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6:59 AM

3 mi


10:08 mi


128 lb



5 / 10
3 / 10
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Cargen Bridge/Old A75 Bridge

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Running never comes easy nowadays. My body has changed it's ways. No injuries but awkward niggling with all it's parts. Tension on the left leg, tension on the right tendons on the midde back + neck issues and muscle strain on the arms. I feel lost in space at the moment and I cannot understand my own body and what goes on. Due to neck muscle tension or as per Dr's initial assessment (base of neck possible disc probs) I am not able to cycle as cannot turn the head or bend forward or make sudden movements. It is maybe a heavy word to print but it feels that at times I feel trapped in my own body. It is not easy but I know I have to find ways to go around this. So, at the moment running less and in a controlled pace listening to every move of the body muscles and complaints or swimming are the only things I can safely do and for these I feel grateful.

Losing weight I am sure will also help in the long run. The funny thing is my body feels strong when I run meaning it takes off as almost I never stopped. It wants to run. It takes me there wherever the soul desires. Even if it is that I can run a couple of times in the week for the rest of my life without greater ambitions and achievements this will do for me. Running has taken such a different dimension in my soul and has become although less in quantity much more in quality to the point that the quality of every step I take becomes unmeasurable. One has to become philosophical to see, accept and experience the wider picture of things.

So, to go back to the physical aspect of running I shall continue to test the grounds and run for the next quarter of the year in that manner and hope that things will gradually take off and evolve in 2013

My body obviously has been through a shock due to what has happened over the sequence of the most recent years and needs time to recover especially through the course also of PM stage of life. Who says it is easy to be a woman? But still it makes it worth while fighting and earning running rather than having it easy. Nothing comes easy but with it comes the reward and appreciation.
