Run: EASY Previous Next


10:37 AM

6.2 mi


11:09 mi


128 lb



7 / 10
4 / 10
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Today I had the desire to run easy. I felt tired and the foot was hurting me a lot. My body was strong in a strange way as I felt I wanted to go on at this easy pace forever. I run with Franc for most of the time and he was kind off designing his course around about me. He did 8 miles. It is good when we run together nowadays as I do not feel 100% been on my own in the country side. Body is pretty unpredictable with the arthritic joint. Today it was bad especially up-hill when I could feel the resistance of the joint. As always after 4th mile it allowed me to run and running became more pleasant. Too many cars today on that normally quiet country road. I had to pull aside and stop the Garmin so many times. One of those times I forgot to re-activate it and I missed 0.8 which I added manually. Altogether I did 7 miles today. 7 happy miles despite all hurdles. I cannot recall any other time in my recent runs doing an 11 + min miles. Today it felt right. One of these days I want to get out there and do as many easy miles as I can and see where it will get me. I have never allowed myself to run really easy. I have the desire to do this.
