swimming motion again following almost a whole year away from swimming. Swimming is a great alternative to running for maintaining fitness. I swam for 30 min in a strong continues motion of Front Crawl and Back Stroke/ my favourite for relaxing in the water. I am so lucky that years back I was a club member and was being taught how to swim correctly and so acquired the right technique. So, it feels so much easier to swim and save energy in the water. Swimming taught me how to use the Chi and core of the body to maximise energy and improve performance.

I did some drills with leg kick only to strengthen the muscles and if felt good. I did 40 lengths no stop and I am so proud of myself. As a reward I enjoyed one whole hour in the Sauna and Steam Room whilst relaxed thereafter in the Spa. What a treat. I love the Sauna. I did not use to but I learnt how to master the heat and breathing and stay put and relax whilst hearing others around me puffing and sweating gasping for breath. It is so fascinating watching them as I was once like this but not any more. Mind over matter.
